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Bulk Fertilizer Regulations For Farm Facilities Ohio Department of Agriculture Pesticide & Fertilizer Section 8995 East Main Street Reynoldsburg, Ohio.

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Presentation on theme: "Bulk Fertilizer Regulations For Farm Facilities Ohio Department of Agriculture Pesticide & Fertilizer Section 8995 East Main Street Reynoldsburg, Ohio."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bulk Fertilizer Regulations For Farm Facilities Ohio Department of Agriculture Pesticide & Fertilizer Section 8995 East Main Street Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 (614)728-6397, FAX (614)728-4221

3 Existing farm fertilizer storage tanks that must dike by January 1, 2007 are those that:  Have a storage tank of 5,000 gallons or more at one location; or  Have more than one storage tank with an aggregate capacity of more than 5,000 gallons at one location; and  Store fertilizer for more than 30 days.

4 All new farm fertilizer storage tanks over 5,000 gallons that store fertilizer for more than 30 days must have secondary containment.

5 Plans for secondary containment must meet all applicable zoning regulations, building standards and fire codes. Plans for secondary containment must be approved by the Ohio Department of Agriculture.


7 The Storage tanks must comply with the following requirements: The tanks must be equipped with a lockable liquid level gauging device; The tanks must be secured to prevent flotation; Each tank must have its designed capacity and the identity of its contents stenciled in letters no less than 4 inches in height, on a visible side of the tank; Each tank must have a lockable shutoff valve.

8 Appurtenances (plumbing, pumps, values, gauges, fittings, etc.) Must be in the diked area or have a separate means of containment; All hoses for loading and unloading must have a shut-off valve; Must be supported to prevent sagging & protected to prevent damage.

9 All secondary containment shall: Have 10% more volumetric capacity than the largest storage tank located within the containment area; Not have a tank over 15 feet tall less than four feet from the base of the containment; Be constructed of materials to prevent vertical movement of fertilizer at a rate not to exceed thirty five hundredths of an inch per day.

10 Checks and/or inspections are needed: Weekly for equipment; Monthly for a visual inspection of the exterior surfaces; Monthly for all spill equipment; Yearly using an API 653 checklist for the exterior of the tanks; Once every five years using an API 653 checklist for the interior of the tanks.

11 Records are required: Weekly for recording the liquid level of each tank with fertilizer in it; Whenever there is a discharge of fertilizer outside the containment area; For all repairs and maintenance work performed on each tank.


13 All welds, repairs, and materials shall be made in accordance with the storage tank’s original design specifications, or in accordance with API Standards.

14 All spills outside the containment area are to be reported immediately to the National Response Center and to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. All records of repairs, evaluations, alterations, etc. to storage tanks are to be held for at least 5 years.

15 Farm fertilizer storage tanks over 5,000 gallons that store fertilizer for more than 30 days that are currently in place must have secondary containment by January 1, 2007.

16 Questions? Please Contact Ohio Department of Agriculture Pesticide & Fertilizer Regulation Section (614) 728-6397

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