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Oxford Workshop October 2008 Neil Beagrie Charles Beagrie Ltd UKRDS Consultancy.

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Presentation on theme: "Oxford Workshop October 2008 Neil Beagrie Charles Beagrie Ltd UKRDS Consultancy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oxford Workshop October 2008 Neil Beagrie Charles Beagrie Ltd UKRDS Consultancy

2 Background Study funded under HEFCE Shared Services Programme consists of 3 parts: Feasibility Study: Case study sites researcher and support services data gathering completed – Analysis and initial options in interim report put to Steering Cttee 10 July Business Plan and Governance developed July- Oct Final Report by December 2008 to HEFCE

3 July Interim Report to UKRDS Steering Committee (copies of interim report available from: Final versions of component parts of the Study to be released later

4 Coverage Analysis of the present situation Identification of a range of options for provision of a UKRDS Options Appraisal for further work Appendices - Interim Report UKRDS Survey of the Researcher Viewpoint

5 UKRDS Survey of the Researcher Viewpoint Survey covered 4 universities: Bristol, Leeds, Leicester, Oxford Online Questionnaire completed by Bristol, Leeds, Leicester – 179 responses covering 500 researchers Oxford 40 separate interviews with their research groups covering approx 200 researchers

6 Current Spectrum of Subject Provision (1) UKDAAHDS EBICERNNERCCCDC Slide from Martin Lewis

7 Current Spectrum of Subject Provision (2) UKDA EBICERN NERC CCDC Reference collections Community collections Research collections NSF data collection levels (Store)

8 Current Spectrum of Subject Provision (3) UKDA EBI CERN NERC CCDC Institutional responsibility Reference collections Community collections Research collections (Store)

9 Work under way in other countries US NSF Datanets call ($100m over 10 years) ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) road map and green paper ANDS (Australian National Data Service) German Alliance of Scientific Organisations Priority Initiative on Digital Information Research Data Canada Research Data Services Gap Analysis

10 Australian National Research Data Service

11 Initial Proposals for UKRDS

12 UKRDS “Strawman”Options No Change – This would leave the current situation in place and UKRDS does not exist in any form (except in a long-forgotten report). Some disciplines would be well-provided for, others would not. Massively Centralised – Many of our contacts assumed that UKRDS was all about providing a massive national data repository, either a new facility at a single location or a virtual repository spread over a number of institutions. We consider this option to be the most invasive and expensive of the options. “Hybrid/Umbrella” – In this model, UKRDS acts as an umbrella organisation, representing the interests of many UK data repositories, both those based around single institutions and those based on storage for a single discipline. Business case and processes for “Hybrid/Umbrella” Option being developed

13 UKRDS Delivery Options Separate legal entity or.. UKRDS embedded within an existing legal entity/host organisation Have begun mapping possible relationships and processes...


15 Processes mapped Macro level processes and functions Processes mapped to both: – Generic services, and – The DCC Curation Lifecycle model (Conceptualise level)

16 Testing Processes under particular scenarios Four scenarios following stages of a research project Consider relevance of scenarios Look at processes associated with each Look at points at which UKRDS might deliver or assist to improve upon current practise

17 UKRDS Stakeholders

18 Modelling UK Needs

19 Where do we go from here? Draft Business Plan to Steering Committee/HEFCE Tough Financial Backdrop “Pathfinder” approach to build UKRDS incrementally Hope to build on partnerships established with case study sites, and involve others including some funders and service providers.

20 Questions?

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