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Buddhism and Medicine. Story of The Buddha Meditation.

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Presentation on theme: "Buddhism and Medicine. Story of The Buddha Meditation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buddhism and Medicine

2 Story of The Buddha



5 Meditation

6 Transcendental –Newer –Follows a mantra Mindfulness –Associated with Buddhism –Awareness of our own thoughts, actions and motivations –Uses breathing as a focus

7 Application to Medicine


9 Depression Mood and self-esteem problems Physical or emotional symptoms associated with chronic illnesses Overall wellness

10 Is There Any Evidence? Research? Strength of findings? Journals –Journal of Clinical Psychology Sears & Kraus (2009) – mindfulness for anxiety & coping –Behaviour Research and Therapy Barnhofer et al. (2009) – mindfulness and CBT for depression

11 Challenges With Meditation


13 Summary Meditation is key component to Buddhist practices Mindfulness Application to variety of medical conditions Challenging to achieve

14 Thank You

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