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Tips on Critiquing Articles The goal of the educational research is to observe phenomena in the field of education and attempt to explain why these phenomena.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips on Critiquing Articles The goal of the educational research is to observe phenomena in the field of education and attempt to explain why these phenomena."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips on Critiquing Articles The goal of the educational research is to observe phenomena in the field of education and attempt to explain why these phenomena exist. Tip #1: Know the goal of Educational Research

2 Tips on Critiquing Articles Journal articles consists of:  A Title  An Abstract  An Introduction  A Literature Review  A Methodology Section  A Results Section  A Discussion Tip #2: Know how to Dissect a Journal Article

3 Tips on Critiquing Articles The primary function of a title is to help readers identify articles of interest to them. A title may:  Indicate the independent and dependent variables under study.  Indicate the types of people who participated in the study.  Imply causality (i.e. how one variable impacts another). Tip #3: Understand the Purpose of the Title

4 Tips on Critiquing Articles The Effects of Breakfast on High School Student Achievement Sample: Title Can you identify the dependent and independent variables in this example?

5 Tips on Critiquing Articles The abstract summarizes the article, providing the reader with a succinct overview of the research. Abstracts should briefly describe:  the purpose of the study  the research methodology used  the results of the study Tip #4: Understand the Purpose of the Abstract

6 Tips on Critiquing Articles List five ways that the abstract can benefit you in your research process. Challenge

7 Tips on Critiquing Articles The Introduction…  introduces the research problem under study.  establishes the importance of studying the research problem.  defines the key terms used in the study.  indicates the research question and/or hypothesis Tip #5: Understand the Purpose of the Introduction section of the article

8 Tips on Critiquing Articles The Literature Review…  provides an overview of relevant literature.  indicates how the current study will advance the field’s knowledge base.  suggests the rationale for conducting the current study. Tip #6: Understand the Purpose of the Literature Review

9 Tips on Critiquing Articles The Sample  Random samples allow the researcher to generalize the finding to an entire population.  Non-random samples allow the researcher to apply the findings only to the sample under study. Tip #7: Know if the Sample is Random or Not

10 Tips on Critiquing Articles The Methodology Section…  describes the research design used.  describes the tool used to collect data.  describes the procedure used to collect the data.  Indicates the conditions under which the data was collected.  describes the procedures used to analyze the data. Tip #8: Understand the Purpose of the Methodology Section

11 Tips on Critiquing Articles Referencing Module 4 “The Language of Research” in WebCT, identify five terms that you may encounter in the Methodology section of a journal article. Challenge

12 Tips on Critiquing Articles The Results Section…  summarizes the data collected from the study.  links the data to the research hypothesis/problem.  describes what the researcher learned from the data. Tip #9: Understand the Purpose of the Results Section

13 Tips on Critiquing Articles The Discussion Section…  summarizes the purpose and results of the study.  describes the methodological limitations to the study.  discusses the findings of the study in relationship to the literature cited.  proposes specific implications of the study.  provides suggestions for future research. Tip #10: Understand the Purpose of the Discussion Section

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