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WebQuests Integrating Technology into the Curriculum — PT NIU —

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Presentation on theme: "WebQuests Integrating Technology into the Curriculum — PT NIU —"— Presentation transcript:

1 WebQuests Integrating Technology into the Curriculum — PT 3 @ NIU —

2 Orientation to the Session Learn about WebQuests Online Individual and groups Handouts of key items Develop a WebQuest? You or students! Not a one-session task

3 OVERVIEW Introduction to WebQuests Links to Engaged Learning Rationale for WQs Structure of a WebQuest “Standard” Components Special form of web page

4 OVERVIEW Sample WebQuests by “Level” Basic Intermediate Complex Usable as is? Ideas you can appropriate??

5 OVERVIEW Web Site Validity / Evaluation Finding resources for (your) WebQuest Evaluating Student WebQuest Activities Rubrics

6 OVERVIEW WebQuest = special web page Develop a WQ using a template Netscape Composer / Mozilla Other web page editor Creating a WQ (later) Mechanics Need content / process first

7 About Web Page Access Must be accessible to users Online = on a web server Depends on your college Off-line = on local computer Load on hard drives On floppy, CD, or other removable All links are functional given Internet access

8 Process Today Mostly self-paced, online Periodic check-ups Group discussion

9 Process - II Handouts specific to each of 3 activities Noted online Individual / group assistance One on One or group demo

10 Getting Started Use your browser (IE, Mozilla) Add to Favorites right away Easy future access

11 Getting Started Navigating Watch to see if a new window opens If not, use History Demo?

12 Work at your own pace Form groups as directed

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