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Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine ICS 278: Data Mining Lecture 9,10: Clustering Algorithms Padhraic Smyth Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine ICS 278: Data Mining Lecture 9,10: Clustering Algorithms Padhraic Smyth Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine ICS 278: Data Mining Lecture 9,10: Clustering Algorithms Padhraic Smyth Department of Information and Computer Science University of California, Irvine

2 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Project Progress Report Written Progress Report: –Due Tuesday May 18 th in class –Expect at least 3 pages (should be typed not handwritten) –Hand in written document in class on Tuesday May 18th 1 Powerpoint slide: –1 slide that describes your project –Should contain: Your name (top right corner) Clear description of the main task Some visual graphic of data relevant to your task 1 bullet or 2 on what methods you plan to use Preliminary results or results of exploratory data analysis Make it graphical (use text sparingly) –Submit by 12 noon Monday May 17th

3 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine List of Sections for your Progress Report Clear description of task (reuse original proposal if needed) –Basic task + extended “bonus” tasks (if time allows) Discussion of relevant literature –Discuss prior published/related work (if it exists) Preliminary data evaluation –Exploratory data analysis relevant to your task –Include as many of plots/graphs as you think are useful/relevant Preliminary algorithm work –Summary of your progress on algorithm implementation so far If you are not at this point yet, say so –Relevant information about other code/algorithms you have downloaded, some preliminary testing on, etc. –Difficulties encountered so far Plans for the remainder of the quarter –Algorithm implementation –Experimental methods –Evaluation, validation Approximately ½ page to 1 page of text per section (graphs/plots don’t count – include as many of these as you like).

4 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Clustering “automated detection of group structure in data” –Typically: partition N data points into K groups (clusters) such that the points in each group are more similar to each other than to points in other groups –descriptive technique (contrast with predictive) –for real-valued vectors, clusters can be thought of as clouds of points in p-dimensional space

5 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Clustering Sometimes easy Sometimes impossible and sometimes in between

6 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Why is Clustering useful? “Discovery” of new knowledge from data –Contrast with supervised classification (where labels are known) –Long history in the sciences of categories, taxonomies, etc –Can be very useful for summarizing large data sets For large n and/or high dimensionality Applications of clustering –Discovery of new types of galaxies in astronomical data –Clustering of genes with similar expression profiles –Cluster pixels in an image into regions of similar intensity –Segmentation of customers for an e-commerce store –Clustering of documents produced by a search engine –…. many more

7 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine General Issues in Clustering Representation: –What types of clusters are we looking for? Score: –The criterion to compare one clustering to another Optimization –Generally, finding the optimal clustering is NP-hard Greedy algorithms to optimize score are widely used Other issues –Distance function, D(x(i),x(j)) critical aspect of clustering, both distance of pairs of objects distance of objects from clusters –How is K selected? –Different types of data Real-valued versus categorical Attribute-valued vectors vs. n 2 distance matrix

8 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine General Families of Clustering Algorithms partition-based clustering –e.g. K-means probabilistic model-based clustering –e.g. mixture models [both of the above work with measurement data, e.g., feature vectors] hierarchical clustering –e.g. hierarchical agglomerative clustering graph-based clustering –E.g., min-cut algorithms [both of the above work with distance data, e.g., distance matrix]

9 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Partition-Based Clustering given: n data points X={x(1) … x(n)} output: k partitions C = {C 1 … C K } such that –each x(i) is assigned to unique C j (hard-assignment) –C implicitly represents a mapping from X to C Optimization algorithm –require that score[C, X] is maximized e.g., sum-of-squares of within cluster distances –exhaustive search intractable –combinatorial optimization to assign n objects to k classes –large search space: possible assignment choices ~ k n so, use greedy interative method will be subject to local maxima

10 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Score Function for Partition-Based Clustering want compact clusters –minimize within cluster distances wc(C) want different clusters far apart –maximize between cluster distances bc(C) given cluster partitioning C, find centers c 1 …c k –e.g. for vectors, use centroids of points in cluster Ci c k = 1/(n k )  x  Ck x –wc(C) = sum-of-squares within cluster distance wc(C) =  i=1…k wc(C i ) =  i=1…k  x  Ci d(x,c i ) 2 –bc(C) = distance between clusters bc(C) =  i,j=1…k d(c i,c j ) 2 Score[C,X]=f[wc(C),bc(C)]

11 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means Clustering basic idea: –Score = wc(C) = sum-of-squares within cluster distance –start with randomly chosen cluster centers c 1 … c k –repeat until no cluster memberships change: assign each point x to cluster with nearest center –find smallest d(x,c i ), over all c 1 … c k recompute cluster centers over data assigned to them –c i = 1/(n i )  x  Ci x algorithm terminates (finite number of steps) –decreases Score(X,C) each iteration membership changes converges to local maxima of Score(X,C) –not necessarily the global maxima … –different initial centers (seeds) can lead to diff local maxs

12 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means Complexity time complexity = O(I e n k) << exhaustive’s n k –I = number of interations (steps) –e = cost of distance computation (e=p for Euclidian dist) speed-up tricks (especially useful in early iterations) –use nearest x(i)’s as cluster centers instead of mean reuse of cached dists from size n 2 dist mat D (lowers effective “e”) k-mediods: use one of x(i)’s as center because mean not defined –recompute centers as points reassigned useful for large n (like online neural nets) & more cache efficient –PCA: reduce effective “e” and/or fit more of X in RAM –“condense”: reduce “n” by replace group with prototype –even more clever data structures (see work by Andrew Moore, CMU)

13 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means example (courtesy of Andrew Moore, CMU)

14 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means 1.Ask user how many clusters they’d like. (e.g. K=5)

15 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means 1.Ask user how many clusters they’d like. (e.g. K=5) 2.Randomly guess K cluster Center locations

16 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means 1.Ask user how many clusters they’d like. (e.g. K=5) 2.Randomly guess K cluster Center locations 3.Each datapoint finds out which Center it’s closest to. (Thus each Center “owns” a set of datapoints)

17 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means 1.Ask user how many clusters they’d like. (e.g. k=5) 2.Randomly guess k cluster Center locations 3.Each datapoint finds out which Center it’s closest to. 4.Each Center finds the centroid of the points it owns

18 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means 1.Ask user how many clusters they’d like. (e.g. k=5) 2.Randomly guess k cluster Center locations 3.Each datapoint finds out which Center it’s closest to. 4.Each Center finds the centroid of the points it owns 5.New Centers => new boundaries 6.Repeat until no change!

19 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means 1.Ask user how many clusters they’d like. (e.g. k=5) 2.Randomly guess k cluster Center locations 3.Each datapoint finds out which Center it’s closest to. 4.Each Center finds the centroid of the points it owns… 5.…and jumps there 6.…Repeat until terminated!

20 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Accelerated Computations Example generated by Pelleg and Moore’s accelerated k-means Dan Pelleg and Andrew Moore. Accelerating Exact k-means Algorithms with Geometric Reasoning. Proc. Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases 1999, (KDD99) (available on )

21 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means continues…

22 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means continues…

23 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means continues…

24 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means continues…

25 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means continues…

26 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means continues…

27 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means continues…

28 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means continues…

29 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means terminates

30 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine K-means clustering of RGB (3 value) pixel color intensities, K = 11 segments (courtesy of David Forsyth, UC Berkeley) ImageClusters on color

31 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Issues in K-means clustering Simple, but useful –tends to select compact “isotropic” cluster shapes –can be useful for initializing more complex methods –many algorithmic variations on the basic theme Choice of distance measure –Euclidean distance –Weighted Euclidean distance –Many others possible Selection of K –“screen diagram” - plot SSE versus K, look for knee Limitation: may not be any clear K value

32 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Probabilistic Clustering: Mixture Models assume a probabilistic model for each component cluster mixture model: f(x) =  k=1…K w k f k (x;  k ) where w k are K mixing weights –  w k : 0  w k  1 and  k=1…K w k = 1 where K components f k (x;  k ) can be: –Gaussian –Poisson –exponential –... Note: –Assumes a model for the data (advantages and disadvantages) –Results in probabilistic membership: p(cluster k | x) P d

33 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) model for k-th component is normal N(  k,  k ) –often assume diagonal covariance:  jj =  j 2,  i  j = 0 –or sometimes even simpler:  jj =  2,  i  j = 0 f(x) =  k=1…K w k f k (x;  k ) with  k = or generative model: –randomly choose a component selected with probability w k –generate x ~ N(  k,  k ) –note:  k &  k both d-dim vectors

34 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Learning Mixture Models from Data Score function = log-likelihood L(  ) –L(  ) = log p(X|  ) = log  H p(X,H|  ) –H = hidden variables (cluster memberships of each x) –L(  ) cannot be optimized directly EM Procedure –General technique for maximizing log-likelihood with missing data –For mixtures E-step: compute “memberships” p(k | x) = w k f k (x;  k ) / f(x) M-step: pick a new  to max expected data log-likelihood Iterate: guaranteed to climb to (local) maximum of L(  )

35 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine The E (Expectation) Step Current K clusters and parameters n data points E step: Compute p(data point i is in group k)

36 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine The M (Maximization) Step New parameters for the K clusters n data points M step: Compute , given n data points and memberships

37 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Complexity of EM for mixtures K models n data points Complexity per iteration scales as O( n K f(p) )

38 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Comments on Mixtures and EM Learning Complexity of each EM iteration –Depends on the probabilistic model being used e.g., for Gaussians, Estep is O(nK), Mstep is O(Knp 2 ) –Sometimes E or M-step is not closed form => can requires numerical methods at each iteration K-means interpretation –Gaussian mixtures with isotropic (diagonal, equi-variance)  k ‘s –Approximate the E-step by choosing most likely cluster (instead of using membership probabilities) Generalizations… –Mixtures of multinomials for text data –Mixtures of Markov chains for Web sequences –etc

39 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine








47 Selecting K in mixture models cannot just choose K that maximizes likelihood –Likelihood L(  ) ALWAYS larger for larger K Model selection alternatives: –1) penalize complexity e.g., BIC = L(  ) – d/2 log n (Bayesian information criterion) –2) Bayesian: compute posteriors p(k | data) Can be tricky to compute for mixture models –3) (cross) validation: popular and practical Score different models by log p(Xtest |  ) split data into train and validate sets

48 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Example of BIC Score for Red-Blood Cell Data

49 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine

50 Hierarchical Clustering Representation: tree of nested clusters Works from a distance matrix –advantage: x’s can be any type of object –disadvantage: computation two basic approachs: –merge points (agglomerative) –divide superclusters (divisive) visualize both via “dendograms” –shows nesting structure –merges or splits = tree nodes Applications –e.g., clustering of gene expression data –Useful for seeing hierarchical structure, for relatively small data sets

51 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine

52 Agglomerative Methods: Bottom-Up algorithm based on distance between clusters: –for i=1 to n let C i = { x(i) } -- i.e. start with n singletons –while more than one cluster left let C i and C j be cluster pair with minimum distance over dist[C i, C j ] merge them, via C i = C i  C j and remove C j time complexity = O(n 2 ) to O(n 3 ) –n iterations (start: n clusters; end: 1 cluster) –1st iteration O(nlgn) to O(n 2 ) to find nearest singleton pair space complexity = O(nlgn) to O(n 2 ) –accesses all/most distances between x(i)’s during build –interpreting large n dendrogram difficult anyway (like DTs) large n idea: partition-based clusters at leafs

53 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Distances Between Clusters single link / nearest neighbor measure: –D(Ci,Cj) = min { d(x,y) | x  Ci, y  Cj } –can be outlier/noise sensitive complete link / furthest neighbor measure: –D(Ci,Cj) = max { d(x,y) | x  Ci, y  Cj } intermediates between those extremes: –average link: D(Ci,Cj) = avg { d(x,y) | x  Ci, y  Cj } –centroid: D(Ci,Cj) = d(c i,c j ) where c i, c j are centroids –Wards’s SSE measure (for vector data): within-cluster sum-of-squared-dists for Ci + for Cj - for merged DM theme: try several, see which is most interesting

54 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Dendrogram Using Single-Link Method Old Faithful Eruption Duration vs Wait Data notice that y scale  x scale ! Notice how single-link tends to “chain”. dendrogram y-axis = crossbar’s distance score

55 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Dendogram Using Ward’s SSE Distance Old Faithful Eruption Duration vs Wait Data More balanced than single-link.

56 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Divisive Methods: Top-Down algorithm: –begin with single cluster containing all data –split into components, repeat until clusters = single points two major types: –monothetic: split by one variable at a time -- restricts choice search space analogous to DTs –polythetic splits by all variables at once -- many choices makes difficult less commonly used than agglomerative methods –generally more computationally intensive more choices in search space

57 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Spectral/Graph-based Clustering

58 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Clustering non-vector objects E.g., sequences, images, documents, etc –Can be of varying lengths, sizes Distance matrix approach –E.g., compute edit distance/transformations for pairs of sequences –Apply clustering (e.g., hierarchical) based on distance matrix –However….does not scale well “Vectorization” –Represent each object as a vector –Cluster resulting vectors using vector-space algorithm –However…. can lose (e.g., sequence) information by going to vector space Probabilistic model-based clustering –Treat as mixture of (e.g.) stochastic finite state machines –Can naturally handle variable lengths –Will discuss application to Web session clustering later in the quarter

59 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Task K-Means Clustering Representation Score Function Search/Optimization Data Management Models, Parameters Clustering Partition based on K centers Within-cluster sum of squared errors Iterative greedy search None specified K centers

60 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Task Probabilistic Model-Based Clustering Representation Score Function Search/Optimization Data Management Models, Parameters Clustering Log-likelihood EM (iterative) None specified Probability model Mixture of Probability Components

61 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Task Single-Link Hierarchical Clustering Representation Score Function Search/Optimization Data Management Models, Parameters Clustering Tree of nested groupings No global score Iterative merging of nearest neighbors None specified Dendrogram

62 Data Mining Lectures Lecture 9,10: Clustering Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine Summary General comments: –Many different approaches and algorithms –What type of cluster structure are you looking for? –Computational complexity may be an issue for large n –Dimensionality is also an issue –Validation is difficult – but the payoff can be large. Chapter 9 –Covers all of the clustering methods discussed here (except graph/spectral clustering)

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