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Perceptions, Self and Communication. Perceiving Others Narratives Attributes What influences one’s perceptions? Culture Empathy vs. Sympathy.

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Presentation on theme: "Perceptions, Self and Communication. Perceiving Others Narratives Attributes What influences one’s perceptions? Culture Empathy vs. Sympathy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perceptions, Self and Communication

2 Perceiving Others Narratives Attributes What influences one’s perceptions? Culture Empathy vs. Sympathy

3 Self Perception Self-concept Self-Fulfilling prophecies

4 Perceiving Others Narratives: “The personal stories that one creates to make sense of one’s personal world.”

5 How We Perceive Others Self-serving bias: “Judging oneself more generously than one judges others.” We take the “easiest route”  What is most obvious  First Impressions  Similarities to oneself

6 Perceptions of others, cont. We value negative impressions over positive ones We blame innocent victims for their misfortunes

7 Perceptions are Situational Relational satisfaction Degree of involvement Past experience Expectations Social Roles Knowledge Self-concept

8 Perceptions and Culture Empathy: experience the world through other’s perspective Sympathy: feel both compassion for others and accept others reasons as valid Perception checking: awareness of perceptions

9 Perceiving the Self Self-concept: “A set of relatively stable perceptions that each of us hold about ourselves.” Self-esteem: evaluation of self-worth Reflected appraisal: “We develop an image of ourselves from the way we think others view us.”

10 Self-fulfilling Prophecy “When a person’s expectations of an outcome make the outcome more likely to occur than would otherwise have been true.”

11 Types of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies Your own expectations influence your behavior Expectations of others influence your actions

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