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Search Committee Itinerary.  Welcome  Introductions  Background on the process & job –who is being considered (number)  High profile positions, names.

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Presentation on theme: "Search Committee Itinerary.  Welcome  Introductions  Background on the process & job –who is being considered (number)  High profile positions, names."— Presentation transcript:

1 Search Committee Itinerary

2  Welcome  Introductions  Background on the process & job –who is being considered (number)  High profile positions, names divulged –how long the process will take –expectations for completion –how notification will occur –how this interview will go forward

3 Search Committee Itinerary  Overview of the agency –general agency information –discussion of employee benefits –salary may fit here  Overview of the position  Interview questions

4 Search Committee Itinerary  Questions by interviewee  Closing the interview –Reminder of time line –Thank you for your involvement –Call with questions

5 Tips for the Interviewer  Ask all candidates the same questions  Probe for specifics…don’t settle for canned responses  Interpret responses in terms of competencies

6 Tips for the Interviewer  Look for deficiencies  What will hinder performance?  Schedule enough time for the interview  Let the candidate do the talking – avoid “yes/no” questions

7 Tips for the Interviewer  Avoid sitting behind a desk  Ask 1 question at a time –What was the most challenging program you have ever planned? What made it challenging? What would you do differently next time?

8 Tips for the Interviewer  Don’t get flustered by silence –Let the candidate think  Don’t feel compelled to read the question word for word

9 Tips for the Interviewer  When discussing the town, do not focus on family oriented aspects. Discuss everything.  Avoid assuming thoughts of the candidate –Can’t get them to take job –A single person/minority wouldn’t want to live here

10 Tips for the Interviewer  Take notes on responses to questions  Don’t forget you are being interviewed as well  Control the interview –Talkative candidate, tangents –Evading questions

11 Checking references

12 Checking References  Why? –To uncover info omitted, misrepresented on the resume & in the interview –Get a feel for the candidates job performance from an outside perspective –Check “fit” –Make a good hire

13 Checking References  When? –After second screening –After screening interview or final interview  Have them sign a waiver you fax to references  Who? –Direct supervisor, hiring committee

14 Checking References  Ask about off-list references  Issues –May get basic info (dates of employment & job) –Fear of legal ramifications

15 Checking References  How? –Phone  Builds rapport with person  May get interesting info –Writing  Position, employment dates  Reluctant to put things in writing

16 Checking References  What to ask –Assure all info kept confidential –Key responsibilities –# of reporting staff –Most important contributions to the agency –Relationship with staff & co-workers –Overall assessment of candidate –Given this position would you hire them –Would you rehire them in their old position? –Strengths & weaknesses –Attendance –Additional comments

17 Checking References  Process 1.Set the appointment to make the call 2.Be prepared with a list of questions & the person’s resume 3.Give an overview of the position 4.Keep notes on the facts given for comparison 5.After the call, evaluate what you learned 1. Check negative statements against other references


19 Checking References  Tips for checking references –Verify info given on resume to make sure it is accurate –Pay attention to negative or neutral comments, unusual hesitations, “how can I put this….” –Put less weight on positive references –Don’t get a reference check from a friend –Contact at least 1-2 people who supervised this person –Ask only legal questions

20 Selecting the Final Candidate

21 Final Selection  Meet as a committee to discuss  Rank order candidates  Discuss strengths & weaknesses –Competencies –Ability to do the work –Interest in the job –Potential for growth –Ability to adjust to the environment

22 Final Selection  Final decision –Committee, Board, Supervisor  Make the offer –Keep selection confidential until deal is complete –Negotiations  Salary, start date, moving expenses –Final checks & tests…

23 Other Checks & Tests

24 Background Checks  Why –Negligent hiring –Federal/state laws  Some states - require criminal background checks for anyone who works with children, older adults & people with disabilities

25 Background Checks  Contents –Driving records –Vehicle registration –Credit records –Criminal records –Social Security no. –Education records –Court records –Workers' compensation –Bankruptcy –Character references  Contents –Neighbor interviews –Medical records (job related) –Property ownership –Military records –State licensing records –Drug test records –Past employers –Personal references –Incarceration records –Sex offender lists

26 Background Checks  Can’t report –Bankruptcies after 10 years. –Civil suits, civil judgments, and records of arrest, from date of entry, after 7 years. –Paid tax liens after 7 years. –Accounts placed for collection after 7 years. –Any other negative information (except criminal convictions) after 7 years.

27 Background Checks  Have HR person do this & not supervisor  Must get written permission from candidate  Legality of not hiring based on results??? –Follow Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) guidelines

28 Drug Tests  Must be agency policy –Transportation jobs –Heavy equipment –Medical, law enforcement  Agency pays ($25-$50) –marijuana, cocaine, PCP, opiates, and amphetamines  Tested after offer, job contingent on passing

29 Drug Tests  Candidate fails… –Ask candidate if they can explain results –Insufficient explanation – no job  57% of all agencies test for drugs –Decrease in absenteeism, workers comp, ee turnover –Increased productivity

30 Benefits

31 Benefits  Required (except independent contractors): –Employer contributions to Social Security or state pension –Unemployment compensation –Worker’s comp  Additional benefits??

32 Benefits  Medical benefits  Vacation & holiday pay  Pension plans  Domestic partner benefits  Paid education fees  Child care services  Deferred compensation  Use of agency facilities

33 Written Agreement

34 In Writing  Title  Start date  Salary  Benefits  Type of employee…

35 2 Types of Employees  At Will employees –You or your employer can terminate your job on a moment's notice for any reason - good, bad, indifferent -- or no reason at all –Unless the termination violates federal or state law, company policies, or an implied contract…

36 2 Types of Employees  At Will employees –Unless the termination violates federal or state law, company policies, or an implied contract such as  Civil rights act –race, color, religion, sex, or national origin  Age discrimination  ADA  Whistleblower

37 2 Types of Employees  For Cause employees –The employer cannot discharge the employee without a legitimate reason - hence the term for cause –Examples of for cause employees…

38 2 Types of Employees  For Cause employees –Examples of for cause employees  Implied, oral or written contract saying job is for cause  Union member part of collective bargaining agreement  Government employee under the protection of civil service laws

39 2 Types of Employees  Which are you? –See contract –Letter of hiring –Personnel policy manual –Some at will jobs will be covered by a “for cause” policy

40 The Business Plan…10/10   Section 3: Human resources plan (individual) * Job description * Job announcement * Recruitment plan * Establish search committee (by title) * Screening matrix * Interview process * Interview questions * Interview schedule * Reference check questions

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