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Behavioral Graph Coloring Tue Jan 24 & Wed Jan 25 6-8 PM 207 Moore Networked Life CSE 112 Spring 2006 Prof. Michael Kearns.

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1 Behavioral Graph Coloring Tue Jan 24 & Wed Jan 25 6-8 PM 207 Moore Networked Life CSE 112 Spring 2006 Prof. Michael Kearns

2 Important notes: * The experiments will take place in the workstation lab of 207 Moore. Please find out how to get there well in advance. * We will begin seating for the experiments at 6 PM SHARP. At 6:05, we will stop giving credit for participating, so please don't be late. * YOU MUST BE PRESENT FOR THE ENTIRE SESSION TO RECEIVE CREDIT OR COMPENSATION. The 8 PM end time is only approximate. If you have commitments afterwards, you should not participate. * YOU MUST BE PRESENT IN TODAY'S LECTURE in order to participate in either night's experiments.

3 Below are the lists, according to my records, of who will NOT be able to be present either tonight (Tue) or tomorrow. These people will make alternate arrangements with me later in the term to make up the assignment. If your name does NOT appear on a list, it means I am expecting you to appear for that night's experiments. Tuesday Jan 24: CARGO, B. GREENBERG, D. GUILLAUME, A. JOHNSON, K. LI, D. NA, D. PHILLIPS, N. Wednesday Jan 25: CARGO, B. GOLDSTEIN, I. GREEN, A. PELHAN, S. SHETH, A. SOMANI, A. STERENSIS, L. O'HARA, R.

4 Overview Experiments in human collective problem-solving on networks Directly related to almost all class themes –We’ll discuss the results in due course Our immediate agenda: –Review of Background and Information for Subjects Please ask questions! –Compensation Details –Additional Logistics

5 Compensation Details All participants will be compensated in accordance with performance Performance will be measured differently on the two nights TUESDAY JANUARY 24: COLLECTIVE COMPENSATION –For every graph that is solved (properly colored), ALL participants will receive $5 –No compensation for anything less than full solution –One conflicting edge  no compensation for entire group –Minimum compensation: 0; Maximum compensation: 19*5 = $95 WEDNESDAY JANUARY 25: INDIVIDUAL COMPENSATION –Compensation will depend on the individual instead of the group –If at the conclusion of an experiment, you have no color conflicts with your neighbors, you receive $5 –If you have even one color conflict with a neighbor, you receive 0 –Minimum compensation: 0; Maximum compensation 19*5 = $95 No compensation for experiments with system problems or protocol violations, etc. Compensation will be distributed later, details TBD

6 Additional Logistics System Issues –PLEASE FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS! do NOT randomly click around in between experiments when in doubt, do NOTHING and raise your hand –Layout problems: remember that bold edges indicate your conflicts remember you can toggle colors to see which generate fewer conflicts Mapping People to Workstations –After everyone is seated, we will come around and note at which workstation you are sitting –This record is for compensation purposes, and will be destroyed later Overbooking Protocol –An orderly line of arriving participants will be formed –Up to a limit, parties will be seated first come, first serve –We will then take parties from the line who can only come that night –SOME OF YOU MAY BE TURNED AWAY –ALL who are in line by 6:05 will receive credit!

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