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Activities CTC-415. Activity Consumes Time Usually consumes resources (cure time for concrete) Definable start and finish Assignable – V. important –

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Presentation on theme: "Activities CTC-415. Activity Consumes Time Usually consumes resources (cure time for concrete) Definable start and finish Assignable – V. important –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Activities CTC-415

2 Activity Consumes Time Usually consumes resources (cure time for concrete) Definable start and finish Assignable – V. important – who is responsible Measurable – progress – amount done

3 Activity Categories –Admin Notice to proceed Permits Tech info Contract Modifications Acceptance of work Corrective work for completion Final accounting of quantities Inspection/certification Submit O&M manuals Warranties and guarantees

4 Activity Categories –Mobilization/Demobilization Field office Roads Access area Fencing Utilities Get labor and train Get equip Site surveys

5 Activity Categories –Procurement ID types and quantities of materials and equipment Shop drawings Design cost material Shipping and delivery

6 Activity Categories –Construction Start-up Testing Testing systems Balance HVAC Flush and clean H2O system Test safety equipment

7 Activity ID Need to know what needs to be done for contract –What is work? – Where is it done? –Who is responsible? –When will it be performed? –How will it be accomplished?

8 Activity Detail How detailed should the Activity be? –Depends on schedule type –Complexity –Contractor’s management philosophy –Summary schedule vs. day to day –What is known about project when scheduled? –Who does work? –Will more or less detail affect usefulness or accuracy or schedule?

9 Activity ID Planning Process has 3 steps: –ID Individual work items –Estimate time to complete based on available resources and work environment –Plan the sequencing items given physical resources, safety and preferential consideration Milestone –- Marks the events in the project – not an activity

10 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Framework for organizing and ordering activities Does not address scheduling Used as planning tool Uses CSI structure – same as Means

11 Activity Description Concise and unambiguous Scope and location of work Must be understandable, consistent in format Activity Responsibility – Who is responsible?

12 Activity Duration How long to complete activity Summary Schedule –Years – Preliminary or Phased Development –Months – Preliminary of Design Milestones –Weeks – Framework for Detailed Schedule

13 Activity Duration Master Construction Schedule –Days – Most common – allows start and finish by calendar days –Hours – Short duration or involve shutdown of a system which must be working by next work day –Must select time unit based on who is using –Must use same unit throughout schedule

14 Estimating Duration Duration = Work Quantity/ Production Rate Work Quantity –all work necessary to complete activity (sq ft, lf, cy) Production Rate –Ave daily production rate based on work environment and available resources - includes idle and work time and setup/breakdown –How do you determine the production rate?

15 Resources Labor Equipment Materials Subs Suppliers

16 Factors Affecting Productivity Nature of work –Repetitive? –Learning curve Labor and Equipment Productivity –Labor training –Experience –Motivation –Restrictions –Equipment operator skill –Maintenance policy –Age –Site conditions

17 Factors Affecting Productivity Management Skill –Plan, organize and execute work –Effective use of resources can impact Activity Duration

18 Factors Affecting Productivity Material Availability –Must have enough to do the job –But do not want a large inventory –Supplier needs to be able to supply site with enough material for crews

19 Factors Affecting Productivity Seasonal Conditions –Productivity drops with temp change from 70degrees Work Restrictions –By contract –Local custom –Labor agreement –Physical condition

20 Factors Affecting Productivity More Work Restrictions –Hours of day when work can be done –Material delivery and movement restrictions –Security req for labor –Load limits on floors and elevators –Zoning ord that restricts construction facilities –Provisions in labor agreement –Building codes –Safety req for protecting public and workers

21 Factors Affecting Productivity Quality of work –Higher quality – longer duration Concurrent Activities –How many other activities are going on around you? –Interference slows production

22 Factors Affecting Productivity Source of Quantity and Production Data –Takeoffs –Bid Estimate –Experience –Outside Info –Guides –Ind & Trades Org –Manufacturers, Fabricators and Suppliers –Specialty contract

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