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Re-Certification 2011-2012 Office of Student Activities and Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Re-Certification 2011-2012 Office of Student Activities and Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Re-Certification 2011-2012 Office of Student Activities and Programs

2 Online Process  The Office of Student Activities and Programs will share four (4) documents that will allow organizations to complete the re-certification process. 1) Instructions 2) Spreadsheet that contains  Year At A Glance (YAG)  Individual Program Plan (IPL)  Reflection Report 3) Form that contains:  Goals List for 2011-2012  Executive Leadership List for 2011-2012  10 Student Members 4) Faculty Mentor Form

3 Year At A Glance (YAG) and Individual Program Plan (IPL)  As a student organization you are required to execute a minimum of two (2) events per semester  List all proposed events for the 2011-2012 academic year  For each event please fill in all fields that are relevant for your organization

4 Reflection Report  Please list and review all programming executed by your organization during the 2010-2011 Academic year  For each event provide information for all fields

5 Goals and Leadership list  Each student organization is required to have at least three (3) goals for the 2011- 2012 academic year. If you would like to provide additional goals please use the extra space provided.  Each student organization is required to have at least three (3) members on their executive Leadership for the 2011-2012 Academic Year. If you would like to provide additional board members please use the extra space provided.

6 Membership List  Student organizations are required to have a minimum of ten (10) current TC student members. Please use the fields to provide the name and email of the ten (10) student members of your organization  For additional members please copy and paste in the your membership list in the text box provided

7 Faculty Mentor Forms  A hard copy of the Faculty Mentor Form must be signed and submitted to the GA of Student Organizations in 160 Thorndike Hall by May 15th

8  If you would like to update your mission statement or constitution please email the GA of Student Organizations at

9 Calendar  Once your organization has set a date for an approved event, please update the IPL and inform OSAP by inputting the date of the event in the designated field.  The dates will be used to build a comprehensive calendar of current and upcoming student organization events for the 2011-2012 academic year.

10  All re-certification materials must be completed by May 15 th  If you have any questions of concerns please email

11 Important Dates  Recertification: May 15th  Leadership transition: April 14th

12 Save the Date and RSVP  Student Organization Banquet  Date: May 6th  Time: 5pm- 7pm  Location: Grace Dodge Cafeteria

13 Leadership Conversations  a) Current leaders:  1) What has been your greatest challenge as a student leader  2) You greatest success?  3) How have you kept members engaged or how have you struggled with member engagement?  4) How can OSAP better support your organizations?  5) What should future leader know? What do you wish you would have known?  b) Future Leaders  1) What is you greatest concern or goal for your organization in the 2011-2012 academic year?  What do you want to know? (From current leader/ from OSAP)

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