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Worcester Polytechnic Institute Academic Highlights FY2005-06 Dr. Carol Simpson Provost and Senior Vice President.

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Presentation on theme: "Worcester Polytechnic Institute Academic Highlights FY2005-06 Dr. Carol Simpson Provost and Senior Vice President."— Presentation transcript:

1 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Academic Highlights FY2005-06 Dr. Carol Simpson Provost and Senior Vice President

2 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Ranked No. 64 among all national, doctoral universities by U.S. News & World Report Among the top 50 science colleges in the nation in percentage of under- graduates who receive doctorates Ranked among top 282 business Schools in the U.S. by Princeton Review WPI’s MBA ranked #8 by Princeton Review for “Best Career Prospects for Women” Recognition for WPI

3 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Record Extramural Support for Academic from Sponsored Programs in FY06 Office of Research Administration (ORA) – Includes Federal agencies, industry contracts, some foundations. Research Center Memberships$ 978,000 Research/Education (ORA)$16,655,000 $ Value of Awards Received eclipses WPI's previous record of $13.6M, set in FY2004

4 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Some Notable Faculty Achievements in 2005/06 Dalin Tang (Math Sciences) Arterial plaque modeling Major external funding awards to: (ECE+BME faculty group) CUTH Bill Michalson Yitzhak Mendelson Peder Pedersen Grant McGimpsey Ryszard (Rich) Pryputniewicz (ME) Modeling of Dynamic Systems Diran Apelian (ME) Metals Processing Institute

5 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Major funding awards also to : John Orr and Jim Duckworth (ECE) Precision Indoor/Outdoor Personnel Location Project Al Hoffman (ME) Kalenian Award for Powered-Arm Orthosis Tanja Dominko, Ray Page (BBT) Cell de-differentiation in vitro

6 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) – Includes Foundation grants and corporate support for education and research.

7 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

8 10 new faculty hired for Fall ‘06 Biology and Biotechnology Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering Fire Protection Engineering Humanities and Arts Management Mathematics Mechanical Engineering WPI has two new Deans: John Orr, Dean of Undergraduate Studies Richard Vaz, Dean of Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Division

9 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Increase in Ratio of PhD Degrees Awarded 10/02 267 30 Females (24%) International (23%) Underrepresented minorities (8%) Fall 2006 Graduate Enrollment 1029 students

10 Worcester Polytechnic Institute NSF CAREER Awards - last 3 years Donald Brown “Cooperative Communication Systems: Resource Allocation, Self- Organization, and Synchronization,” 2005 Neil Heffernan “Learning about Learning,” 2005 Jennifer Wilcox “On the Prevention of Selenium & Arsenic Release into the Atmosphere,” 2005 Terri Anne Camesano “Molecular-Scale Interactions Between Microbes and Surfaces in the Environment,” 2003 19 CAREER awards to WPI! Goldwater Scholar - Sanjayan "Sunny" Manivannan ‘07, ME & Math 8 Goldwater Scholars since 2002!

11 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Other Significant Recent Faculty Honors: Diran Apelian TMS Fellow (2006); 2006 Bruce Chalmers Award (TMS); J. Herbert Hollomon Award, Acta Materialia Steven C. Bullock NEH Research Fellowship Constance A. Clark NEH Research Fellowship Paul Davis 2006-07 Jefferson Science Fellowship, U.S. State Department “David A. Lucht Lamp of Knowledge Award” created by SFPE for “significant contributions to the advancement of higher education” Makhlouf Makhlouf 2006 Hall-Heroult Scientific Merit Award, American Foundry Society H.J. Manzari 2006 Faculty Fulbright Scholar

12 Worcester Polytechnic Institute WPI’s Department of Mathematics 2006 SPAIG award - ASA Roberto Pietroforte - Rank of Cavaliere Ufficiale, Order of Merit, Italy Richard D. Sisson, Jr. - Virginia Tech Acad. Engineering Excellence Michael M. Sokal - 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award - APA/SHP Gretar Tryggvason - 2005 Computational Mechanics Award, JSME Bogdan Vernescu - Member of Honor, Romanian Acad. Inst. Mathematics Jennifer Wilcox - 2006 New Face in Engineering (USA Today) Other Significant Faculty Honors …

13 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Yi- (Ed) Hua Ma (ChE Center for Inorganic Membrane Studies) Hydrogen Separation Terri Camesano (ChE) Bacterial Adhesion Frederick Bianchi (HUA) WPI’s 2006 University Lecturer “The Virtual Orchestra: In Search of Human Bandwidth” Jonathan Barnett (FPE) Featured in NOVA special: “Building on Ground Zero” WPI FACULTY IN THE NEWS *November 2, ‘06 Alden Hall

14 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Faculty Best Paper Awards - last 2 years Diran Apelian (ME), 2005 AFS/NADCA Congress Kristen L. Billiar (BE), 2006 NE ASEEC Mark Claypool (CS), 2006 ACM/SPIE; 2005 ACM Erwin Danneels (MG), 2005 Thomas P. Husted Award - J. PIM Michael B. Elmes (MG), 2005 AMM John Sanbonmatsu (HUA), 2005 Jacobsen Award - ISUDC Erdem Ural (ChE), 2006 William H. Doyle Award - AIChE

15 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Recent Books Published by WPI Faculty: Joel J. Brattin (HUA) “The Writings of Thomas Carlyle” Charlotte and Norman Strouse Edn. Mark Claypool (CS) “Networking and Online Games: Understanding and Engineering Multiplayer Internet games” Arthur Gerstenfeld (MGT) and Raphael J. Njoroge (HUA) “Africa in the Next Decade” Roger S. Gottlieb (HUA) “The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Ecology”; “A Greener Faith: Religious Environmentalism and Our Planet’s Future” Kaveh Pahlavan ( ECE) “Wireless Information Networks” Wesley Mott (HUA) “Bonds of Affection: Thoreau on Dogs and Cats”

16 Worcester Polytechnic Institute New Academic Initiatives Proposal for Interdisciplinary Robotics Engineering Program and concentrations Proposal for Interdisciplinary Bioinformatics Program Revitalizing the First Year Experience Emphasis on ‘Writing Across the Curriculum’ Revising the Humanities ‘Sufficiency’ New Programs Environmental Engineering (subject to Board of Trustees approval) Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts & Engineering WPI / U. Mass. Amherst: Mass. Internet2 K-20 Initiative for high-speed access to the Abilene network

17 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Completed Major Construction Projects With funding support from: The George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation; The Pfizer Foundation; WPI Trustee John LaMattina Freshmen chemistry laboratories renovated into modern, fully equipped facilities Bartlett Center admissions & financial aid building Through the generosity of James L. Bartlett Jr. ‘39, D.Eng. (Hon.) ‘98 and his wife, Shirley Opened March 2006: Lufkin MEMS Fabrication Facility for Nanotechnology Manufacturing Research

18 Worcester Polytechnic Institute WPI’s new Little Theatre opened November 2005 Four new plays by WPI graduates competed in the Samuel French Off-Off Broadway Festival in New York in past 3 years: “Dreams Abridged”, “Passing”, and “Public Policy” by Catherine Darensbourg ’02 “Treasures” by Sarah Pavis '06 and Dan Gilbreath '06 With funding support from: The George I. Alden Trust

19 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Life Sciences Research Building at Gateway Park Research faculty from: Biology & Biotechnology Bio-Engineering Institute (BEI) Biomedical Engineering Chemistry & Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering Winner of the EBC 2006 James D.P. Farrell Brownfields Project of the Year Award In Recognition of the Remediation and Redevelopment of the Gateway Park in Worcester

20 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Priorities for the Next 5 Years Increase externally sponsored research Enhance WPI’s academic reputation Admissions/recruiting - Undergraduate and Graduate Improve diversity of student population and faculty New Sports and Recreation Facility (with parking!) Renovations to Goddard Hall and Salisbury Hall Additional on-campus housing for undergraduate students and nearby graduate student housing

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