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Poverty and Development. Addressing Poverty and Inequality Socialism and Communism -Redistribution of assets, equality, state control State sheltered.

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Presentation on theme: "Poverty and Development. Addressing Poverty and Inequality Socialism and Communism -Redistribution of assets, equality, state control State sheltered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poverty and Development

2 Addressing Poverty and Inequality Socialism and Communism -Redistribution of assets, equality, state control State sheltered industrialization, export-led growth -Subsidies, tariffs, private property, but large role of the state Washington Consensus -Liberalize: open trade, remove inefficient state support, remove controls on capital flows, cut the size of the state, privatize, restructure Keynesian State -Social safety nets

3 Development Assistance  Official Development Assistance (ODA) –Bilateral –Multilateral: through international organizations  Private foundations and NGOs: –Ted Turner, Bill Gates Foundation, Hewlett Packard Foundation, Conservation International

4 Meet the Fakers? 2000 ODA as Percent of GDP

5 Million Promises to Keep?

6 World Bank  Established by Bretton Woods Agreement (1944)  Dominated by largest donor countries  Assistance for restructuring and development –Infrastructure –Structural Adjustment Loans –Education, environment  Type of Assistance –Loans –Grants  Increasingly intrusive policy conditionality

7 World Bank Project  Sardar Sarovar Dam, Narmada River, India

8 World Bank: Total Lending to Bulgaria  Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loan (FESAL)  Adjustment agriculture: $125mn  Market development: $30mn  Education: $14mn  Access to healthcare: $26  Social protection: $24

9 United Nations Development Programs (UNDP)  Core UN institution  Controlled by the UN General Assembly  Less resources compared to WB, IMF  Technical assistance for development –Capacity building –Limited technology transfer  The UN Human Development Index (HDI) –Measures well being –Alternative to Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

10 Paradigms of Development  Market Driven Growth –Objective: increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP) –Means: free market, get prices right, liberalize, modernize, new technology; more supply of food; –Example: Green Revolution  Sustainable Development –Focus on human well-being, both material and non-material –Means: community control of resources; empowerment of women, marginalized people, education, access to finances; entitlement and fairness –Example: State of Kerala, India

11 Practical Solutions?

12 Reform Domestic Institutions  Corruption  Judicial system  Social safety nets  Human capital  Social capital  Encourage savings and access to credit

13 Jubilee 2000 Jubilee 2000: “A Coalition that brought together unlikely alliances like Puff Daddy and the Pope; Jesse Helms and Bono; the Sisters of the Sacred Heart and the Spice Girls.”

14 Address Health Factors The Malaria pandemic -30mn.cases/year -1mn. deaths -$12bn in lost GDP -90% in Africa

15 The Millennium Development Goals

16 The Millennium Development Goals Initiative of Kofi Annan and UN Agencies By 2015:  1. Reduce by half extreme poverty and hunger  2. Achieve universal primary education  3. Eliminate gender inequality in primary and secondary education  4. Reduce by 2/3 child mortality under 5 years of age  5. Reduce by ¾ ratio of women dying in childbirth maternal  6. Halt, begin to reverse spared of HIV/AIDS, malaria  7. Ensure environmental sustainability  8. Develop a global partnership for development

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