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Scholars Portal : An Overview Leslie Weir University Librarian, University of Ottawa January 26, 2006.

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1 Scholars Portal : An Overview Leslie Weir University Librarian, University of Ottawa January 26, 2006

2 Scholars Portal is … a collection of content and a set of integrated services to allow researchers to BROWSE, SEARCH, SAVE and REQUEST scholarly articles in a uniform way, regardless of the publisher or the source of the resource

3  Science Server  RACER / VDX  RefWorks  SFX / Get It!  Scholars Portal Search Applications

4 Get It! Scholars Portal Search RefWorks RACER E-Journals Integration  using standards- based linking, the services of the portal are integrated to support the workflow of researchers

5 External A & I Databases External Full-Text Resources Illumina RefWorks RACER E-Journals Get It! Integration  resources available through the portal are closely integrated with resources and services of external providers

6 all resources and services are managed centrally but are presented to researchers as integrated components of each library’s own portal

7 Search  Search dozens of the best bibliographic databases simultaneously

8 Search  Results from all databases are presented as a single list with duplicates removed

9 Browse  Browse 7,300 scholarly journals from 20 publishers

10 Browse  Browse articles cited by and citing the current article

11 Associate  Explore associations based on the research interests and institutional affiliation of authors

12 Locate  Connect to full-text versions of 8.7M articles in the Scholars Portal collection

13 Locate  Or connect to full-text articles from more than 400 scholarly publishers

14 Locate

15 Save  Mark records and save them to personal folders in RefWorks

16 Organize  Organize your citations into project folders

17 Share  Share folders with colleagues, a class, or the world

18 Cite  Create bibliographies and inline citations using one of hundreds of citation styles

19 Create Alerts  Create n ew issue and subject alerts

20 Snaphot Metrics  What can we measure? –Collections: growth, overlap, use, non-use –Service use: patterns, differences between schools –Demand: met and un-met –Users: demographics, interests  Where do these stats come from? –Science Server download logs –SFX Collection Tool –SFX Statistics Tool –RefWorks Admin Tool –RACER Usage Stats –Illumina Logs

21 Local Load Update  2002-2004 Academic Press Elsevier APA ACS Berkeley Cambridge Emerald Kluwer Oxford MUSE Springer Wiley  2004-2005 Taylor and Francis SAGE Blackwell IEEE  Royal Society of Chemistry  Lippincott Current Collection Size: 7,375 Journals 8.7 million articles Current Collection Size: 7,375 Journals 8.7 million articles

22 Article Databases Done … Sage Abstract Journals E-Journals @ Scholars Portal PsycCRITIQUES INSPEC and INSPEC Backfiles Wilson (ARA,HUM,SOC,AST) Iter To Do …  ISI Century of Science  Proquest  EBSCO  IEEE Conferences ?

23 Article Downloads

24 Download Geography

25 Top Ten Downloads

26 Un-met Demand

27 RefWorks Accounts

28 Citations Captured

29 RefWorks Users


31 Monthly Users & Sessions

32 RefShare Folders

33 Reason for Use

34 User Satisfaction

35 Questions ?

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