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Planning a Home Office Designing Effective Workspaces Home, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning a Home Office Designing Effective Workspaces Home, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning a Home Office Designing Effective Workspaces Comfort @ Home, Inc.

2 Typical Home Office Locations Basement –Check for humidity problems Spare bedroom –Provides space, storage, quiet Family room –Expect interruptions, clutter

3 Power Considerations Protect circuit with surge suppressor –15- or 20-amp circuit usually sufficient Consider broadband systems –DSL telephone line –Cable modem –Wireless (usually satellite based)

4 Workspace Furnishings Consider ergonomics٭ –Align ears, shoulders, and hips –Tilt monitor slightly below eye level Use correct lighting –Direct light by using task lights –Position desk to side of window ٭ Ergonomics Defined... Design and modifications that can be made to incorporate comfort, efficiency, and safety into items in the workplace

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