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Selecting Your Evaluation Tools Chapter Five cont…

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1 Selecting Your Evaluation Tools Chapter Five cont…

2 Focus Groups  Involve interaction and exchange of ideas among participants  Encourages difference of opinion  Feedback from potential or current clients  Moderate time constraints on participants  12-15 people make it more economical than one on one interviews

3 Performance Measures  Measure health related fitness (cardio, flex, strength, bodycomp)  Initial assessment to prescribe exercise  Follow up assessments for feedback to clients  Outcome evaluation of fitness  What do clients want to know  What you need to know

4 Performance Measures cont…  Traditional measures may be unsuitable for seniors  They may be unwilling or unable  Task performance (how many sit ups)  Athletic performance (running, swimming)  Functional performance (daily living)  Functional ability is mainstay of senior fitness  Table 5.2 page 73

5 Self-Report Scales  How active is your clientele  Health behaviors gathered from self reports  Many require one to three days of reporting  Complex to accurately record activity level  Frequency, intensity and duration are difficult to recall  Table 5.3 page 74

6 Self-Efficacy Measures  Self-confidence  Predicts adherence  Self efficacy is situation specific  Tailor questions for exercise program  Falls are a major concern for seniors  Balance scales should be used  Figure 5.1 page 76

7 Health Status  Goal of program is to restore level of function  People exercise to look and feel better  Exercise can reduce limitations to function  Also psychological well being should be measured  How good do clients feel  Figure 5.2 page 78

8 Pilot Testing  Pilot test to see how form works  Choose a small group of high and low function  Floor effect is when test is too difficult  Ceiling effect is when test is too easy  Outcome has to distinguish between clients  Time taken to administer the test  Instructions should be clear and easy to follow

9 Strategies for Evaluation  For needs assessment focus on demographics and key informants  What types of services are provided?  What is the size of the client base?  What are recruitment strategies?  Potential clients may be contacted via mail or phone-need 100 to sample

10 Strategies for Evaluation cont…  Focus groups may only consist of 15 people  Potential clients respond best to focus groups  Also use existing records to evaluate program  Registration forms can document background  May require phone interviews for drop-outs  Use existing published outcome measures  Administer at least twice-pre and post

11 Summary  Select feasible tools  Tools that are acceptable to clientele  Justify your program to stakeholders  Justify your tool through validation and reliability  Add credibility to your program through evaluation

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