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Monopolistic Competition

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Presentation on theme: "Monopolistic Competition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monopolistic Competition
Chapter 17

2 Edward Chamberlin Theory of Monopolistic Competition (1933)

3 Joan Robinson The Economics of Imperfect Competition (1933)

4 Between Monopoly and Perfect Competition
Like monopoly: Unique product. Downward sloping demand & MR curves. Price > MC Like perfect competition: Other products are substitutes—although not perfect substitutes. Free entry and exit. Economic profits are driven to zero.

5 Figure 1a Monopolistic Competitors in the Short Run

6 Figure 1b Monopolistic Competitors in the Short Run

7 Entry and Exit Entry increases the availability of substitutes and shifts the demand curve to left. Exit reduces the availability of substitutes and shifts the demand curve to the right.

8 Figure 2 A Monopolistic Competitor in the Long Run

9 Figure 3a Monopolistic versus Perfect Competition

10 Figure 3b Monopolistic versus Perfect Competition

11 Excess Capacity Total average cost is not at a minimum.

12 Advertising Pros Provides information. Promotes competition. Cons
Increases costs. Information can be misleading.

13 Brand Names

14 Table 1 Monopolistic Competition: Between Perfect Competition and Monopoly
Copyright©2004 South-Western

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