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CREATIVE MATHEMATICS Young children’s meanings and understandings of mathematical ideas take place in an action-based learning environment as they use concrete materials as tools with which to think and talk. All young children need opportunities to explore their world and experience mathematics through their play. Teachers in any setting can help children look for mathematical discussion about topics that interest children.
DEVELOPMENTAL PATTERN OF LEARNING MATHEMATICAL IDEAS The pattern of early use of number is similar to the general-to-specific pattern of physical growth. The child has a general understanding of numbers which will gradually move towards a more specific understanding as the developmental process continues. Children learn with their senses, with their whole bodies. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has developed a set of Principles and Standards for Children Pre-K (1998). These standards propose mathematical content and processes students should know and be able to use as they progress through school. There are 10 standards, 5 content standards and 5 process standards which apply across the pre-K-12 grade span. Within each standard, a number of focus areas are identifies to be emphasized at each grade level.
MATHEMATICS IN THE MOVEMENT CENTER Specific kinds of learning experiences in the movement center fall under the three National Mathematics content standards of number and operation, measurement, and spatial sense. Moving their bodies through space, help children learn specific mathematical concepts. Playtime allow these children many chances to explore, extend, and refine their spatial discoveries. The children laying on the trampoline are learning to share power, space, things, and ideas as well as using counting for access and comparing their jumping skills by measuring in a nonthreating way.
MATHEMATICS AT THE WATER TABLE –Play with water can lead to progression in mathematical thought, –The water play tend to be flexible and in the end they help to develop their measurement thinking. MATHEMATICS IN THE HOME CENTER –Children in the home center use play to translate their understanding of adult activities into their own actions. –Play activity also involve intelligence. MATHEMATICS IN THE ART CENTER –Many incidental earnings related to mathematics occur during art activities. –As art projects are planned, children learn to consider the number of items needed and often the shapes that will be required. –This experience relates directly to problem-solving and measurement-two of the content standards in the National Mathematical Standards for children. –By including different art projects, children can have fun, hand-on learning experiences involving the mathematical concept of shape, measurement, and problem solving.
MATHEMATICS IN THE BLOCK CENTER The block center is a perfect place for math experiences. They are especially good for learning math because they are real-life examples of geometric shapes and solids. To encourage rich, and varied mathematical experiences in the block center, teachers needs to carefully plan the appropriate equipment in this center. Block-building is a tremendously satisfying activity that nourishes minds, imaginations, and the developmental of mathematical concepts. A child building with blocks has many experiences related to math, such as 1.Classification 2.Order 3.Length 4.Area 5.Volume 6.Number 7.Shape Both small and large motor skills are also developed as children play with blocks.
Cleanup in the block center is another good chance to practice math skills. The following suggestions can help you make this cleanup a true learning experience 1.Ask children to pick up all of the blocks that are curved. 2.Ask children to pick up blocks of 3 different lengths. 3.Ask children to pick up or put away blocks according to size 4.Ask children to pick up blocks similar or different to a specific block that the cleanup director names. 5.Ask children to put away blocks in groups of twos, threes, etc. 6.Select certain people to put away certain shapes. 7.Ask children to pick up a number of blocks that are greater or less than the number of blocks the cleanup director is holding
MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS:DEFINATIONS AND RELATED ACTIVITIES 1.NUMBERS Rote Counting Children before the age of 3 yrs, count to ten in a proper order. It is similar to the stage in the developmental of speech when a child can repeat words without really understanding their meaning. Rational Counting Is a higher-level number understanding and develops slowly for most children. Is not possible until the child understand one-to-one correspondence. So as rote counting develops, teachers should encourage the skills of one-to-one correspondence. Cardinal Numbers Are numbers with names e.g. the number one, two, etc. Ordinal Number Refers to the place of an object in a series of numbers.
2.CLASSIFICATION AND SORTING Classification and sorting activities are the beginning that help children perceive a variety of relationships among thing in the world. Classification. Putting together things that are alike or that belong together is one of the processes necessary for developing the concept of number. Children progress through the following stages as they develop the skill of classifying a.Sorting into graphic collections without a plan in mind. a.Grouping with no apparent plan. a.Sorting on the basis of some criterion. a.Next, children can create grouping on the basis of two or more properties. a.Finally children sort objects or events according to function, use, or on the basis of a negative concept.
Before children can classify and sort, they need to understand concepts such as “belongingness” “put together” “alike” and “belong together”. These concept are acquired over time as children have varied hand-on experience in the early childhood programs. Teacher’s role is to help children gain these ideas through a variety of experience with a wide variety of materials.
3.COMPARING –The skill of comparing seems to come easily and naturally, especially when it is a personal comparison. –Different size and shapes container used in sand and water play along with stories, poems and folk tales offer opportunities for informal comparison. 4.ORDERING (SERIATION) –Ordering the environment into series begin when children are very young and continues throughout adult life. –The intervention of an adult, suitable materials, and appropriate language lead to refinement of these early basic concept. –The teacher can make ordering a part of natural discussion in relation to the children’s play and activities. –Teacher’s role is also to provide materials and sufficient time. 5.SHAPES AND FORMS –Children need many experience with shapes and making comparisons between shapes before they focus on naming shapes. –As new shape is understood, other shapes may be added. –In teaching young children about shapes and form, it is important to include more shapes than the common geometric shapes. But familiar shapes must be taught before uncommon ones.
MATHEMATICS GRADES 3-5 –Students in grades 3-5 see mathematics as practical and are challenged with many new ideas, and believe that what they are learning is important. –Sometimes between grades 4 and 8 student’s interest in mathematics begin to wane. –It is crucial that the mathematics education in the upper elementary and early middle grades be challenging, relevant, and engaging for students. –The curriculum materials and instructional approaches a teacher uses help students connect mathematical ideas and provide a basis for making them meaningful. –Although number and operation continue to be cornerstones of the curriculum in grades 3-5, each of the content standard is essential for building student knowledge at this level. –Knowledge and use of mathematical processes should be deepened and expanded in these grades. –Since students in grades 3-5 are capable of sophisticated reasoning, they should be challenged and supported in their learning. –Extending understanding from whole numbers to fractions and decimals is a key dimension of the 3-5 grade mathematics curriculum.
6.CALCULATOR: GRADES 3-5 –The calculator and a variety of computer software should be considered legitimate tools for learning and doing math and should be available to students in grades 3-5. –Teacher should create opportunities and make judgments about when and how these tools are used to support learning. –Calculators cannot replace the need for quick recall of basic facts, a basic understanding of math concepts, or the ability to formulate and use strategies for computing –Rather calculator should support these goals by enhancing and stimulating student learning.
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