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Looking back at Earth from orbit of Saturn(Voyager)

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Presentation on theme: "Looking back at Earth from orbit of Saturn(Voyager)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Looking back at Earth from orbit of Saturn(Voyager)

2 A blue water planet with 30% reflectivity (clouds, ice, snow)

3 About as many stars in the observable universe as the number of grains of dry sand on all the beaches of world. Carl Sagan ~100 billion galaxies, each with ~100 billion stars, so N ~10 22 Compare: number of H 2 O molecules in 1 ml of water, or about N = 3 x10 22

4 Russian Chemist Dmitri Mendeleev Early periodic table

5 The Periodic Table of Chemical Elements

6 A different way to view the periodic table

7 Net reaction: 4 protons (H) fuse to make a helium (He) nucleus, releasing energy: ~0.7% mass converted to energy by ∆E = mc 2 What keeps the sun shining??

8 The Crab Nebula: remnant from supernova explosion, observed in 1054 A.D. Left behind: a pulsar, spinning neutron star. SN explosions, the only way to make the elements beyond iron (Fe).

9 Relative atomic abundances in the galaxy, normalized to Hydrogen (H =1.00). Universe is still ~98% (H, He), as forged in the first minutes of the Big Bang. Notice the Fe ‘hill’ of higher abundance (most stable nucleus) Why might a carbon-based life, with H2O solvent be expected elsewhere?

10 The mass of atoms is in the nucleus, the size of an atom is the size of the electron ‘cloud’ (Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle)

11 The structure of atoms with ~all mass in the nucleus (protons and neutrons), surrounded by a cloud of electrons


13 Rutherford’s experiment showed that the mass of atoms was concentrated in a very small nucleus.

14 Bohr with Heisenberg (discussing the ‘critical mass’ for fission?)

15 Niels Bohr (early model of H atom) Albert Einstein (photo-electric effect)

16 Naming atoms Proton number defines the element Isotopes have different numbers of neutrons for the same number of protons (same element)

17 Electromagnetic radiation travels at the speed of light (c) Photons have no mass Energy is proportional to frequency of the radiation

18 (Wavelength) times (frequency) = speed of propagation = c

19 The electromagnetic spectrum by wavelength

20 Electromagnetic energy is directly proportional to the frequency, and inversely proportional to wavelength

21 Photon Emission System drops from a higher energy level to a lower one by spontaneously emitting a photon. Emission

22 “ Continuous ” spectrum “Quantized” spectrum Any  E is possible Only certain  E are ‘allowed’ transitions EE EE

23 White light can be spread into a rainbow of different wavelengths (colors) by a prism or grating (Newton)

24 Emission spectrum of atomic H Light Bulb: Continuous spectrum Hydrogen Lamp: Discrete lines only Quantized, not continuous

25 The spectrum of molecular hydrogen H2: a very complex pattern of emission lines unique to this species (‘fingerprint’) Spectral lines correspond to electron jumps between discrete (’quantized’) energy levels of atoms, ions, and molecules

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