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The New Ireland Fund, Inc. April, 2005 Presented by Deirdre Kennedy Senior Equity Manager Bank of Ireland Asset Management Capital Link Forum.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Ireland Fund, Inc. April, 2005 Presented by Deirdre Kennedy Senior Equity Manager Bank of Ireland Asset Management Capital Link Forum."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Ireland Fund, Inc. April, 2005 Presented by Deirdre Kennedy Senior Equity Manager Bank of Ireland Asset Management Capital Link Forum

2 The Irish growth story continues… Source: Davy/Irish Central Bank One of Europe’s fastest growing economies

3 Irish fundamentals drive premium growth n Supportive demographics n Flexible labor markets n Low corporate tax regime n Pro-business environment attractive to multinationals n Strong government finances One of Europe’s major success stories

4 Ireland has a very young workforce... Source: NCB ‘000 Population by age cohort 2002

5 …with the youngest median age in the EU 15... Source: Eurostat/Goodbody

6 …and the workforce is quite different from rest of Europe Source: NCB IRL (mn)EU (mn) IRL/EU active population

7 The Irish economy has become more competitive Source: Central Bank of Ireland/NCB Improving Irish relative unit wage costs

8 Adds up to high employment growth... % Source: NCB The key to economic performance

9 …and supported by healthy government finances % Source: NCB General government debt as % of GDP

10 The economy hit a soft patch for two years... Ireland Real GNP Source: Davy

11 ...but recovery underway since the spring of 2003 Ireland Real GNP Source: Davy

12 Economic success drives outperformance Source: Davy ISEQ relative to Eurofirst 300

13 Looking forward - risks to the growth story? n Rising Euro exchange rate  Euro has already risen about 60% from its lows n An adjustment to the housing market  Support from demographics and low interest rate environment n A reduction in the flow of direct investment  The importance of grants versus a low corporate tax rate

14 But the positives remain n Favorable fiscal environment  Tax reductions and decent expenditure increases in the recent budget n Demographic, labor market and corporate tax attractions  25-45 age group growing at 2% to 3% a year for the next decade  High proportion of college education, English speaking, low level of unionization  12.5% tax rate committed in legislation n GNP growth forecast at 4.75% in 2005 n Premium growth relative to the rest of Europe

15 New Ireland Fund – investment style n Concentrated portfolio with 22 stocks held n Quality bias with a value discipline n Balance  Stocks directly exposed to the Irish economy  Irish companies with global growth strategies

16 Ireland’s leading bank – great play on a strong economy Source: Davy Stockbrokers Allied Irish Banks Banking 16.9% of Fund 5 Yr CAGR 10 Yr CAGR EPS Growth % 7.711.0 Dividend Growth%8.115.6 Total Shareholder return%11.220.9 Valuation P/E 05 P/E 06 Yield Allied Irish Banks11.110.14.0 International Peer Group

17 Successful execution of a global growth strategy CRH Building Materials 11.6% of Fund 5 Yr CAGR 10 Yr CAGR Sales Growth %11.2 18.1 EPS Growth % 14.519.7 Dividend Growth %10.513.1 Total Shareholder Return %2.120.9 Valuation P/E 05 P/E 06 Yield CRH11.710.71.9 European Peer Group 12.811.72.7 Source: Davy Stockbrokers

18 The winner in the sector Ryanair Airline 4.4% of Fund 5 Yr CAGR 10 Yr CAGR Valuation P/E 05 P/E 06 Yield Source: Davy Stockbrokers Ryanair15.813.3- International Peer Group 20.616.7- Sales Growth %29.4 N/A EPS Growth % 40.7N/A Total Shareholder Return %14.7N/A

19 New Ireland Fund - top 10 stocks Source: BIAM, Davy

20 Demonstrating Shareholder Focus $ Number 1 performer in its Western European Lipper peer group over 1, 3 and 5 years

21 New Ireland Fund NAV Performance Source: PFPC, Total Return $ The Fund repurchased 18% of shares outstanding over the past 5 years

22 Bank of Ireland Asset Management Limited is authorised by the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority (IFSRA) under the Investment Intermediaries Act, 1995. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Mention of individual stocks should not be taken as a recommendation to trade in these stocks.

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