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1 On the Stability of Network Distance Monitoring Yan Chen, Chris Karlof, Yaping Li and Randy Katz {yanchen, ckarlof, yaping, EECS.

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Presentation on theme: "1 On the Stability of Network Distance Monitoring Yan Chen, Chris Karlof, Yaping Li and Randy Katz {yanchen, ckarlof, yaping, EECS."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 On the Stability of Network Distance Monitoring Yan Chen, Chris Karlof, Yaping Li and Randy Katz {yanchen, ckarlof, yaping, randy}@CS.Berkeley.EDU EECS Department UC Berkeley

2 2 Introduction Lots of applications/services may benefit from end-to-end distance monitoring/estimation –Mirror Selection- VPN management/provisioning –Overlay Routing/Location - Peer-to-peer file system –Cache-infrastructure Configuration –Service Redirection/Placement Problem formulation: Given N end hosts that may belong to different administrative domains, how to select a subset of them to be probes and build an overlay distance monitoring service without knowing the underlying topology? Solution: Internet Iso-bar –Cluster of hosts that perceive similar performance to Internet –For each cluster, select a monitor for active and continuous probing –The first one for monitoring site selection and stability evaluation with real Internet measurement data –Compare with other distance estimation services: ID Maps, GNP

3 3 Related Work Existing Internet E2E distance estimation systems fall in two categories: –Clustering based (service-centric): IDMaps, Network Distance Map, Internet Iso-bar –Coordinate based (end host-centric): Triangulated schemes, GNP Pioneering work: IDMaps –Clustering with IP address prefix (not very accurate) –Based on triangulation inequality –Number of hops only- No dynamics nor stability addressed Network Distance Map –Clustering based on network proximity rather than similarity –Fixed monitors, no monitor placement/selection GNP: –Each client maintains its own coordinate –Distance estimated through certain distance function over the coordinates

4 4 Framework of Internet Iso-bar Define correlation distance between each pair of hosts Apply generic clustering methods below –Limit the diameter (max distance between any two hosts in the cluster) of a cluster, and minimize number of clusters –Limit the number of clusters, then minimize the max diameter of all clusters Choose the center of each cluster as monitor Periodically monitors measure distance among each other as well as the distance to the hosts in its cluster Inter-cluster distance estimation dist(i,j) = dist(monitor i, monitor j ) Intra-cluster distance estimation (i,j has same monitor m) dist(i,j) = (dist(i, m) + dist(j, m) ) / 2 Inter-cluster estimation dominates –Given K evenly distributed clusters, ratio of inter- vs. intra- estimation is K-1

5 5 Correlation Distance Network distance based –Using proximity: d ij = measured network distance(p ij ) –Using Euclidean distance of network distance vector: V i = [p i1, p i2, …, p in ] T –Using cosine vector similarity of network distance vector: Geographical distance based –Using proximity

6 6 Properties Comparison IDMapsInternet Iso-barGNP Communi. cost Offline setup O(K * AP)O(N 2 ) for net_* O(N) for geo_p O(N 2 ) for lm selection O(K 2 +N*K) for random lm Communi. cost Online update O(K 2 + AP)O(K 2 + N)O(K 2 + N * K) Computation cost Offline setup O (AP * K)O(N * K)O(K *N 2 logN) + O(K 3 * D) * I(K * D) + O(N * K *D) * I(D) Computation cost Online update O(1) O(K 3 * D) * I(K * D) + O(N * K *D) * I(D) N: # of hosts; K: # of monitors: AP: # of address prefix; D: # of dimensions I: # of iterations for optimization, proportional to # of variables, could be very large

7 7 Evaluation Methodology Experiments with NLANR AMP data set – 119 sites on US (106 after filtering out most off sites) – Traceroute between every pair of hosts every minute – Clustering uses daily geometric mean of round-trip time (RTT) – Evaluation uses daily 1440 measurement of RTT – Raw data: 6/24/00 – 12/3/01

8 8 Performance & Stability Evaluation Compare 6 distance estimation schemes (denotations) –Clustering with proximity of network distance (net_p) –Clustering with Euclidean dist of network dist vector (net_ed) –Clustering with vector similarity of network dist vector (net_vs) –Clustering with proximity of geographical distance (geo_p) –GNP- All schemes above have 15 clusters/landmarks –Omniscient: using the original p ij to predict future p ij (omni) Stability analysis –Clustering / coordinates calculation with day1 (birth date) measurement –Compute relative predict error (rpe) using day2 (estimation date) measurement

9 9 Summary of 80 th (left) & 90 th (right) percentile relative error Stability CDF of relative errors for 1-month (left) & 6-month (right)

10 10 Conclusion Omniscient always works the best –RTT time overall is quite stable for the experimental sites and period, but need further verification –It can not report timely congestion –It requires full n * n IP distance matrix, inapplicable to scalability tricks, e.g. hierarchy GNP has better performance and stability than clustering-based schemes –Has much more computation & communication cost when update Using similarity of network distance for clustering works much better than using proximity Geographical proximity based clustering works better than network proximity based clustering –Requires no measurement for clustering & monitor selection –Provides reasonably good performance & stability –But may biased with the dataset used

11 11 Current Work Congestion/Failure Correlation of Clustered Hosts –Can Monitors report timely congestion/path outage? False-alarms? Evaluation with Keynote Web Site Perspective Benchmarking (Collaboration with Dr. Chris Overton@Keynote) –Measure Web site performance from more than 100 agents on the Internet –Heterogeneous core network: various ISPs –Heterogeneous access network: »Dial up 56K, DSL and high-bandwidth business connections –Choose 40 most popular Web servers for benchmarking –Problem: how to reduce the number of agents and/or servers, but still represent the majority of end-user performance for reasonably stable period?

12 12 Keynote Agent Locations America (including Canada, Mexico): 67 agents –29 cities: Houston, Toronto, LA, Minneapolis, DC, Boston, Miami, Dallas, NY, SF, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Chicago, Cincinnati, Portland, Vancouver, Seattle, Phoneix, San Diego, Denver, Sunnyvale, McLean, Atlanta, Tampa, St. Louis, Mexico, Kansas City, Pleasonton –14 ISPs: PSI, Verio, UUNET, C&W, Sprint, Qwest, Genuity, AT&T, XO, Exodus, Level3, Intermedia, Avantel, SBC Europe: 25 agents –12 cities: London, Paris, Frankfurt, Munich, Oslo, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Helsinki, Milan, Stockholm, Madrid, Brussels –16 ISPs: PSI, Cerbernet, Oleane, Level3, ECRC, Nextra, UUNET, TeleDanmark, KPNQwest, Inet, DPN, Xlink, Telia, Retevision, BT, Telephonica Asia: 8 agents –6 cities: Seoul, Singapore, Tokyo, Shanghai, Hongkong, Taipei –8 ISPs: BORANet, SingTel, IIJ, ChinaTel, HKT, Kornet, NTTCOM, HiNet, Australia: 3 agents –3 cities: Sydney, Wellington, Melbourne –3 ISPs: OzeMail, Telstra-Saturn, Optus

13 13 Evaluation of Generic Clustering Algorithms Limit-number clustering and limit-diameter clustering gives similar results with Limit-number a bit better Net_ed and Net_vs gives similar results with Net_vs a bit better Use Limit-number clustering for the rest comparison

14 14 Performance Evaluation Static and stability analysis in daily, tri-daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, six-monthly intervals

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