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1 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains:

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1 1 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Some Strategic Questions about the Challenges & opportunities of RFID John Murray Professor of Business Studies June 2006

2 2 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID My perspective..  Moderately informed layperson  Not unlike many users and strategic decision makers with regard to RFID investment  The question from the strategist’s viewpoint is does it improve competitive performance?

3 3 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID The siren song of new technology… Genius to Genius Idiot to Idiot Genius to Idiot Early Adopter - Innovator - Early Majority - Late Majority - Laggards

4 4 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID The strategist’s questions:  Does it enhance current competitive advantage?  Can it recast business strategy to deliver a new & sustainable competitive advantage?

5 5 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Does RFID deliver demonstrable cost or value improvement? Efficiency 1 Quality Innovation Customer Responsive -ness OperationsMarketingHRMFinanceR&D 2 2 2

6 6 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID & can the value of that improvement be captured - by me?  The difficulty of power based customer mandated adoption  Delay adoption & invest in minimum required to ‘qualify’  Capture only if embedded in proprietary systems & structures  Therefore selling process, not product  Therefore better not sell-on ‘my solution’  Successful RFID deployment is a service business

7 7 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Second, can it deliver a new & sustainable competitive advantage? 20062011 as usual different better The Vision

8 8 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Second, can it deliver a new & sustainable competitive advantage?  Different, not better!  Where, what, remotely - & remote is the prime novelty  Many strategists will believe they know enough where & what already  But: could it, for example, deliver  Radical inventory & WC change?  Step change in flexible/quick response systems?  Real-time, reprogrammable GSCs?

9 9 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Radical inventory & WC change? VARIETY INVENTORY A B

10 10 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Step change in flexible/quick response systems? The 5-Day Car Project? Service Parts & Repair INFORMATION FLOWS PHYSICAL FLOWS Customer Car Branders New Car Dealers Used Car Dealers Loans, Leasing & Insurance Indepen -dent Assem -lers Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1

11 11 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Real-time, re/self-programmable GSCs? Waste FMCG Distr’nRetailing Consumer Food Service Farm inputs Farm Prod’n Parts Components Ingredients Assembly Systems Integr’n Pkng

12 12 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID But: two final buts…  Adoption process understanding & management, lead markets, network solutions, limited trial  But what if RFID is “too successful”… can you substitute, cheaper redundancy?

13 13 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID

14 14 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Research at the School

15 15 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Research momentum & performance Two Major New Research Programmes / Institutes paralleling National SFI / S&T Investment Programme in New Technology Innovation / Commercialisation & in Services R&D Competitively Funded Research Momentum -Global Business Systems -Global Financial Integration -Global Manufacturing -Nonprofit Management -Public Management Consolidate & Leverage 2002/5 Combined Trinity-IMI BizLab Initiative Combined School & College Initiative Combined Trinity-IMI-Babson Research Strategy 2006 Students Peers Managers Policy makers Speaking to: -Global Business Systems -Global Financial Integration -Global Manufacturing -Nonprofit Management -Public Management Institution Building & Public Management } IIIS Partnership 2006/11 Momentum

16 16 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Performance… €3.2m competitively funded research work in progress Highest volume output in Ireland (peer reviewed journals) 3.2:1 output productivity vs. nearest local competitor Ranked 53rd worldwide June 2006 by social science research network (SSRN) vs. nearest locals @ 200 & 341 85% research active Performance

17 17 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Based in Practice Inductive Research Deductive Research Building a lasting distinctive advantage from that base… Dynamics of Global Business Systems: Innovation & Transformation(1) Global Financial Integration (2) Business & Innovation: Enabling all ‘Major Research Pillars’(3) Policy Students Biz Lab Peers

18 18 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID & aligned with University priorities… College Research Strategy Major Pillars 2006-2011 Enabling Strands with strengths cutting across pillar areas CRANN TCIN CTVR IMM HUB/ USSHER - Critical mass - Previous investment - National Leadership - International reputation Immunology & Infection Cancer Neuroscience Genetics Nano- & Materials Science Communications & Intelligent Systems Ireland Compared Emergent Areas Informatics,Maths, Computation Trinity Consortium on Ageing Policy Stitched into College strategy Trinity Foundation Health Wealth Wisdom Confidence Participation School contribution Globalisation IIIS Business & Innovation

19 19 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID For example, one major initiative is the Institute for International Services Innovation

20 20 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Vision - IISI  Given, the dominant role of services in advanced economies and in some rapidly emerging economies: “largest labour force migration in history”  Given, the central role in sustaining and growing Irish competitiveness and economic & social prosperity  Then, an advanced research centre in international services innovation as a pillar of Irish long run competitiveness holds the potential to be an early mover globally, if not a first mover.  Implementing the Vision = f{human capital; organisation; performance management}

21 21 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID Our model… *Institute as a network of Partners in Ireland & at leading centres globally ResearchDisseminationPractice Government Industry Global Partners* Global Partners* Quantitative & Longitudinal research Industry & Policy Round Tables Short Cycle Output Long Cycle Output Cluster evolution Innovative strategy Investment decisions Executive Development Researchers Round Table Practitioner Fora Taught Masters Case & Action research Reshaping the socio-geography of innovation Industry & Policy Round Tables Dir of Entrepreneurship Innovation & Transformation Publication Training & Development Materials

22 22 J A Murray School of Business, Trinity College, University of Dublin June 16th 2006: Seminar on Innovations in International Business & Supply Chains: RFID We hope we can work with you to co-create the knowledge we all need to create the future, as well as to manage it.

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