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PLANT REQUIREMENTS Topic # 2031 Mr. Christensen. Nutrients Plants needs more than carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), water (H 2 O) and light they also require-----

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1 PLANT REQUIREMENTS Topic # 2031 Mr. Christensen

2 Nutrients Plants needs more than carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), water (H 2 O) and light they also require----- Macronutrients—Required in larger quantities than others. Micronutrients—Needed but in smaller amounts

3 Essential Plant Nutrients Non-Fertilizers obtained from the air and water—Carbon(C) Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O) Primary Macronutrients—Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K),

4 Essential Plant Nutrients Secondary Macronutrients—Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg) and Sulfur (S) Micronutrients—Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Chlorine (Cl), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Zinc (Zn) and Nickel (Ni)

5 Nitrogen Cycle Physical Geography

6 Nitrogen Constituent of amino acids, chlorophyll and nucleic acids Plant absorbs as NO 3 -, NH 4 +, and NO 2 - Deficiency symptoms—stunting, pale green leaves (chlorosis) and firing of lower leaves (firing of tip down the mid-vein) Mobile in the plant and soil (leaching and denitrification)

7 Iowa State University, N Deficiency Chlorosis Side-dressing corn With 28% N

8 Iowa State University, 28% N Fertilizer Burn

9 Phosphorus Important in energy release, constituent of ATP and nucleic acids, necessary for normal development of flowers, fruits and seeds. Plant absorbs as H 2 PO 4 - (acid soils) and HPO 4 =, and PO 4 = (alkaline soils) Deficiency symptoms—Purpling of lower leaves, flowers abort before forming. Mobile in the plant and fixed in the soil Most Michigan soils are high in P

10 Phosphorus Deficiency Mississippi State University

11 Iowa State University N use in a corn plant Over time P use in corn plant Over time

12 Timing and Nitrogen Rate Application Effect on Corn Yield Irrigated McBride Sandy Loam Application Timing N rate Preplant Sidedress Lb N/acre -----------bu/acre 0 75 75 120 149 155 180 155 161 240 157 167 For profit 200 Lb N/acre for Records 400Lb N/acre Why less production For N applied preplant Diminishing Returns?

13 Potassium Important in translocation; affects cell permeability, stomatal activity, activator of many enzymes Plant absorbs as K + Deficiency symptoms—Scorch or necrotic spotting (yellowish/reddish) of lower leaves (tips to margins), weak stalks

14 Potassium Deficiency Iowa State University,

15 K use in Corn Over time Iowa State University



18 Reading the Fertilizer Label J.I. Simplot Company 1 st Number Nitrogen (N) % 2 nd Number Phosphorus (P)% 3 rd Number Potassium (K)% Urea 46% N Anhydrous Ammonia 82% Ammonium Sulfate 21%

19 Fertilizer Calculations 50 Lbs of fertilizer marked 16-04-08 How many pounds of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium does the bag contain? Nitrogen.16 X 50 = 8.0 Lbs Phosphorus.04 X 50 = 2.0 Lbs Potassium.08X 50 = 4.0 Lbs

20 Fertilizer Calculations 25 lbs of fertilizer marked 34-06-12 How many pounds of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium does the bag contain?

21 Fertilizer Calculations Nitrogen.34 X 25 = 8.5 Lbs. Phosphorus.06 X 25 = 1.5 Lbs. Potassium.12 X 25 = 3 Lbs.

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