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Recovery and the Future The Underpinnings of Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "Recovery and the Future The Underpinnings of Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recovery and the Future The Underpinnings of Strategy

2 The recovery possibilities The V The U The L The Mountain Sharp recovery; soon back to business as usual Long recession, but full recovery Very long recession, or even depression

3 Recovery in the East China looks set to return to +10% in 2010; India to +8% In 2009 China overtook the US to become the No 1 export market for Japan; in Dec 09, Japan exports to the US were -7%, to EU +1% and to China +43% ‘Chindia’ is sucking the East out of recession

4 Tougher in the West U.S. growth perhaps 2.5% EU growth perhaps 1.5% IMF forecast: 20102011 Advanced economies2.1%2.4% Emerging/developing6.0%6.3% United Kingdom1.3%2.7%

5 Strategic Options for UK firms Focus on Britain, to rebuild a strong core in existing sectors Focus on Britain, but rethink the new future (what will be the new trends?) Focus on the growth markets: either the existing ones (China and India) or the next wave, e.g. Vietnam, Cambodia and sub-Saharan Africa

6 Focus on the core In tough times and with an uncertain future, it may seem sensible to ‘stick to the knitting’ … … Asda could focus even more on price; Paul Smith become more British than ever; and Harrods remain a shop to aspire to, rather than visit regularly It worked before, so it’ll work again

7 Rethink the new future If recovery sets in fully, will all spending revert to 2006/2007 patterns? Or will there be new faves? Vertu? M&S Food? Stella McCartney? – lost impetus and lost competitiveness? So should Apple launch a range of £5,000-£10,000 iPhones? And should Tesco relaunch its ‘Finest’ range?

8 Diversify towards growth Burberry will increase outlets in China from 44 to 100 in 2010; its Jan 2010 accounts reported AsiaPacific to have sales +18%, with China ‘performing strongly’. JCB is pushing to increase its presence in China; it has a 50% share of the construction equipment market in India, but only 0.5% in China!

9 Factors affecting strategy: Aims and objectives Availability of resources (3Ms) Leadership effectiveness Internal attitudes/culture: fighting the last war? Or planning how to win the next? (Ethos: ‘only the paranoid survive’) The opportunities left open by weak rivals

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