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CSE9020 Ethics / 1January 20, 2003 Ethics Ethics, noun – pertaining to right or wrong in conduct Ethical, adj –in accordance with the rules or standards.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE9020 Ethics / 1January 20, 2003 Ethics Ethics, noun – pertaining to right or wrong in conduct Ethical, adj –in accordance with the rules or standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE9020 Ethics / 1January 20, 2003 Ethics Ethics, noun – pertaining to right or wrong in conduct Ethical, adj –in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a profession –the rules of conduct recognised in a particular class of human actions

2 CSE9020 Ethics / 2January 20, 2003 Ethics From an article in The Age - July 28th, 2002 ‘ Suddenly, ethics is a booming business Australia’s company directors and executives are flocking to business ethics courses, which are booming after the spectacular collapses of high profile companies HIH and One.Tel, and WorldCom and Enron in the United States (and Tyco can now be included) The Australian Institute of Directors is set to increase numbers attending its company directors course which covers corporate governance Chartered Secretaries Australia also reported a rise in demand for its courses in corporate governance’

3 CSE9020 Ethics / 3January 20, 2003 Ethics –The overriding principles are fairness integrity openness responsibility commitment to accuracy and truth

4 CSE9020 Ethics / 4January 20, 2003 Ethics –Members of a profession should act always for the maintenance for the community, rather than for sectional interests –This includes the exposure of hypocrisy, falsehoods or double standards –Members should seek to present fair, balanced and accurate material –Confidentiality must be protected at all costs

5 CSE9020 Ethics / 5January 20, 2003 Ethics –Fair and honest means should be used to obtain material, including information. Misrepresentations and the user of concealed equipment or surveillance devices should be avoided –Members of an organisation should have equal opportunity to develop their skills –The employer organisation is obliged to provide a healthy and safe working environment

6 CSE9020 Ethics / 6January 20, 2003 Ethics –Activities outside workhours may be seen to have an impact on the individual’s or the employer organisation –No person should be harassed or discriminated against on grounds of gender, colour, race, nationality, religious belief, impairment, age, height, weight, marital status, appearance or sexual preference –Managers or others with access to personal information relating to other members are required to treat such information as confidential, and not to disclose such information except in the course of discharging formal responsibilities

7 CSE9020 Ethics / 7January 20, 2003 Ethics Members should not use their position to obtain private benefit for themselves or others Members should not be influenced by family or other personal relationships Members should be alert to conflict of interests which may arise and declare to a senior person or officer any real or perceived conflict of interest which arises or is foreseen

8 CSE9020 Ethics / 8January 20, 2003 Ethics Members engaged in the development of software or hardware or communications or other Information Technology facility and who believe they have a interest on such development, maintenance, or installation should acknowledge such interest Members in doubt as to whether a conflict of interest exists should consult a senior officer No payment, gift or other advantage which may be seen to undermine accuracy, fairness or independence is to be accepted.

9 CSE9020 Ethics / 9January 20, 2003 Ethics Other people’s material is not to be reproduced without reference and acknowledgement The source of material obtained from another organisation should be acknowledged

10 CSE9020 Ethics / 10January 20, 2003 Ethics The Australian Computer Society has this to say : An essential characteristic of a profession is the need for its members to abide by a Code of Ethics. The Society requires its members to subscribe to a set of values and ideals which uphold and advance the honour, dignity and effectiveness of the profession of information technology

11 CSE9020 Ethics / 11January 20, 2003 Ethics In keeping with this statement, a member must –be honest, forthright and impartial –serve the community –strive to increase the competency and prestige of the profession –use special knowledge and skill for the advancement of human welfare

12 CSE9020 Ethics / 12January 20, 2003 Ethics - ACS Competence (part only of the Standards of Conduct) –A member must endeavour to provide products and services which match the operational and financial needs of my clients and employers –A member must give value for money in the services and products I supply –A member must respect and protect the clients’ and employers’ proprietary interests

13 CSE9020 Ethics / 13January 20, 2003 Ethics - ACS Social Implications –A member must protect and promote the health and safety of those affected by her/his work –A member must consider and respect people’s privacy which might be affected by a member’s work –A member must respect employees and refrain from treating them unfairly The full statement of the code of ethics is available at

14 CSE9020 Ethics / 14January 20, 2003 Ethics Penalties : Suspension of membership from the professional body Cancellation of membership from the professional body Inability to use the professional association as credential support in new position applications Restraint or inability to practice as a member of a professional body Legal proceedings  Fines Imprisonment

15 CSE9020 Ethics / 15January 20, 2003 Ethics Acknowledgements to –The Age Code of Conduct –The Australian Computer Society

16 CSE9020 Ethics / 16January 20, 2003

17 CSE9020 Ethics / 17January 20, 2003

18 CSE9020 Ethics / 18January 20, 2003 Project Team Presentations The presentations this semester will be run over 3 evenings and the most appropriate are Groups Week 10 Tuesday 13th May 1, 2, 3, 4 Week 11 Tuesday 20th May 5, 6, 7, 8 Week 12 Tuesday 27th May 9, 10, 11, 12 Week 13 Tuesday 3rd June Only if necessary

19 CSE9020 Ethics / 19January 20, 2003 Project Team Presentations Each team will have a 20 minute time slot - and this time must not be exceeded. It includes a short time for questions. Presentations can be by Overheads based on PowerPoint (Office 97 or 2000). We will be using this theatre - the normal equipment (Windows 2000) - or you can use your own laptop or the overhead projector Appearance will be in Team Number order, in ascending order as shown

20 CSE9020 Ethics / 20January 20, 2003 Project Team Presentations Select your presenters - preferably 2 to 4 speakers should be involved, and one team member should look after the overheads Spend some time rehearsing (before the Presentation session) If possible load your materials onto the PC before the sessions start (about 6.00pm to 6.10pm)

21 CSE9020 Ethics / 21January 20, 2003 Project Team Presentations If based on the Project: As a general guide, don’t use time to explain the project in detail - an overview is sufficient The Project Plan, showing Progress to date, should be used What methodology is being used - short explanation of selection What Quality Control/Quality Assurance is being used Team makeup and responsibility delegation

22 CSE9020 Ethics / 22January 20, 2003 Project Team Presentations There will be score sheets available for members of other teams who are present, and the marks shown on these will be input to each Presenting Teams’ marks. The criteria for marking : 1. Overview of functionality 15% 2. Description of methodology 15% 3. Progress to date status report 15% 4. Does the Team have Quality Assurance procedures in place 15% 5. Is the Team likely to finish 20% 6. Quality of presentation 20%

23 CSE9020 Ethics / 23January 20, 2003 Project Team Presentations Alternatively, you may select some aspect of your project which either –gave you unexpected problems –is of significant interest –led you to develop some new technique –required research, development and testing –caused you to restart or rethink your approach Or some related topic such as Data Mining, Supply Chain Management, Customer Resource Management, Security….. –‘could / should be the wider scenario’ for the Council system, or the PERIN system –Internet based solution

24 CSE9020 Ethics / 24January 20, 2003 Project Team Presentations –was it a ‘current’ solution or 2 to 3 years ahead –could it be cost effective –was it within the scope of the client / user’s requirements – was there a cost justification (projected costs/benefits) The marking will be a score out of 100

25 CSE9020 Ethics / 25January 20, 2003 Project Team Presentations Alternatively, you may select some aspect of your project which either –‘could / should be the wider scenario’ for the Car Parking/Payment problems –Internet based solution –team members’ thoughts about their roles

26 CSE9020 Ethics / 26January 20, 2003 Project Team Presentations If the presentation is based on any one or more of these scenarios, the marking will be: –was the topic presentation interesting –did your team have a similar / contrasting situation –was the presentation convincing / applicable –did it extend your knowledge –was it realistically researched - supporting materials

27 CSE9020 Ethics / 27January 20, 2003 Project Team Presentations Points to watch: 1. Were the overheads readable ? 2. Could the commentary be heard ? 3. Did the speaker(s) face the audience or the projection images ? 4. How well were questions fielded ? 5. Did you feel that the team was in control of the project or the topic ?

28 CSE9020 Ethics / 28January 20, 2003 Project Team Assessment This will be done by those attending the presentations There will be a form for each person to complete for each presentation (presenting team will not mark their own presentation) The forms will be available near the entry doorway Marking will be by ticking the appropriate boxes Please hand the forms to me at the conclusion of the evening’s presentations

29 CSE9020 Ethics / 29January 20, 2003 Project Team Presentations And finally, Would each Team prepare a list showing –The Team number –The Team Members’ names –The Team Members’ I.Ds. –Your Supervisor’s name and hand it to me before commencing your presentation please.

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