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Summer research  研究主題: Yeast One Hybrid system  中央研究院生農所籌備處 楊文欽教授 生科 04 級 881714 何國維.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer research  研究主題: Yeast One Hybrid system  中央研究院生農所籌備處 楊文欽教授 生科 04 級 881714 何國維."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer research  研究主題: Yeast One Hybrid system  中央研究院生農所籌備處 楊文欽教授 生科 04 級 881714 何國維

2 Institute introduction  作物改良組  中草藥研究組  環保及工業用酵素  動物疫苗技術

3 Introduction Lymphocyte stem cell ( Bone marrow ) B cell ( Bone marrow ) T cell ( Thymus ) Tc ( Cytotxic T cell ) Th ( Helper T cell )


5 Introduction  Th1 cells activate macrophages. Enabling them to destroy intracellular microorganisms more efficiently.  Th2 cells drive B cells to differentiate and produce immunoglobulins of all other type.


7 Introduction  T 細胞由未受刺激的 Th0 細胞發展到 Th1 細胞的分 化過程中,其 Interferon gamma promoter (pIFN- γ) 會被活化而導致 IFN-γ 的產生。  T-bet 可以促進 T 細胞從 Th0 細胞分化到 Th1 細 胞,也可以控制 IFN-γ 的表現。

8 Introduction Th0Th1IFN-γ T-bet

9 Material Yeast

10 Main difference between yeast and E.coli culture YeastE.Coli 4~6 days 16 hours YeastE.Coli 30 ℃ 37 ℃ YeastE.ColiYPDLB  Incubation time  Incubation temperature  Culture medium

11 Method Yeast One Hybrid system

12  One-Hybrid System provides an in vivo genetic assay used for isolating novel genes encoding proteins that bind to a target, cis-acting regulatory element  Protein-DNA interaction

13  由於 T-bet 可和 IFN-γ 啟動子結合並且調控之, 因此想利用 T-bet 和 IFN-γ 啟動子的作用來探討 Yeast one hybrid 系統是否可以偵測到兩者的作 用。若可行,我們將利用此系統進一步來篩選其 他能和 IFN-γ 啟動子作用的基因,與研究這些基 因的產物是否可以促進 T cell 從 Th0 細胞分化到 Th1 細胞。


15 XbaI IFN-r promoter EcoRI ligation Reporter gene

16 T-bet binding domain EcoRIPstI Activation domain ligation Report gene

17 Yeast strain : YM4271 ( MATa )、 Y187 ( MATα ) Can’t synthesis histidine 、 leucine 、 uracil by itself 。 Yeast Incubate Yeast selection medium -His or -Leu or -Ura Yeast can’t growth on selection medium

18 pHISi-IFN-γ Yeast ( YM4271 ) Yeast selection medium -His pGAD424-T-bet Yeast ( Y187 ) Yeast selection medium -Leu

19 Yeast selection medium -His Appropriate 3-AT 3-AT : a inhibitor of the HIS3 gene product Yeast ( YM4271 ) pHISi-IFN-γ

20 Yeast selection medium -His/-Leu Yeast ( Y187 ) pGAD424-T-bet Yeast can’t growth Yeast ( YM4271 ) pHISi-IFN-γ Yeast can’t growth Yeast selection medium -His/-Leu Incubate

21 pHISi-IFN-γ pGAD424 Appropriate 3-AT Yeast selection medium -His/-Leu

22 Yeast mating YM4271Y187 Yeast selection medium -His/-Leu pHISi-IFN-γ pGAD424-T-bet

23 Y187 YM4271

24 Future work  Screen library to find new transcription factor.

25 THE END Thank you

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