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Chapter 2 Phonetics and Phonology

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1 Chapter 2 Phonetics and Phonology

2 Phonetics ----A branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription, e.g. [p] bilabial, stop.

3 Three branches of phonetics
Articulatory phonetics----from the speakers’ point of view, “how speakers produce speech sounds” Auditory phonetics----from the hearers’ point of view, “how sounds are perceived” Acoustic phonetics----from the physical way or means by which sounds are transmitted from one to another.

4 Speech organs: three important areas
Pharyngeal cavity ---- the throat; The oral cavity ---- the mouth; Nasal cavity ---- the nose.

5 The diagram of speech organs
Lips Teeth Teeth ridge (alveolar) Hard palate Soft palate (velum) Uvula Tip of tongue Blade of tongue Back of tongue Vocal cords Pharyngeal cavity Nasal cavity

6 Orthographic representation of speech sounds
---- A standardized and internationally accepted system of phonetic transcription is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The basic principle of the IPA is using one letter to represent one speech sound. Broad transcription ---- used in dictionary and textbook for general purpose, without diacritics, e.g. clear [ l ], [ pit ] Narrow transcription ---- used by phonetician for careful study, with diacritics, e.g. dark [ l ], aspirated [ p ]

7 Some major articulatory variables
---- dimensions on which speech sounds may vary: Voicing---- voiced & voiceless Nasality ---- nasal & non-nasal Aspiration aspirated & unaspirated

8 Classification of English speech sounds
---- English speech sounds are generally classified into two large categories: Vowels Consonants Note: The essential difference between these two classes is that in the production of the former the airstream meets with no obstruction of any kind in the throat, the nose or the mouth, while in that of the latter it is somehow obstructed.

9 The Table of Phonetic Transcription in English

10 Classification of consonants
---- English consonants may be classified according to two dimensions: The manner of articulation The place of articulation

11 The manner of articulation
stops/plosives: [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g]; fricatives: [f], [v], [s], [z], [W], [T], [F], [V], [h]; affricates: [tF], [dV]; liquids: [l](lateral), [r]; nasals: [m], [n], [N]; glides/semivowels: [w], [j].

12 The place of articulation
bilabial: [p], [b], [m], [w]; labiodental: [ f ], [v]; dental: [W], [T]; alveolar: [t], [d], [s], [z], [n], [l], [r]; palatal: [F], [V], [tF], [dV], [ j ]; velar: [k], [g], [N]; glottal: [h].

13 The place of articulation
Bilabial; Labiodental; Dental or interdental; Alveolar; Palatoalveolar; Palatal; Velar; Uvular; Glottal.

14 The description of English consonants
Place manner Voic-ing Bila- bial Labio- dental Dental Alveo-lar Palatal Velar Glottal Stops or plosives VL [ p ] [ t ] [ k ] VD [ b ] [ d ] [ g ] Frica-tives [ f ] [ W ] [ s ] [ F ] [h] [ v ] [ T ] [ z ] [ V ] Affri- cates ([tF] ) [tF] ([dV]) [dV] Nasals [m] [n] [ N ] Liquids [l], [r] Glides [w] [ j ]

15 Classification of vowels
---- English vowels can be divided into two large categories: Monophthongs or pure/single vowels Diphthongs or gliding vowels

16 Monophthongs or pure/single vowels
----According to which part of the tongue is held highest in the process of production, the vowels can be distinguished as: front vowels: [I:], [I], [e], [Z], [A], [B]; central vowels: [E:], [E], [Q]; back vowels: [u:], [u], [C:], [C], [B:].

17 According to the openness of the mouth
Close: [I:], [I], [u:], [u]. Semi-close: [e], [E:]; Semi-open: [E], [C]; Open: [A], [B], [C], [B:], [Q];

18 The diagram of single vowel classification by applying the two criteria so far mentioned:

19 According to the shape of the lips or the degree of lip rounding
rounded: [u:], [u], [C:], [C]; unrounded: [I:], [I], [e], [Z], [A], [B], [E:], [E], [Q], [B:].

20 According to the length of the vowels
long: [I:], [E:], [u:], [C:], [B:] short: [I], [e], [Z], [A], [E], [Q], [B], [u], [C].

21 Diphthongs/gliding vowels
[ei], [ai], [aU], [EU], [Ri], [iE], [ZE], [UE].

22 Exercises: underline the words that begin with a sound as required.
A bilabial consonant: mad sad bad cad pad had lad A velar consonant: nod god cod pod rod Labiodental consonant: rat fat sat mat chat vat pat An alveolar consonant: nick lick sick tick kick quick A palato-alveolar consonant: sip ship tip chip lip zip A dental consonant: lie buy thigh thy tie rye A glide: one war yolk rush

23 Underline the words that end with a sound as required:
A fricative pay horse tough rice breath push sing wreathe hang cave message A nasal train bang leaf limb A stop drill pipe fit crab fog ride laugh rack through tip An affricate: rack such ridge booze

24 Underline the words that contain the sound as required:
A central vowel: mad lot but boot word A front vowel: reed pad load fate bit bed cook A rounded vowel: who he bus her hit true boss bar walk A back vowel: paid reap fool top good father

25 Describe the underlined consonants according to three dimensions:
vd/vl place manner Letter Brother Sunny Hopper Itching Lodger Calling Singing Robber either

26 Phonology Warming Up Why Vowels in English are not classified as consonants? How English vowels are classified? Or What possible ways do we have to divide the English vowels into different classes? Describe [u:] by means of the different ways of classification. If a vowel is described as back, rounded, open and short, what sound is it? What is liaison, elision and assimilation? Illustrate them with examples.

27 2.3 Phonology Phoneme: smallest phonological unit that distinguish meaning. Form and meaning: signifier vs signified Identifying the sounds: sip zip alveolar/fricative/+-voicing fine vine labiodental/fricative/+-voicing chunk junk palatal/liquid/+-voicing Phonemes involved: /s//z//f//v/t/// 4. Testing: substitution (pen/ben; pen/pin)

28 2.3 Phonology Minimal pair: a pair of words identical in every way except for one sound segment in the same position. Minimal set: a group of words differentiated by one sound segment in the same position. Chunk Ban Bet Fan Fine Sink Site Seed Junk bin bat van vine zinc Side soup vowel Feat; fit; fate; fat; fought; foot consonant Big; pig; rig; fig; dig; wig

29 2.3 Phonology Free variation: When the substitution of two or more sounds in the same position does not result in any change of meaning, they’re said to be in free variation. economics You say [i]ther and I say [ai]ther, You say [ni:]ther and I say [nai]ther, [i:]ther [ai]ther [ni:]ther [nai]ther Let’s call the whole thing off. Distinctive features: features that distinguish one phoneme with another. Seal/zeal b d g Stop + Voiced Bilabial - Alveolar velar

30 2.3 Phonology Supresegmental features: distinctive features above the level of individual segments over a sequence of two or more phonemic segments such as syllable, word, phrase and sentence which may also distinguish meaning. Syllable: longer than one sound and smaller than a word. Phonetically: a unit consisting of a center which has little or no airflow and sounds comparatively loud.(sonority scale: klasp14521) Structurally: syllable onset rhyme nucleus coda Phonologically: it concerns the way vowels and consonants combine to form various sequences. (sequential rule:CCCVCCCC)sixths Terms: Close/open syllable; Initial cluster: splash; medial cluster: pastry; final cluster: test Three-consonant cluster i. [s] ii. [p] [t] [k] iii. [l] [r] [w] [j] e.g. spring, scream, string, squeal, square, splendid, stew

31 2.3 Phonology Stress: intensity or prominence given to one syllable rather than another. Word stress: import/import Phrase stress: black bird; green house Sentence stress: I love you. Logical stress: I love YOU. Tone: pitch variation (妈麻马骂 car) Intonation: variation in stress, pitch or loudness (falling; rising; fall-rise; rise-fall) That’s not the book he wants. Tone group John didn’t come because of Mary.

32 2.3 Phonology Summary: Phonology
Difference between phonetics and phonology Phoneme Minimal pair/set Free variation Distinctive features Suprasegmental features: syllable, stress, tone, intonation, tone group Homework: exercise 5,6 and 7.


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