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SiD A Linear Collider Detector SLAC Users Organization Annual Meeting September 17, 2009 John Jaros.

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1 SiD A Linear Collider Detector SLAC Users Organization Annual Meeting September 17, 2009 John Jaros

2 LC Physics Case is Compelling as Ever We expect LHC to discover New Physics at the Terascale Understanding the new discoveries will require the Linear Collider Detailed and precise measurements are needed to understand the mechanism of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Precision measurements of dark matter properties are required to infer its role in cosmology Precision measurements of SM processes will open windows to higher energy scales

3 LoIs Have Advanced the LC Detector Case “Letters of Intent” were submitted for international review and “validation” in March of 2009 by ILD, SiD, and 4 th (detector concept groups) Register intent to develop and detail a design for an ILC detector, and to proceed with preparing a Technical Report in 2012 to accompany the ILC’s Technical Design for the machine Provide a full detector description, sub-detector status, and a discussion of machine-detector integration. Evaluate the performance of the proposed detector with full Monte Carlo simulation, including beam backgrounds Both ILD and SiD have been “Validated” by the International Detector Advisory Group.

4 SiD Letter of Intent was submitted 31 March, 2009 and signed by 244 physicists and engineers, representing 77 institutions, worldwide The SiD LoI and other information about SiD can be found on the SiD webpage:

5 The LoI’s have accelerated progress in answering key questions Are the proposed designs feasible? Are they within reach technologically? Do the proposed designs make engineering sense? Are they buildable, supportable, alignable, and calibratable? Are machine and detector believably integrated? Can realistic detectors, in full simulation and accounting for beam backgrounds, do justice to ILC physics?

6 Jet energy resolution goal is  E/E=3-4% to distinguish hadronic decays of W’s and Z’s, identify Higgs and Top, and measure W/Z energies precisely Excellent charged particle momentum resolution  p t /p t 2 ≤ 5 x 10 -5 GeV -1 to identify Higgs in recoil and measure SUSY endpoint spectra precisely VX Tracker with impact parameter resolution  = 5  10/psin 3/2  [  m] to measure Higgs Branching Fractions to bottom, charm, and gluons, and tag quark charge. Full solid angle coverage to capture multi-jet final states; hermetic calorimetry to utilize missing energy signals from SUSY Tolerance for intense backgrounds from beamstrahlung, gamma-gamma backgrounds, and sporadic showers from errant beams Precision LC Physics Requires High Performance Detectors

7 Silicon Detector VTX 5 layer Si pixels Barrel and Endcap TRK 5 layer Si  strip Barrel and Endcap ECAL 30 layers Si/W 3.5 x 3.5 mm 2 pixels HCAL 40 layers RPC/Fe 4.5 1 x 1 cm 2 cells MAGNET 5T SC Solenoid MUON 11x 20cm Fe layers RPC  ~ 2 cm

8 Technical Feasibility: Low Mass Tracker Sensor Modules tile lightweight CF+Rohrcell cylindersPrototype Hamamatsu Sensor is read out by two KPiX ASICS (2 x 1024 channels) Power pulsing permits air cooling, minimizing tracker mass. X/X o ~ 10-15 % Si Provides Superb Momentum Resolution  p/p = 0.2%

9 Technical Feasibility: Ecal Conceptual engineering design for Si/W Ecal Hamamatsu Sensors and KPiX prototypes are under test Detector Gap Hex Sensor (1024 pixels)

10 Technical Feasibility: HCal Glass RPC (Argonne) is a viable hcal detector candidate RPC Slice Test Results Multiplicity vs Efficiency Response to Electrons Number of Hits for Different Energies Digital Hcal counts number of 1 x 1 cm 2 cells hit in shower

11 Technical Feasibility: MDI Integrate final quadsCryogenics, beamline connections, self-shielding Push-Pull All in all, there has been a good start on SiD’s conceptual engineering.

12 SLIC provides full detector simulation in Geant4 - runtime detector description in XML - stdhep input org.lcsim reconstruction/analysis suite - XML detector geometry description - Java-based reconstruction & analysis framework - LCIO standard output SLAC Sim/Recon is playing a critical role in new detector development - Generation, Detector Simulation, Reconstruction critical for LoI studies - 100 M event MC samples for physics benchmarking and detector performance studies (thanks BaBar!) Simulating SiD’s Performance with SLAC’s LC Simulation/Reconstruction Toolkit Perfect for System Development easy to define detectors easy to use works on multiple OS Being used for ATLAS studies and Test Beam Analysis

13 Simulations use Full Monte Carlo Newly Created Pattern Recognition codes SiD Iowa Particle Flow Algorithm demonstrates desired jet energy resolution in full SiD Monte Carlo SiD Pattern Recognition/Tracking is fully efficient with superb momentum resolution in full Monte Carlo ZZ Events at 500 GeV  E /E = 4.0 % (rms 90)  Vs cos   Vs p T  p/p vs p

14 Backgrounds Fully Simulated Salt and Pepper Backgrounds arise as 10 TeV of e+e- pairs hit the beamcal, showering the detector with MeV photons  ee, , , hads comprise a physics background for all events Tracker performance near perfect in full MC physics + all backgrounds 150 Bunches (TPC)1 Bunch (Si Tracker)

15 Physics Benchmarking Studies Can LC Detectors really do the Physics? LoI Benchmark Reactions Ground Rules: Full MC; Actual Reconstruction Code; Include backgrounds

16 Higgs Recoil Analysis e + e - H +-H+-H  M H = 0.040 GeV  ZH /  ZH = 0.031 for 250 fb -1 No Impact from Backgrounds

17 Chargino and Neutralino Masses Reconstructed Boson Masses: PFA discriminates W’s and Z’s Reconstructed Boson Energies. The endpoints measure  masses. Pure   Pure  0 EWEW EZEZ  m(  ) = 0.45 GeV  m(  2 0 ) = 0.49 GeV  m(  1 0 ) = 0.16GeV  + SM BKG

18 What’s Next? The LoI’s have established a new level of confidence in detector feasibility and projected physics performance for LC detectors What remains is the homework for the Detector Technical Reports in 2012: - Demonstrate proofs of principle for all critical components - Complete a realistic conceptual engineering description for the detector and machine-detector integration - Develop a correspondingly realistic simulation for the detector - Benchmark the physics performance of the detector in full simulation, including backgrounds, at 500 GeV and 1 TeV. SiD needs help in all these areas, significantly more support, and new collaborators to accomplish these goals.

19 SLAC’s SiD Group SiD Department Marty Breidenbach John Jaros SiD Sim/Recon Norman Graf Ron Cassell Tony Johnson Jeremy McCormick SiD Ecal Electronics Gunther Haller Dieter Freytag Ryan Herbst SiD Tracking Tim Nelson Rich Partridge SiD MDI/Polarization Tom Markiewicz Ken Moffeit Takashi Maruyama SiD Benchmarking Tim Barklow SiD Vertex Detector Su Dong Contact Us!

20 SLAC USERS working on SiD U Colorado S. Wagner U. Nauenberg UC Davis M. Tripathi R. Lander U Iowa M. Charles U. Mallik Mississippi L. Cremaldi J. Reidy H. Zhao MIT R. Cowan P. Fisher D. Yamamoto U Oregon J. Brau R. Frey N. Sinev D. Strom UCSC B. Schumm Wisconsin H. Band Plus Growing International Participation: Annecy KEK Tokyo RAL Oxford

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