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FutureGrid status report #4 15/4/04 Jon Crowcroft, Steve Hand, Tim Harris, Ian Pratt Andrew Herbert (MSR), Andrew Parker (CeSC)

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Presentation on theme: "FutureGrid status report #4 15/4/04 Jon Crowcroft, Steve Hand, Tim Harris, Ian Pratt Andrew Herbert (MSR), Andrew Parker (CeSC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 FutureGrid status report #4 15/4/04 Jon Crowcroft, Steve Hand, Tim Harris, Ian Pratt Andrew Herbert (MSR), Andrew Parker (CeSC)

2 Grid systems architecture Common themes of self-organization and distribution Four strands of work: 1. Massively-scalable middleware 2. Advanced resource location mechanisms 3. Global data storage and publishing 4. Automatic s/w replication and distribution + Experimental test beds (planetlab, Uk eScience centers/access grid/janet).

3 Highlights PhDs in place and underway & additional effort from others:  David Spence+Chris Purcell+Jan Hoeft/Tim Harris Location services  Chris Clark/Steve Hand P2p computational models  Eng Keong Lua & Marcel Dischinger / Jon Crowcroft P2p group communications  Russ Ross/Ian Pratt Mutable p2p storage

4 Platforms Xen + Planetlab  Resource management + wide area testbed Pastry – now moving to Intel Research’s Bamboo (maybe also macedon)  Freepastry not so hot; ms-pastry only XP/CLR/C# - need C or Java + linux  Java, open source, performance

5 Location/Distance Service Status Using PCA + lighthouse/virtual landmark Have bunch of planetlab measurements, looking at sensitivity to #dimensions etc A “plugin” service to pastry or other P2P neighbour selection component – orig. done in own p2p, now re- doing in Bamboo Planetlab results “suspect” (see PAM Paper by Intel colleagues). Need more measurement on realistic net (eScience centers – could combine with Karl Jeacle’s multicast measurement?). Also have national US/JANET BGP feed – can combine with distance to discover “suspect” routes!

6 P2P Group Comms Status Pastry-type DHT working on planetlab / bamboo Use location service to get best forward route Use RPF (scribe) algorithm to build tree - tree is max 2*delay of native ip multicast tree. Can build per source, or “centered” tree based on density of group v. sparse, and on number of sender v. receiver - can use p2p route info to infer these. Have whiteboard demo program working Later, will look at IP m/c tunnels implemented across non IP m/c capable chasms as p2p overlay for vic/rat/access grid - anticipate end of ‘04

7 Storage Status Not much progress to report right here Working on various techniques to reduce load Economics and incentives may also interact here….

8 Spread Spectrum/p2p computation Just made some breakthrough in idea here… Use idea from Erasure Code and look at matrix operations and distribute over additional processors, (MIMD)… Steve Hand to report more at eScience meeting in Edinburgh 21/4/04 Watch this space

9 Publications&Next Steps Several papers on location/distance estimation published Tech. Reports out soon on multicast in bamboo work Storage and computation work now getting going again… Later this year will try to migrate some of the planetlab experiments on to the UK eScience infrastructure (e.g. access grid)

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