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1 “Building on CoAX 2001 Success”; Patrick Beautement, QinetiQ Patrick Beautement, QinetiQ, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw,

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Presentation on theme: "1 “Building on CoAX 2001 Success”; Patrick Beautement, QinetiQ Patrick Beautement, QinetiQ, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 “Building on CoAX 2001 Success”; Patrick Beautement, QinetiQ Patrick Beautement, QinetiQ, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, PhD, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, Michael Kirton, PhD, QinetiQ, Prof Austin Tate, Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute,

2 2 Overview - CoAX Binni 2001 CoAX TIE seen as: successful, still having momentum, being a suitable core for any follow-on. Aim of this briefing: explain what we did, suggest how it can be exploited for 2002 demos.

3 3 Overview - Issues Everyone understood the military context / value of all contributions (singly and collectively). TIE aims clearly stated: overall (integrated agents - working collaboratively), for each stage / demonstration, for each partner (about 17). Expressed in the CoAX scenario / overview document. Success due to: mutual respect, goodwill and commitment, good communication, shared vision / understanding, willingness to be flexible / use RAD techniques, technical competence / inventiveness.

4 4 Overview - Issues - Technical Provision of working infrastructure: hardware / network / IP etc, software / Grid / JVMs etc. Integration tasks: agent message markup, enabling interoperability between partners technical contributions, ensuring technical contributions are compatible, configuration management / versioning, knowing how to run the software!

5 5 Overview - Issues - Staging (1) Agreed aim / coherent story / 'so-what' factor: agreed approach to be used (live demo / screencam etc), scenario / storyboard design, agree staging (who, what, where, how and WHY!). Scripts: technical script (s) / technical operators, narrator's script (s) / narrator. Presentations: scene-setting / overview presentation, integrating partner's presentations. Overview Handout(s).

6 6 Overview - Issues - Staging (2) Rehearsals. For the demonstration: stage management of: –machines, projectors and screens (video switching), –narrators and operator co-ordination. timings, changeovers. Fall-back options, eg: screencams, PowerPoint engineering.

7 7 Overview - Issues - Follow-up DVD / CD for distribution. Posters. Web-site maintenance.

8 8

9 9 Exploitation for 2002... Agree the unified and coherent story that needs to be told: what is the military context? what needs to proven / shown (metrics etc) and why? how will it be done? Give due attention to the: storyboarding / scripting / stage management, integration. Keep the technology in its place and use it to tell a militarily valid story. Understand: the part to be played by each partner's contribution, the overall architecture (and how it all fits together)...

10 10 GRID / Agent-enabled Infrastructure / Admin Tools CoAX 2002 Demo - Agent Domains (Draft 30 Nov 2001) UK National HQ Intel UK Dbi CYBERSPACE Weather Ariadne e-Gent Laki Arabello HQ Intel ASW Dbii Intel US US National HQ CAMPSSitViewer EMAA AODBCODBALDB Dbiii Coalition / JTFHQ Common / Shared Intel Db1 Process Panel DeconflictSitViewer Decision Desktop Intel feed / 'fusion' ObserversD'agente-Gent D'AOD'GO Db2 JFAC HQ Rel AODB AL Plan FAST / MBP Plans Db3 JAOC / Combat Ops FAST / MBP Ops Rel CODB Db4 SitViewer Event Panels Browser Browser JFMC HQ 'Combat Support System' Db5 Browser Event Panels Task Force COC ASW ??? Rel ??? Db6 SitViewer Event Panels Browser Rel ??? Sys Admin Logdata KPAT Weather Cell Weather Localdata Other Gao Obs Gao Gao Intel Dbiv

11 11 End of Presentation

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