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University of Wyoming Charles Galey, Nicholas Roder, Peter J. Jay, William Ryan 10/14/2009 1.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Wyoming Charles Galey, Nicholas Roder, Peter J. Jay, William Ryan 10/14/2009 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Wyoming Charles Galey, Nicholas Roder, Peter J. Jay, William Ryan 10/14/2009 1

2 Objectives o Track rocket flight parameters o Wirelessly retrieve data post flight o Generate and store power needed for the flight/recovery o Gather information about the power generated 2

3 Goals o Engineer systems which may be used in future RockSat projects o Model flight of rocket from flight data o Correlate data collection to flight conditions o Gain real-world system design experience 3

4 Science Background o Quantification of varying flight conditions o Acquisition of radio signals o Inductance power generation 4

5 Mission Requirements o Track rocket location using GPS o Correlate GPS power and accelerometer data o Wireless data retrieval – post flight o Power o Generation o Characterization o Analysis o Correlate GPS, power, and accelerometer data 5

6 Success Criteria o No mechanical or electrical system failures o GPS tracks flight trajectory o Data successfully stored o Data successfully retrieved wirelessly post flight o Power generated throughout flight 6

7 Benefits o Efficient Payload Power o Generate power required during flight o Reduce the number of batteries required o Increase weight available for experiments o Future RockSat teams o Accurate data to model flight and predict flight conditions and length o Retrieve data wirelessly to avoid rocket recovery delay 7

8 Design o Required Hardware o GPS chip o 3-Axis Accelerometers (2) o Radio modem o Generator o DC motor o Gyroscope o Voltmeter/Ammeter 8 Processing/ Wireless Accelerometers/GPS Power System Payload Layout

9 Design: Block Diagram 9

10 Design 10 o Power Concept Drawing

11 RockSat Payload Canister User Guide Compliance o Mass, Volume o Estimate 6.5 lbs o Payload activation? o G-switch activation o Open circuit until required G-load o Rocket Interface o Shorting wires 11

12 Shared Can Logistics Plan o University of Wyoming (UW ) and University of Minnesota (UMN) o UW missions o Track flight and model with data collected o Wirelessly retrieve data post flight o Generate power needed for experiments during flight o UMN mission o Laser and Visual Spectroscopy o Camera experiment 12

13 Shared Can Logistics Plan o Plan for collaboration on interfacing o Email o Online file server o Teleconference 13

14 Management 14 Team Lead: Charles Galey Peter J. Jay Secretary: William Ryan Nicholas Roder Faculty Advisor: Dr. Johnson Faculty Advisor: Dr. Walrath

15 Management o Schedule o See Attachment o Budget o Mass (6.5lbs) o Power System (4.5 lbs) o Sensors/GPS (2 lbs) o Monetary Budget o $600 15

16 Conclusions o Issues / Concerns o Power system compliance o Wireless data transmission compliance o External antenna 16

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