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Speciation I.Microevolution and macroevolution II.Patterns of descent III.Species concepts A.Biological species B.Ecological species C.Morphological species.

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Presentation on theme: "Speciation I.Microevolution and macroevolution II.Patterns of descent III.Species concepts A.Biological species B.Ecological species C.Morphological species."— Presentation transcript:


2 Speciation I.Microevolution and macroevolution II.Patterns of descent III.Species concepts A.Biological species B.Ecological species C.Morphological species D.Phylogenetic species IV.Barriers that lead to speciation A.Prezygotic B.Postzygotic V.Modes of speciation A.Allopatric speciation B.Sympatric speciation

3 II. Patterns of descent A. Anagenesis B. Cladogenesis

4 III. Species concepts A. Biological species C. Morphological species ‘Species are groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations, which are reproductively isolated from each other.’ Mayr B. Ecological species niche Reproductive isolating mechanisms (RIMs)

5 D. Phylogenetic species Molecular clocks A species consists of a population or group of populations that share a common evolutionary fate through time. Fossil record

6 DNA - DNA hybridization 98.7% 99.2%

7 promiscuous ecotypes fossil record III. Species concepts Problems with definitions asexual species Link convergent evolution

8 IV. Barriers that lead to speciation A. Prezygotic barriers 1. Habitat isolation 2. Behavioral isolation sexual selection Sage grouseSongbirds

9 3. Temporal isolation 4. Anatomical isolation 5. Gametic isolation diurnal, nocturnal, crepuscular A. Prezygotic barriers

10 B. Postzygotic barriers wheatrye tritical e mules Hybrid problems


12 V. Modes of speciation

13 A. Allopatric speciation Bird species

14 A. Allopatric speciation Founder effect Fruit flies

15 Darwin’s finches Beak of the finch

16 B. Sympatric speciation Polyploidy in plants autopolyploid 2N X 1N

17 allopolyploidy Goatsbeard


19 VI. Punctuated equilibrium Allopatric model tempo of PE

20 Feathers and bones VII. Evolutionary novelties Exaptations

21 Evo-devo Genes HOX genes Gene regulation

22 The end

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