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CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt1 CSCI 2210: Programming in Lisp Programming Techniques Data Structures More Built-in Functions
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt2 Functional Programming Functional Programming Writing programs that return values –Instead of modifying things (side effects) –Avoid things like setf Dominant paradigm in Lisp Allows interactive testing –Can immediately test anything at any time –Don't have to worry that it will mess up some "state" –Don't have long edit-compile-run cycle –Compare this to testing in other languages
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt3 Functions as Objects Functions are regular objects Function Returns the object associated with the function > (function +) # Can use #' macro as a convenience > #'+ # Example > (funcall #'+ 1 2 3) > (apply #'+ '(1 2 3)) ; Note: These are equivalent to (+ 1 2 3)
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt4 Funcall Funcall –Template (funcall #' … ) Calls the specified procedure with the given argments –Equivalent to ( … ) –Example > (funcall #'+ 3 2 7) ;; Same as (+ 3 2 7) 12 –Example 2 > (defun eval-infix (arg1 operator arg2) (funcall operator arg1 arg2)) > (eval-infix 3 #'+ 2) Useful if you need to pass in a procedure name, to be applied at a future time
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt5 Apply Apply Similar to Funcall (typically) takes two arguments, –procedure object –list of arguments to be passed to procedure object (funcall #'+ 3 2 7) ;; Same as (+ 3 2 7) (apply #'+ '(3 2 7)) ;; Same as (+ 3 2 7) Apply can actually take additional arguments –Extra arguments are combined into a single list –Following are equivalent (apply #'+ '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) (apply #'+ 1 2 3 '(4 5 6)) Argument fed to + is (append (list 1 2 3) ‘(4 5 6))
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt6 Data Representation Using Lists Record information about courses Basic definition > (setf lisp-course-info '(CSCI221001 ; course number (Programming in Lisp); course name (Alok Mehta); instructor (Computer Science))); department (CSCI221001 (PROGRAMMING IN LISP) … ) What is the name of the course ‘lisp-course-info’? > (second lisp-course-info) (PROGRAMMING IN LISP) Poor practice - Depends on the ordering of the list What if the order changes, or you need to add something
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt7 Modified Course Structure Example, if we need to add credit hours information (setf lisp-course-info '(CSCI221001 1; Credit hours (Programming in Lisp); Course name (Alok Mehta); Instructor (Computer Science))); Department All programs that access name of course-1 have to change from using SECOND to using THIRD > (third lisp-course-info)
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt8 Association Lists Better way to represent data: Association Lists (setf lisp-course-info '( (course-number CSCI221001) (credit-hours 1) (name (Programming in Lisp)) (instructor (Alok Mehta)) (department (Computer Science)))) What is the name of ‘lisp-course-info’? > (second (third lisp-course-info)) (PROGRAMMING IN LISP) > (assoc 'name lisp-course-info) (NAME (PROGRAMMING IN LISP)) > (second (assoc 'name lisp-course-info)) (PROGRAMMING IN LISP)
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt9 Simple Database A database as a list of “records” (setf course-database '( ((course-number CSCI221001) (credit-hours 1) (name (Programming in Lisp)) (instructor (Alok Mehta)) (department (Computer Science))) ((course-number CSCI220001) (credit-hours 1) (name (Programming in C++))) )) What is the name of the lisp course? (second (assoc 'name (first course-database)))
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt10 Access Functions Write functions to access low-level details (defun get-course-name (course) (second (assoc 'name course))) –Don’t have to remember how data is stored –Can change storage details easily –Access to data is achieved at a higher level –Easier to read and understand –More maintainable code Write functions to construct and manipulate data (defun make-course (&key course-number credit-hours name instructor department) (list (list 'course-number course-number) (list 'credit-hours credit-hours) (list 'name name) (list 'instructor instructor) (list 'department department) ))
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt11 Calling Access Functions > (setf course-1 (make-course :name '(Programming in Java) :instructor '(Alok Mehta))) ((COURSE-NUMBER NIL) (CREDIT-HOURS NIL) (NAME (PROGRAMMING IN JAVA)) (INSTRUCTOR (ALOK MEHTA)) (DEPARTMENT NIL)) > (get-course-name course-1) (PROGRAMMING IN JAVA)
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt12 A simple database example (setf courses (list (make-course :course-number 'CSCI220001 :name '(Programming in C++) :instructor '(Louis Ziantz)) (make-course :course-number 'CSCI221001 :name '(Programming in Lisp) :instructor '(Alok Mehta)) (make-course :course-number 'CSCI222001 :name '(Programming in Java) :instructor '(Alok Mehta)) (make-course :course-number 'CSCI223001 :name '(Programming in Perl) :instructor '(Louis Ziantz)) ))
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt13 Which courses are offered? Example Usage > (get-course-numbers courses) (CSCI220001 CSCI221001 CSCI222001 CSCI223001) > (defun get-course-number (course) (second (assoc 'course-number course))) > (defun get-course-numbers (course-list) (if (endp course-list) NIL (cons (get-course-number (first course-list)) (get-course-numbers (rest course-list))))) Implements a “Transformation” SQL Equivalent: SELECT course_number FROM courses;
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt14 Which are taught by Alok? List the courses taught by Alok Mehta > (get-courses-taught-by-alok courses) (((COURSE-NUMBER CSCI221001) …) ((COURSE-NUMBER CSCI222001)...)...) (defun get-course-instructor (course) (second (assoc 'instructor course))) (defun taught-by-alok-p (course) (if (equal '(Alok Mehta) (get-course-instructor course)) t NIL)) (defun get-courses-taught-by-alok (course-list) (cond ((endp course-list) NIL) ((taught-by-alok-p (first course-list)) (cons (first course-list) (get-courses-taught-by-alok (rest course-list)))) (t (get-courses-taught-by-alok (rest course-list)))))
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt15 How many are taught by Alok List the courses taught by Alok Mehta [Filter] > (get-courses-taught-by-alok courses) Implements “Filtering” SQL: SELECT * FROM COURSES WHERE instructor = ‘Alok Mehta’; How many courses are taught by Alok? [Count] > (length (get-courses-taught-by-alok courses)) 2 SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM COURSES WHERE instructor = ‘Alok Mehta’; What is the first course taught by Alok? [Find] > (first (get-courses-taught-by-alok courses)) ((COURSE-NUMBER CSCI221001) (CREDIT-HOURS NIL) (NAME (PROGRAMMING IN LISP)) (INSTRUCTOR (ALOK MEHTA)) (DEPARTMENT NIL))
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt16 More efficient way to Count A more efficient way to count Don’t have to get all courses first! (defun count-courses-taught-by-alok (course-list) (cond ((endp course-list) 0) ((taught-by-alok-p (first course-list)) (+ 1 (count-courses-taught-by-alok (rest course-list)))) (t (count-courses-taught-by-alok (rest course-list))))) A more efficient way to find first course (defun find-first-course-taught-by-alok (course-list) (cond ((endp course-list) nil) ((taught-by-alok-p (first course-list)) (first course-list)) (t (find-first-course-taught-by-alok (rest course-list)))))
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt17 Cliches Many procedures have a common template (defun (input-list) (if (endp input-list) nil (cons ( (first input-list)) ( (rest input-list))))) Example: –List-transformer: get-course-numbers –Element-transformer: get-course-number (defun get-course-numbers (course-list) (if (endp course-list) NIL (cons (get-course-number (first course-list)) (get-course-numbers (rest course-list))))) This template is frequently used Lisp uses the primitive (MAPCAR) to make this easier
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt18 Mapcar and Maplist Mapcar - MAPs a function to successive CARs Examples > (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (* x 2)) '(1 2 3 4 5)) (2 4 6 8 10) > (mapcar #'= '(1 2 3) '(3 2 1)) (NIL T NIL) Other MAPxxxx functions Maplist Mapc Mapcan
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt19 Mapcar MAPCAR (mapcar ) Applies to each element of Example > (mapcar #'oddp '(1 2 3)) (T NIL T) > (mapcar #'get-course-number courses) (CSCI220001 CSCI221001 CSCI222001 CSCI223001) > (mapcar #'= '(1 2 3) '(3 2 1)) (NIL T NIL)
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt20 Remove-If, Remove-If-Not Remove-If, Remove-If-Not > (remove-if-not #'taught-by-alok-p courses) [Removes all courses for which “taught-by-alok-p” returns NIL] This will return all courses taught by Alok > (remove-if #'taught-by-alok-p courses) [Removes all courses for which “taught-by-alok-p” returns non-NIL] This will return all courses NOT taught by Alok Count-If, Count-If-Not > (count-if #'taught-by-alok-p courses) Counts the number of elements for which “taught-by-alok-p” returns non-NIL Find-If, Find-If-Not > (find-if #'taught-by-alok-p courses) Returns the FIRST element of courses for which “taught-by-alok-p” returns non- NIL
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt21 Lambda Lambda generates an unnamed function Example > ((lambda (x) (+ x 100)) 1) 101 –Defines an unnamed function which takes one parameter (x), and has the body (+ x 100) –The function adds 100 to its argument –Invokes the unnamed function with a value of 1 for the paramter –The return value is 1 + 100 = 101 Why use unnamed functions? Analogy to Java's "anonymous" classes –Don’t have to make up names for procedures –Definition of procedure is close to where it is used
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt22 Lambda Procedures Useful if you need an “anonymous” procedure Don’t want to give it a name –A named procedure (defun taught-by-alok-p (course) (if (equal '(Alok Mehta) (get-course-instructor course)) t NIL)) –An equivalent un-named procedure (lambda (course) (if (equal '(Alok Mehta) (get-course-instructor course)) t NIL)) –Example usage: How many courses are taught by Alok? (count-if #'(lambda (course) (if (equal '(Alok Mehta) (get-course-instructor course)) t NIL)) courses)
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt23 Lambda procedures Advantage Don’t have to make up names for procedures Definition of procedure is close to where it is used (defun get-courses-taught-by-alok (course-list) (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (equal '(Alok Mehta) (get-course-instructor x))) course-list))
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt24 Data Structures Using Lists There is no explicit pointer manipulation in Lisp In Lists, handled automatically via cons cells Variables are pointers to values –pointer to a cons cell; or –pointer to an atomic value Lists Powerful for implementing variety of data structures Examples of data structures are on next few slides
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt25 Linked List DS using Lists Linked List Copy-List Built-in function that takes a list and returns a copy of it > (defun our-copy-list (lst) (if (atom lst) lst (cons (car lst) (our-copy-list (cdr lst))))) ABC X
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt26 Stack DS using Lists Push, Pop macros implement the stack data structure using Lists ABC X
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt27 Binary Tree DS Using Lists Cons cell of List can be used as the left/right branches of a binary tree (a (b c) d) A B C D
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt28 N-ary Tree DS Using Lists
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt29 Tree Functions Copy-tree Built-in function to copy a tree Similar to Copy-List, except it does a deep recursive copy on the CAR as well as the CDR Doubly recursive Example implementation > (defun our-copy-tree (tr) (if (atom tr) tr (cons (our-copy-tree (car tr)) (our-copy-tree (cdr tr))))) Other built-in tree functions subst, tree-equal
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt30 Set DS Using Lists Member > (member 'b '(a b c)) (B C) > (member '(a) '((a) (z)) :test #'equal) ((A) (Z)) > (member 'a '((a b) (c d)) :key #'car) ((A B) (C D)) Adjoin - Adds an element to a set [conditional cons] > (adjoin 'b '(a b c)) (A B C) > (adjoin 'z '(a b c)) (Z A B C) Union, Intersection, Set-Difference > (union '(a b c) '(c b s)) (A C B S) > (intersection '(a b c) (b b c)) (B C) > (set-difference '(a b c d e) '(b e)) (A C D)
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt31 Sequences Sequence - an ordered series of objects > (length '(a b c)) 3 > (subseq '(a b c d e f) 2 5) ; Index of A=0; B=1;... (C D E) ; Note: Returns elements at index X, where 2<=X<5 > (reverse '(a b c)) (C B A) > (sort '(7 4 2 9) #'<) (2 4 7 9) > (sort '(A B C D R S C A E) #'string<) (A A B C C D E R S) > (every #'> '(1 3 5) '(0 2 4)) ;((1>0)&&(3>2)&&(5>4)) T > (some #'= '(1 3 5) '(0 3 5)) ;((1=0)||(3=3)||(5=5)) T
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt32 Dotted Lists A proper list is either NIL or a CONS who's CDR is a proper list Dotted List Really a two-part structure The "CDR" part doesn't point to a list > (setf x (cons 'a 'b)) (A. B) > (setf x '(a. b)) ; Shorthand (A. B) Don't use dotted lists Not really needed A X B
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt33 Graph DS Using Lists A Graph consists of vertices and edges One way to represent a graph ((v1. Neighbors-of-v1) (v2. Neighbors-of-v2) …) Example > (setf graph-1 '((a b c) (b c) (c d))) ((A B C) (B C) (C D)) A B C D
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt34 Specialized Data Structures We've seen that Lists are extremely versatile I said that everything in Lisp is an Atom or a List I lied... I sort of lied… depends on what the meaning of Atom is… There are many types of atoms More efficient than Lists
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt35 Vector Vector - one dimensional array > (setf x (vector "a" 'b 3)) #("a" B 3) ; The # is a short-hand/notation for array Vectors are atoms, not lists > (atom x) ; A vector is an Atom T > (listp x) ; A vector is not a List NIL > (length x) ; Length works for lists and vectors 3 > (null (vector)) ; An empty vector #() is not NIL NIL AREF is used to update/access elements > (aref x 0) ; get the zero'th element of x "a" > (setf (aref x 1) 'c) C > x #("a" C 3)
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt36 Example: Binary Search (defun bin-search (obj vec &optional (start 0) (end (- (length vec) 1)) &aux (range (- end start)) (midpt (+ start (round (/ range 2))))) (print (list obj vec start end)) ; Optional, to display (if (> start end) NIL ; We crossed over (let ((obj_at_midpt (aref vec midpt))) (cond ((equal obj obj_at_midpt) obj) ; Found ((< obj obj_at_midpt) ; In lower half (bin-search obj vec start (- midpt 1))) ((> obj obj_at_midpt) ; In upper half (bin-search obj vec (+ midpt 1) end))))))
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt37 Multi-Dimensional Arrays MAKE-ARRAY - Generates arrays Has keywords :initial-element and :initial-contents > (setf arr (make-array '(2 3))) #2A((NIL NIL NIL) (NIL NIL NIL)) > (setf vec (make-array 4 :initial-element 1)) #(1 1 1 1) ; A Vector is a 1-dimensional array; note keyword parameter above > (setf tic-tac-toe (make-array '(3 3) :initial-contents '((- O O) (- X X) (- X -)))) #2A((- O O) (- X X) (- X -)) Aref used to reference multi-dimensional arrays > (setf (aref tic-tac-toe 0 0) 'O)
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt38 Strings and Characters String - A vector of characters Character - Denoted using #\ > (setf x "abcde") "abcde" > (aref x 2) #\c > (setf (aref x 2) #\z) #\z > x "abzde"
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt39 User Defined Structures Association lists were used to represent data (setf lisp-course-info '( (course-number CSCI221001) (credit-hours 1) (name (Programming in Lisp)) (instructor (Alok Mehta)) (department (Computer Science)))) A more efficient - but less flexible way: User Defined Structures > (defstruct course ; The structure name course-number ; The fields of the structure (credit-hours 4) (name (progn (format t "Course Name: ") (read))) instructor department) COURSE Dflt Value = 4 Default Value = Prompt user
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt40 Defstruct Defines a structure with given name and fields Automatically writes code to define functions Constructors, type-checking –make-course, course-p, copy-course Field access/update –course-course-number, course-credit-hours, course-name, course- instructor, course-department An example of a function that generates functions There is no equivalent analogy for C/C++, Java, etc. You can write functions like Defstruct CLOS - Common Lisp Object System
CSCI 2210 - Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta; 3_structs.ppt41 Using Course Structure Examples of using the course defstruct > (setf c2 (make-course :credit-hours 1 :name '(Programming in Lisp))) #S(COURSE :COURSE-NUMBER NIL :CREDIT-HOURS 1 :NAME (PROGRAMMING IN LISP) :INSTRUCTOR NIL :DEPARTMENT NIL) > (setf c1 (make-course)) ; Uses default values Course Name: (Programming in C++) #S(COURSE :COURSE-NUMBER NIL :CREDIT-HOURS 4 :NAME (PROGRAMMING IN C++) :INSTRUCTOR NIL :DEPARTMENT NIL) > (setf (course-instructor c2) '(Alok Mehta)) (ALOK MEHTA)
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