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Barry Barish AIP Conference, Sydney Australia 11-July-02
LIGO Status and Plans Barry Barish AIP Conference, Sydney Australia 11-July-02
2007 11-July-02 AIP Conference
A tour of LIGO
LIGO Sites Hanford Observatory Livingston Observatory 11-July-02
AIP Conference
LIGO Livingston Observatory
11-July-02 AIP Conference
LIGO Hanford Observatory
11-July-02 AIP Conference
Detection Strategy coincidences
Two Sites - Three Interferometers Single Interferometer non-gaussian level ~50/hr Hanford (Doubles) correlated rate (x1000) ~1/day Hanford + Livingston uncorrelated (x5000) <0.1/yr Data Recording (time series) gravitational wave signal (0.2 MB/sec) total data (16 MB/s) on-line filters, diagnostics, data compression off line data analysis, archive etc Signal Extraction signal from noise (vetoes, noise analysis) templates, wavelets, etc 11-July-02 AIP Conference
The Beam Tube & Enclosure
LIGO Facilities beam tube enclosure
minimal enclosure reinforced concrete no services 11-July-02 AIP Conference
LIGO beam tube LIGO beam tube under construction in January 1998 65 ft spiral welded sections girth welded in portable clean room in the field 1.2 m diameter - 3mm stainless 50 km of weld NO LEAKS !! 11-July-02 AIP Conference
LIGO I the noise floor Interferometry is limited by three fundamental noise sources seismic noise at the lowest frequencies thermal noise at intermediate frequencies shot noise at high frequencies Many other noise sources lurk underneath and must be controlled as the instrument is improved 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Beam Tube bakeout I = 2000 amps for ~ 1 month no leaks !!
final vacuum at level where it is not source of limiting noise (even future detectors) 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Vacuum Chambers
LIGO vacuum chambers 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Vacuum Chambers vibration isolation systems
Reduce in-band seismic motion by orders of magnitude Compensate for microseism at 0.15 Hz by a factor of ten Compensate (partially) for Earth tides 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Seismic Isolation
Seismic Isolation springs and masses
damped spring cross section 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Seismic Isolation constrained layer damped springs
11-July-02 AIP Conference
Seismic Isolation 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Optics & Suspensions
Core Optics fused silica
LIGO requirements Surface uniformity < 1 nm rms Scatter < 50 ppm Absorption < 2 ppm ROC matched < 3% Internal mode Q’s > 2 x 106 LIGO measurements central 80 mm of 4ITM06 (Hanford 4K) rms = 0.16 nm optic far exceeds specification. Surface figure = / 6000 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Seismic Isolation suspension system
suspension assembly for a core optic support structure is welded tubular stainless steel suspension wire is 0.31 mm diameter steel music wire fundamental violin mode frequency of 340 Hz 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Core Optics installation and alignment
11-July-02 AIP Conference
Laser & Mode Cleaner
LIGO laser Nd:YAG 1.064 mm Output power > 8W in TEM00 mode
11-July-02 AIP Conference
Laser stabilization IO PSL Interferometer 10-1 Hz/Hz1/2 10-4 Hz/ Hz1/2
Deliver pre-stabilized laser light to the 15-m mode cleaner Frequency fluctuations In-band power fluctuations Power fluctuations at 25 MHz Provide actuator inputs for further stabilization Wideband Tidal IO 10-Watt Laser PSL Interferometer 15m 4 km Tidal Wideband 10-1 Hz/Hz1/2 10-4 Hz/ Hz1/2 10-7 Hz/ Hz1/2 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Prestabilized Laser frequency noise
Simplification of beam path external to vacuum system eliminates peaks due to vibrations Broadband noise better than spec in Hz region 11-July-02 AIP Conference
laboratory data vs e2e simulation
Pre-stabilized Laser laboratory data vs e2e simulation 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Locking the Interferometers
Interferometer locking
end test mass Requires test masses to be held in position to meter: “Locking the interferometer” Light bounces back and forth along arms about 150 times Light is “recycled” about 50 times input test mass Laser signal 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Lock Acquisition 11-July-02 AIP Conference
watching the interferometer lock
LIGO watching the interferometer lock Composite Video Y Arm Laser X Arm signal 11-July-02 AIP Conference
watching the interferometer lock
LIGO watching the interferometer lock Y arm X arm 2 min Y Arm Reflected light Anti-symmetric port Laser X Arm signal 11-July-02 AIP Conference
E7 Engineering Run
LIGO Interferometers E7 sensitivities
11-July-02 AIP Conference
E7 Run Summary LIGO + GEO Interferometers
28 Dec Jan 2002 (402 hr) Coincidence Data All segments Segments >15min 2X: H2, L1 locked hrs (39%) hrs (24%) clean hrs (26%) hrs (16%) H2,L1 longest clean segment: 1:50 3X : L1+H1+ H2 locked hrs (35%) hrs (18%) clean hrs (21%) hrs (11%) L1+H1+ H2 : longest clean segment: 1:18 4X: L1+H1+ H2 +GEO: 77 hrs (23 %) hrs (7.81 %) 5X: ALLEGRO + … Singles data All segments Segments >15min L1 locked hrs (71%) hrs (62%) L1 clean hrs (61%) hrs (53%) L1 longest clean segment: 3:58 H1 locked hrs (72%) hrs (57%) H1 clean hrs (62%) hrs (48%) H1 longest clean segment: 4:04 H2 locked hrs (53%) hrs (39%) H2 clean hrs (38%) hrs (28%) H2 longest clean segment: 7:24 11-July-02 AIP Conference
detecting earthquakes
Engineering Run detecting earthquakes From electronic logbook 2-Jan-02 An earthquake occurred, starting at UTC 17:38. The plot shows the band limited rms output in counts over the Hz band for four seismometer channels. We turned off lock acquisition and are waiting for the ground motion to calm down. 11-July-02 AIP Conference
17:03:03 01/02/2002 ========================================================================= Seismo-Watch Earthquake Alert Bulletin No Preliminary data indicates a significant earthquake has occurred: Regional Location: VANUATU ISLANDS Magnitude: 7.3M Greenwich Mean Date: 2002/01/02 Greenwich Mean Time: 17:22:50 Latitude: 17.78S Longitude: E Focal depth: 33.0km Analysis Quality: A Source: National Earthquake Information Center (USGS-NEIC) Seismo-Watch, Your Source for Earthquake News and Information. Visit All data are preliminary and subject to change. Analysis Quality: A (good), B (fair), C (poor), D (bad) Magnitude: Ml (local or Richter magnitude), Lg (mblg), Md (duration), 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Detecting the Earth Tides Sun and Moon
11-July-02 AIP Conference
Run Plan commissioning & data taking
Science 1 run: 13 TB data “Upper Limits” 29 June - 15 July (delayed until >Aug 1 because of broken suspension wire) 2.5 weeks - comparable to E7 Target sensitivity: 200x design Science 2 run: 44 TB data “Upper Limits” 22 November - 6 January 2003 8 weeks -- 15% of 1 yr Target sensitivity: 20x design Science 3 run: 142 TB data “Search Run” 1 July January 2004 26 weeks -- 50% of 1 yr Target sensitivity: 5x design 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Commissioning Status for S1 Science Run
11-July-02 AIP Conference
LHO 2 km Interferometer Status
Locked in power recycled configuration recycling factor up to 25, but typically ~15 Common mode servo implemented Frequency stabilization from average arm length Establishes control system “gain hierarchy” 5 W power into mode cleaner Attenuators at photodiodes give effective input power mW Tidal feedback operational Lock duration up to 15 hours DISPLACEMENT Sensitivity Summer 2001 ~ 3 x m/Hz1/2 December 2001 (E7) ~ 5 x m /Hz1/2 (~600 Hz) Spring 2002 ~ 2 x m /Hz1/2 (~350 Hz) 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Interferometer sensitivity history 11-July-02 AIP Conference
LHO 4 km Interferometer status
In-vacuum installation completed last summer Digital suspension controllers Greater flexibility for tuning servos to improve reliability/noise Permits frequency dependent orthogonalization of the displacement and angular control of the suspensions Will be implemented on other interferometers after tests done 1 W power into mode cleaner Attenuators at photodiodes give effective input power 20 mW Locked in power recycled configuration Recycling factor typically Tidal feedback operational Locks up to 4 hours DISPLACEMENT Sensitivity ~2 x m/Hz1/2 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Interferometer sensitivity history 11-July-02 AIP Conference
LLO 4 km Interferometer status
Power recycled configuration 1.9 W power input laser power into mode cleaner Power recycling gain ~ 50 25-30 dB attenuation at dark port Reasonably robust lock during night Up to 4 hours 15 s – 3 min lock acquisition time Tidal feedback operational Wavefront alignment control operating on end mirrors Microseismic feedforward reduces the dynamic range required from the controller (unique to LLO at present time) PEPI reduces the seismic noise injected between 0.3 to 5 Hz at the end masses DISPLACEMENT Sensitivity ~1.5 x Hz 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Interferometer sensitivity history 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Astrophysical Sources signatures and data analysis
Compact binary inspiral: “chirps” NS-NS waveforms are well described BH-BH need better waveforms search technique: matched templates Supernovae / GRBs: “bursts” burst signals in coincidence with signals in electromagnetic radiation prompt alarm (~ one hour) with neutrino detectors Pulsars in our galaxy: “periodic” search for observed neutron stars (frequency, doppler shift) all sky search (computing challenge) r-modes Cosmological Signals “stochastic background” 11-July-02 AIP Conference
“Chirp Signal” binary inspiral
determine distance from the earth r masses of the two bodies orbital eccentricity e and orbital inclination i 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Interferometer Data 40 m prototype
Real interferometer data is UGLY!!! (Gliches - known and unknown) LOCKING NORMAL RINGING ROCKING 11-July-02 AIP Conference
The Problem How much does real data degrade complicate the data analysis and degrade the sensitivity ?? Test with real data by setting an upper limit on galactic neutron star inspiral rate using 40 m data 11-July-02 AIP Conference
“Clean up” data stream Effect of removing sinusoidal artifacts using multi-taper methods Non stationary noise Non gaussian tails 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Inspiral ‘Chirp’ Signal
Template Waveforms “matched filtering” 687 filters 44.8 hrs of data 39.9 hrs arms locked 25.0 hrs good data sensitivity to our galaxy h ~ mHz-1/2 expected rate ~10-6/yr 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Optimal Signal Detection
Want to “lock-on” to one of a set of known signals Requires: source modeling efficient algorithm many computers 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Detection Efficiency Simulated inspiral events provide end to end test of analysis and simulation code for reconstruction efficiency Errors in distance measurements from presence of noise are consistent with SNR fluctuations 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Results from 40m Prototype
Loudest event used to set upper-limit on rate in our Galaxy: R90% < 0.5 / hour 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Setting a limit Upper limit on event rate can be determined from SNR of ‘loudest’ event Limit on rate: R < 0.5/hour with 90% CL e = 0.33 = detection efficiency An ideal detector would set a limit: R < 0.16/hour 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Astrophysical Sources signatures and data analysis
Compact binary inspiral: “chirps” NS-NS waveforms are well described BH-BH need better waveforms search technique: matched templates Supernovae / GRBs: “bursts” burst signals in coincidence with signals in electromagnetic radiation prompt alarm (~ one hour) with neutrino detectors Pulsars in our galaxy: “periodic” search for observed neutron stars (frequency, doppler shift) all sky search (computing challenge) r-modes Cosmological Signals “stochastic background” 11-July-02 AIP Conference
“Burst Signal” supernova n’s light gravitational waves 11-July-02
AIP Conference
Supernovae gravitational waves Non axisymmetric collapse
‘burst’ signal Rate 1/50 yr - our galaxy 3/yr - Virgo cluster 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Supernovae asymmetric collapse? pulsar proper motions Velocities -
young SNR(pulsars?) > 500 km/sec Burrows et al recoil velocity of matter and neutrinos 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Supernovae signatures and sensitivity
11-July-02 AIP Conference
Astrophysical Sources signatures and data analysis
Compact binary inspiral: “chirps” NS-NS waveforms are well described BH-BH need better waveforms search technique: matched templates Supernovae / GRBs: “bursts” burst signals in coincidence with signals in electromagnetic radiation prompt alarm (~ one hour) with neutrino detectors Pulsars in our galaxy: “periodic” search for observed neutron stars (frequency, doppler shift) all sky search (computing challenge) r-modes Cosmological Signals “stochastic background” 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Periodic Signals spinning neutron stars
Isolated neutron stars with deformed crust Newborn neutron stars with r-modes X-ray binaries may be limited by gravitational waves 11-July-02 AIP Conference
“Periodic Signals” pulsars sensitivity
Pulsars in our galaxy non axisymmetric: 10-4 < e < 10-6 science: neutron star precession; interiors narrow band searches best 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Astrophysical Sources signatures and data analysis
Compact binary inspiral: “chirps” NS-NS waveforms are well described BH-BH need better waveforms search technique: matched templates Supernovae / GRBs: “bursts” burst signals in coincidence with signals in electromagnetic radiation prompt alarm (~ one hour) with neutrino detectors Pulsars in our galaxy: “periodic” search for observed neutron stars (frequency, doppler shift) all sky search (computing challenge) r-modes Cosmological Signals “stochastic background” 11-July-02 AIP Conference
“Stochastic Background”
cosmological signals ‘Murmurs’ from the Big Bang signals from the early universe Cosmic microwave background 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Stochastic Background sensitivity
Detection Cross correlate Hanford and Livingston Interferometers Good Sensitivity GW wavelength 2x detector baseline f 40 Hz Initial LIGO Sensitivity 10-5 Advanced LIGO Sensitivity 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Stochastic Background coherence plots LHO 2K & LHO 4K
11-July-02 AIP Conference
Stochastic Background coherence plot LHO 2K & LLO 4K
11-July-02 AIP Conference
Stochastic Background analysis in progress
Analytic calculation of expected upper limits (~50 hrs): W ~2 x 105 for LLO-LHO 2k, W ~ 6 x 104 for LHO 2k-LHO 4k Coherence measurements of GW channels show little coherence for LLO-LHO 2k correlations Power line monitor coherence investigations suggest coherence should average out over course of the run Plan to investigate effect of line removal on LHO 2k-LHO 4k correlations (e.g., reduction in correlated noise, etc.) Plan to inject simulated stochastic signals into the data and extract from the noise Plan to also correlate LLO with ALLEGRO bar detector ALLEGRO was rotated into 3 different positions during E7 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Stochastic Background projected sensitivities
11-July-02 AIP Conference
LIGO conclusions LIGO construction complete
LIGO commissioning and testing ‘on track’ Engineering test runs underway, during period when emphasis is on commissioning, detector sensitivity and reliability. (Short upper limit data runs interleaved) First Science Search Run : first search run will begin during 2003 Significant improvements in sensitivity anticipated to begin about 2006 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Planned Detector Modifications active external seismic
BSC HAM 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Advanced Detector R&D and Advanced LIGO
Advanced LIGO R&D Status
Working toward construction proposal to Fall 2002 “bottoms-up” costing has nearly been completed Plan assumes construction funding available 1Q2005 some long lead funds in 1Q2004 Supports an installation start of 4Q2006 Soon ready to confront scope decisions (number of interferometers, trimming features to control costs, etc.) Advanced R&D program is proceeding well GEO and ACIGA teams forming strong international partnership 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Advanced LIGO R&D Status
Interferometer Sensing & Control (ISC): GEO 10m “proof of concept” experiment: Preparation proceeding well Results available for 40m Program in early 2003 (lock acquisition experience, sensing matrix selection, etc.) 40m Lab for Precision Controls Testing: Infrastructure has been completed (i.e. PSL, vacuum controls & envelope, Data Acquisition system, etc.) Working on the installation of the 12m input MC optics and suspensions, and suspension controllers by 3Q02 Gingin facility for High Power Testing: Within the next year the LIGO Lab will deliver two characterized sapphire test masses and a prototype thermal compensation system (beam scan and/or ring heater) The facility development is advancing nicely Activities closely linked with subsystem, LASTI R&D plan 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Advanced LIGO R&D Status
Seismic Isolation system (SEI): Development of pre-isolation system accelerated for use in retrofit on initial LIGO hydraulic & electro-magnet actuation variants To be tested at the LASTI facility “Technology Demonstrator” system has been fabricated a two stage, 12 degree of freedom active, stiff, isolation system being installed into the Stanford Engineering Test Facility (ETF) LASTI infrastructure has been completed (including BSC stack to support pre-isolation full scale testing for initial LIGO) 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Advanced LIGO R&D Status
Suspension System (SUS): Complete fused-quartz fiber suspensions functioning in the GEO-600 interferometer Progress, in theory and in experiment, on both circular fibers (tapered) and ribbons Dynamics testing is underway on a quadruple pendulum prototype Silica-sapphire hydroxy-catalysis bonding looks feasible; silica-leadglass to be explored Significant design work underway for ‘triple’ suspensions TNI nearing final results for fused silica; sapphire mirrors ready in Fall 2002 for next phase 11-July-02 AIP Conference
Advanced LIGO R&D Status
Core Optics Components (COC): New optical homogeneity measurements along the ‘a’ crystal axis are close to acceptable (13nm RMS over 80mm path length) Tests to compensate for optical inhomogeneity if required, look promising (computer controlled ‘spot’ polishing and ion beam etching) Recent sapphire annealing efforts are encouraging (reductions to 20 ppm/cm vs a requirement of 10 ppm/cm) Coatings on large optics show sub-ppm losses (SMA/Mackowski) Coating mechanical loss program in full swing; materials rather than interfaces seem to be the culprit 11-July-02 AIP Conference
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