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 Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII1October 7, 2003 Grid eXplorer (GdX) A research tool for exploring Grid/P2P issues Franck Cappello INRIA.

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Presentation on theme: " Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII1October 7, 2003 Grid eXplorer (GdX) A research tool for exploring Grid/P2P issues Franck Cappello INRIA."— Presentation transcript:

1  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII1October 7, 2003 Grid eXplorer (GdX) A research tool for exploring Grid/P2P issues Franck Cappello INRIA Grand-Large LRI, University of Paris sud. Research Program ACI “Data Mass” Pierre Sens INRIA Regal LIP6, University of Paris 6. Pascale Primet INRIA RESO LIP, ENS de Lyon. Olivier Richard INRIA Apache ID, IMAG. Christohpe Cérin LARIA, University of Amiens.

2  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII2October 7, 2003 Outline Motivating a large scale instrument for Grid A large scale instrument for exploring Grid issues in reproducible experimental conditions Concluding remarks

3  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII3October 7, 2003 Open issues in Grid/P2P Security Data Storage/consultation/movement Multi users/ Multi applications scheduling Coordination (virtual, ephemeral infrastructure) Programming Fault Tolerance! Scalability Performance Easy/efficient deployment techniques Application characterization techniques Etc.

4  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII4October 7, 2003 Fundamental components of Grids Systems –nodes, OS, –distributed systems mechanisms (resource discovery, storage, scheduling, etc.), –middleware, runtimes, –Fault (crash, transient) –Workload (multiple users/multiple applications) –Heterogeneity (resource diversity, performance) –Malicious users/behaviors Networks –routers, links, topology, –protocols, –Theoretical features: synchronous, pseudo synchronous or asynchronous –Disconnection –Packet loss –Congestion Static Dyn.

5  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII5October 7, 2003 What are the current approaches for studying Systems and Networks? Theoretical models: –Scheduling, load balancing, performance, etc. –congestion, routing, packet loss, topology, traffic, etc.  Difficulty to model dynamic behaviors and system complexity Simulators: –SimGrid, SimGrid2, GridSim, MicroGrid, Bricks –NS, NS2, Cnet, Real, etc.  Strong limitations (scalability, != than execution of real codes, validation) Experimental testbed: –For Grid Most testbed are for production, each testeb is specific –Long tradition in Network (Arpanet, Magic, Geant, Renater, VTHD)  Shared testbed not fully decoupled (cost) from production network, experimental conditions difficult to reproduce, representativeness?) We have no way to test: a) ideas independently, at a significant scale, b) with realistic parameters and behaviors!

6  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII6October 7, 2003 Case Study 1: XtremWeb-Auger Understanding the origin of very high cosmic rays: Aires: Air Showers Extended Simulation –Sequential, Monte Carlo. Time for a run: 5 to 10 hours (500MhzPC) PC worker Aires PC worker air shower Server Internet and LAN PC Worker PC Client Air shower parameter database (Lyon, France) XtremWeb Estimated PC number ~ 5000 Trivial parallelism Master Worker paradigm

7  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII7October 7, 2003 Internet Icluster Grenoble PBS Madison Wisconsin Condor U-psud network LRI Condor Pool Autres Labos XW Client XW Coordinator Application : AIRES (Auger) Deployment: Coordinator at LRI Madison: 700 workers Pentium III, Linux (500 MHz+933 MHz) (Condor pool) Grenoble Icluster: 146 workers (733 Mhz), PBS LRI: 100 workers Pentium III, Athlon, Linux (500MHz, 733MHz, 1.5 GHz) (Condor pool) Case Study 1: XtremWeb-Auger

8  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII8October 7, 2003 Case Study 1: XtremWeb-Auger No way to reproduce the same experimental conditions (Configuration BUT ALSO the Dynamic of the system) How to compare fundamental mechanisms then (scheduling), At large Scale (100 000 nodes)? 3000 tasks

9  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII9October 7, 2003 Case study 2: MPICH-V: Fault tolerant MPI for the Grid Node Network Node Dispatcher Node Channel Memory Checkpoint server PC client MPI_send()PC client MPI_recv() Programmer’s view unchanged: Problems: 1) volatile nodes (any number at any time) 2) firewalls (PC Grids) 3) non named receptions (  should be replayed in the same order as the one of the previous failed exec.)

10  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII10October 7, 2003 ~4,8 Gb/s ~1 Gb/s Icluster-Imag, 216 PIII 733 Mhz, 256MB/node 5 subsystems with 32 to 48 nodes, 100BaseT switch 1Gb/s switch mesh between subsystems Linux, PGI Fortran or GCC compiler  Very close to a typical Building LAN  Simulate node Volatility Very close to the LRI network! Case study 2: MPICH-V: Fault tolerant MPI for the Grid

11  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII11October 7, 2003 MPICH-V (CM but no logs) MPICH-V (CM with logs) MPICH-V (CM+CS+ckpt) MPICH-P4 Number of faults during execution Total execution time (sec.) Base exec. without ckpt. and fault 012345678910 610 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 ~1 fault/110 sec. MPICH-V vs. MPICH-P4 Execution time with faults (Fault injection) Interesting but, what about MPICH-V on 10 000 nodes? Case study 2: MPICH-V: Fault tolerant MPI for the Grid

12  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII12October 7, 2003 New generation of research tools Emulab/NIST Net/Modelnet – Network Emulator with actual PC+ routers emulator (dummynet) – Reproducible experimental conditions – Real applications and protocols PlanetLab – A real platform distributed over the Internet (planet wide) – Real life conditions (not reproducible) – Real applications and protocols log(abstraction) mathsimulationemulationlive nkWANiLab NS SSFNet QualNet JavaSim Mathis formula DummyNet EmuLab ModelNet WAIL HENP Abilene CalREN WAIL PlanetLab CAIRN NLR WANiLab – Cluster with real routers – Reproducible experimental conditions – Real applications and protocols

13  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII13October 7, 2003 Experiments range demand for Grid/P2P: “GRIDinLAB” Virtual Grids: (1 Grid node on 1 PC) Emulation of a Grid/P2P systems at 1:1 scale Execute real applications on Grid nodes (possibly slowdown the CPU for heterogeneity emulation) Use actual routers or emulators (Dummynet) Inject traces (congestion, workload, fault) Emulation of Grids: (10 or 100 Grid nodes on 1 PC) Emulation of a Grid/P2P systems at 10/100:1 scale Execute real applications or core of applications Use network emulators Inject synthetic traces Large scale simulation of Grids: (1000 Grid nodes on 1 PC) Simulation of Large Grid/P2P systems at 1000:1 Simulate Application Simulate network Simulate dynamic conditions

14  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII14October 7, 2003 “GRIDinLAB” in the methodology spectrum log(abstraction) log(cost) mathsimulation emulation live ntWANiLab NS SSFNet QualNet JavaSim Mathis formula Optimization Linear model Nonlinear model Stocahstic model DummyNet EmuLab ModelNet WAIL HENP Abilene CalREN WAIL PlanetLab CAIRN NLR WANiLab Real Wan Routers Emulation driven simulation “GRIDinLAB” Credits: WANiLAB Large scale simulation Grid eXplorer

15  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII15October 7, 2003 Outline Motivating a large scale instrument for Grid A large scale instrument for exploring Grid issues in reproducible experimental conditions Concluding remarks

16  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII16October 7, 2003 Grid eXplorer A “GRIDinLAB” instrument for CS researchers (Not a production facility) For Grid/P2P researcher community Network researcher community  Addressing specific issues of each domain  Enabling research studies combining the 2 domains  Ease and develop collaborations between the two communities.

17  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII17October 7, 2003 Grid eXplorer An experimental conditions database or generation An experimental Platform: A cluster +HP Network +Software A tool set for conducting experiments & measurements, result analysis

18  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII18October 7, 2003 Grid eXplorer: the big picture A set of sensors An experimental Conditions data base Emulator Core Hardware + Soft for Emulation Simulation A set of tools for analysis Validation on Real life testbed

19  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII19October 7, 2003 Grid eXplorer (GdX) research project 1) Build the instrument: “Design and develop, for the community of Computer Science Researchers, an emulation platform for Large Scale Distributed Systems (Grid, P2P and other distributed systems)” 2) Use the Instrument for “a set of research experiments investigating the impact of Large Scale in distributed systems and especially related to large data sets (security, reliability, performance).” 1K CPU cluster (may be only 500 depending on the budget) configurable network (Ethernet, Myrinet, others?) configurable OS (kernel, distribution, etc.) A set of emulation/simulation tools (existing + new ones) Multi-users Located/managed by IDRIS INRIA meeting with NII

20  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII20October 7, 2003 IMAG, ID (UMR 5132), Laboratoire d’Informatique et Distribution, Université de Grenoble LaRIA (UPRES EA 2083), Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique d’Amiens, Université de Picardie Jules Verne LRI (UMR 8623), Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, Université de Paris-sud LAAS-CNRS (UPR 8001), Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systèmes LORIA (UMR 7503), Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en informatique et ses applications LIP-ENS Lyon (URM 5668), Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme LIFL (ESA 8022), Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale de Lille INRIA Sophia Antipolis, UNSA, I3S-CNRS LIP6 (UMR 7606), Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 LABRI (UMR 5800), Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique IBCP (UMR5086), Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines CEA, Direction des Technologies de l'Information (Saclay) IRISA, Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires Laboratories involved in GdX 13 Labs

21  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII21October 7, 2003 Alain Lecluse (IBCP), Alexandre Genoud, (Projet OASIS, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Antoine Vernois, (IBCP) Arnaud Contes, (Projet OASIS, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Aurélien Bouteiller, (LRI), Bénedicte Legrand (LIP6) Brice Goglin (doctorant), (INRIA LIP RESO), Brigitte Rozoy (LRI) Cécile Germain (LRI) Christophe Blanchet, (IBCP) Christophe Cérin, (Amiens, Laria) Christophe Chassot, (LAAS-ENSICA), Colette Johnen (LRI) CongDuc Pham, (LIP) Cyril Randriamaro, (LaRIA) Denis Caromel, (Projet OASIS, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Eddy Caron, (LIP/ENS Lyon), Emmanuel Jeannot, (Loria) Eric Totel (Supélec Rennes) Fabrice Huet, (Projet OASIS, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Faycal Bouhaf (DEA)(INRIA LIP RESO), Franck Cappello, (LRI) Françoise Baude, (Projet OASIS, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Frédéric Desprez, (LIP/INRIA Rhône-Alpes), Frédéric Magniette, (LRI) Gabriel Antoniu, (IRISA/INRIA Rennes), George Bosilca, (LRI) Georges Da Costa, (ID-IMAG), Géraud Krawezik (LRI) Gil Utard, (LaRIA) Gilles Fedak, (LRI) Grégory Mounié (ID-IMAG) Guillaume Auriol, (LAAS-ENSICA), Guillaume Mercier, (LaBRI), Guy Bergère, (LIFL, GrandLarge INRIA Futur) Haiwu He, (LIFL, GrandLarge INRIA Futur) Isaac Scherson, (LIFL, GrandLarge, INRIA Futur) Jens Gustedt (LORIA & INRIA Lorraine) Joffroy Beauquier (LRI) Johanne Cohen, (Loria) Kavé Salamatian (LIP6), Lamine Aouad (LIFL, GrandLarge, INRIA Futur) Laurent Baduel, (Projet OASIS, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Laurent Dairaine, (LAAS) Luc Bougé, (IRISA/ENS Cachan Antenne de Bretagne), Luciana Arantes (LIP6), Ludovic Mé, (Supélec Rennes) Luis Angelo Estefanel, (ID-IMAG) Marin Bertier (LIP6), Mathieu Goutelle, (KIP) Mathieu Jan, (IRISA) Michel Diaz, (LAAS-ENSICA), Michel Koskas (Amiens, Laria) Nicolas Lacorne, (IBCP) Nicolas Larrieu (LAAS-ENSICA), Nicolas Viovy (CEA-DSM-LSCE) Oleg Lodygensky, (LRI) Olivier Richard (ID-IMAG), Olivier Soyez, (LaRIA) Pascal Berthou, (LAAS-ENSICA), Pascale Primet (LIP), Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, (INRIA LIP RESO), Patrick Sénac, (LAAS-ENSICA), Philippe d'Anfray (CEA-DTI/SISC), Philippe Gauron, (LRI) Philippe Owezarski (LAAS) Pierre Fraigniaud, (LRI) Pierre Lemarini, (LRI) Pierre Sens (LIP6 / INRIA), Pierre-André Wacrenier, (LaBRI), Raymond Namyst, (LaBRI), Samir Djilali, (LRI) Sébastien Tixeuil (LRI) Serge Petiton, (LIFL, GrandLarge INRIA Futur) Stéphane Vialle (Supélec) Tanguy Pérennou (LAAS) Thierry Gayraud, (LAAS-ENSICA), Thierry Priol, (IRISA) Thomas Hérault, (LRI) Timur Friedman (LIP6) Vincent Danjean, (LaBRI), Vincent Néri (LRI) 84 members

22  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII22October 7, 2003 4 Research Topics The 4 research topics and their leaders: -Infrastructure (Hardware + system), Olivier Richard (ID-IMAG, Grenoble) -Emulation, Pierre Sens (LIP6, Paris 6) -Network,Pascale Primet (LIP,Lyon) -Applications. Christophe Cérin (Laria, Amiens)

23  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII23October 7, 2003 ExperiencesInfrastructureEmulationNetworkApplication I.1 PlatformXXXX I.2 Virtual GridXX I.3 Virt. TechniquesXX I.4 Emul driven SimulX I.5 Network.XXX I.6 Heterogeneity emulX I.7 CommunicationX I.8 Internet Emul.XXX II.1 Engineering tech.XXX II.2 Mobile objectsXX II.3 Fault toleranceXX II.4 DHT.X II.5 Data baseXX II.6 SchedulingXX II.7 Comm. Optimizat.X II.8 Data sharingXX II.9 Uni and multicastXX II.10 Cellul. automatonXX II.11 BioinformatiqueX II.12 P2P storageXX II.13 ReliabilityXXX II.14 SecurityXXX II.15 NG. InternetXXX II.16 Grid coupled sys.X

24  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII24October 7, 2003 Grid eXplorer (GdX) current status: First stage: Building the Instrument –First GdX meeting was on September 16, 2003. –Hardware design meeting planned for October 15. –Hardware selection meeting on November 8 –Choosing the nodes (single or dual?) –Chossing the CPU (Intel IA 32, IA64, Athlon 64, etc.) –Chossing the experimental Network (Myrinet, Ethernet, Infiniband, etc.) –Choosing the general experiment production architecture (parallel OS architecture, user access, batch scheduler, result repositoty) –Chossing the experimental database harware –Etc.

25  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII25October 7, 2003 Example: Nearest Neighbor Scheduling (distribute a task set among a large number of nodes) Three phases Self stabilizing algo (sand heap): —Negotiation —Distribution —Execution Anti clock wise X Y X=X - X-Y 2 Y=Y + Y-Y 2 If X>Y Negotiation rule: Distribution rule: Tasks and Parameters follow the negotiation route, immediately Execution rule: Execution starts Immediately when A local load balance Is reached

26  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII26October 7, 2003 Simulation/Emulation tools

27  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII27October 7, 2003 Nearest Neighbor Scheduling with a 3D visualization tool 10K tasks on 900 nodes in mesh Negotiation (red movie) Distribution (blue movie) Execution (green movie) Observation results: —Symmetry for the negotiation phase —Asymmetry for Distribution and Execution phases. —Waves Several hours to get 1 movie  parallel simulation is required!

28  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII28October 7, 2003 Outline Motivating a large scale instrument for Grid A large scale instrument for exploring Grid issues in reproducible experimental conditions Concluding remarks

29  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII29October 7, 2003

30  Grand Large ACI MD GdX INRIA meeting with NII30October 7, 2003 Grid eXplorer (GdX) A long term effort  A medium term milestone: 2 years for a fully functional prototype For Grid and Network researcher communities, Many scientific issues (large scale emulation, experimental conditions injection, distance to reality, etc.) A Cluster of 1K CPU + Experimental condition database + Simulators/Emulators + Visualization tools

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