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EJB Design. Server-side components Perform –complex algorithms –high volume transactions Run in –highly available environment (365 days/year) –fault tolerant.

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Presentation on theme: "EJB Design. Server-side components Perform –complex algorithms –high volume transactions Run in –highly available environment (365 days/year) –fault tolerant."— Presentation transcript:

1 EJB Design

2 Server-side components Perform –complex algorithms –high volume transactions Run in –highly available environment (365 days/year) –fault tolerant –transactional –secure

3 Basic Philosophy Enterprise applications are complex As they grow, specialization is a necessity Local control should be more focused on business/application specific issues Infrastructure issues should be left to specialists Many application issues are common Buying and assembling is better when possible Scalability is beyond the scope of most developers


5 Players in EJB System Bean Provider –java beans –EJB Application Assembler –uses beans to build –builds user interfaces and additional beans Deployer –performance and secxurity Systems Admin –handles problems of day-to-day running Container and Server Provider Tool Provider –IDEs –testing –build Persistence manager

6 Basic Architecture

7 User Interface Business Logic Database (infrastructure) Our Focus

8 3 -layer Separate for independence as in any layer design Application specific logic in business layer Reuse and scale business and infrastrucure layers without impacting the others As new interface technologies emerge, logic doesn’t (e.g., cell phone internet access)

9 How do the components interact? Most of the communication between layers, both interlayer and intralayer are some type of remote procedure call. Lots of technologies all basically the same –RPC –RMI –Corba –DCOM Also a need to preserve connectors to legacy system for evolution/migration needs

10 Main components Servers to manage complexity in first slide Servers are housed in containers Two containers –EJB –Web Database/infrastructure Input from java apps, web interfaces, legacy and related technologies (Corba).

11 Input Container Manages two main technologies –JSP –Servlets Handles issues of scalability, security, fault- tolerance, etc.

12 EJB container Entity Beans –data objects –typically connected to database entries Session Beans –logic operations –stateful and stateless Message Beans –asynchronous message exchange between beans –like mail senders, readers


14 Remote calls Allows for execution of logic on a machine other than the one caller executes on Requires using a stub for initiating and receiving the call. Takes the caller and creates –caller and calling stub Takes the procedure and creates –receiving stub and procedure

15 Worries about socket calls parameter packaging Worries about receiving socket calls unpackaging parameters Call appears local!

16 Container simplifies Bean

17 Typical business function interaction would be

18 Container simplifies Bean Business bean interaction would preferably be Hertz used to say “leave the driving to us”. Containers would say “leave the rest to us”.


20 Dumb! Only knows business logic. Smart! Knows everything else

21 You don’t implement.. Container does that!



24 EJB Overhead for an example remote call.

25 To Deploy Must Use JAR Contents include everything the container will need to manage it Class files Deployment descriptors Zip format


27 Hello World Our first example!


29 Remember it’s an interface (prototype) Insert prototype for the functionality you need.. hello() REMOTE INTERFACE

30 HOME INTERFACE Remember it’s an interface (prototype) Insert prototype for the functionality you need.. hello()


32 The Session Bean



35 Bean Queries the contain via Context


37 Simple Client-side Interaction with the EJB



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