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Affiliate Feedback and Discussion 1. Future Research: COSYSMO Updated data collection effort Quantifying the effect of schedule Harmonizing across software.

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Presentation on theme: "Affiliate Feedback and Discussion 1. Future Research: COSYSMO Updated data collection effort Quantifying the effect of schedule Harmonizing across software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Affiliate Feedback and Discussion 1

2 Future Research: COSYSMO Updated data collection effort Quantifying the effect of schedule Harmonizing across software and systems engineering –Consider data collection synchronization with next COCOMO Best practice guidance –Provide requirement examples (counting) at multiple levels –Request papers from practitioners on what works/doesn’t and sanitized examples 2

3 Future Research: COSYSMO 2.0 Tailoring COSYSMO 2.0 to individual organizations Exploring a range of weights for the reuse categories Identifying reuse opportunities and mismatches –Extending Expert COSYSMO to address reuse 3

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