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The State of the States Community College Foreign Language Programs Dr. Lynne Overesch-Maister & Luz María Álvarez Johnson County Community College Overland.

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Presentation on theme: "The State of the States Community College Foreign Language Programs Dr. Lynne Overesch-Maister & Luz María Álvarez Johnson County Community College Overland."— Presentation transcript:

1 The State of the States Community College Foreign Language Programs Dr. Lynne Overesch-Maister & Luz María Álvarez Johnson County Community College Overland Park, KS Community College Foreign Language Programs Dr. Lynne Overesch-Maister & Luz María Álvarez Johnson County Community College Overland Park, KS

2 We would like to thank the following individuals for their help in this project: Dr. Dana Groves Gina Brewer Cynthia Dyson Dr. Dana Groves Gina Brewer Cynthia Dyson

3 This survey is based on information gleaned from... League of Innovation ACTFL Community College SIG

4 We ferreted out... 2,589 e-mail addresses 627 mailing addresses (where no e-mail)

5 We sent out... 2,239 e-mail surveys 507 mailed surveys 406 administrator surveys 284 follow-up surveys 536 individual institutions 47 different states 2,239 e-mail surveys 507 mailed surveys 406 administrator surveys 284 follow-up surveys 536 individual institutions 47 different states

6 And when they were returned... we analyzed 43 pages of data containing more than 86 tables we read more than 150 pages of single-spaced commentary

7 39 states responded to one of the 3 surveys

8 37 states responded to the faculty survey

9 31 states responded to the administrator survey

10 30 states responded to the follow-up survey

11 We organized the states according to regional conferences.






17 How valid is our survey? Region % of total U.S. colleges in region % of total U.S. FTE in region % region compared to total responses % of regional colleges responding Northeast 19%16%17%14% Southern 23%19%21%14% Central States 27%24% 14% Pacific Northwest 5% 6%20% Southwest 25%36%32%20%

18 Administrator Survey Staffing


20 Percentage of Total Courses Taught by Full- time Instructors

21 47% Number of responses from Southern Conference Reporting that 76-100% of their foreign language courses were taught by full- time instructors. Number of responses from Southern Conference Reporting that 76-100% of their foreign language courses were taught by full- time instructors.


23 98% of our institutions require a Master’s Degree or above for full- time faculty require a Master’s Degree or above for full- time faculty

24 43% of our institutions require the degree in the language taught require the degree in the language taught


26 56% require professional development for full-time faculty 17% require professional development for part-time faculty

27 Administrator Survey Course Offerings




31 Administrator Survey Program Issues




35 Percentage of Students who Take FL to Complete a Language Requirement at a Four-Year Institution

36 Only 19% offer different “tracks” of sequences depending on interest or requirement offer different “tracks” of sequences depending on interest or requirement



39 Number of on-campus Foreign Language Students 2007-2008

40 Administrator Survey On-line Instruction


42 Relative Use and Satisfaction with Course Management Systems

43 Faculty Survey General Information

44 62%


46 Faculty Survey Course Offerings



49 Faculty Survey Program Issues

50 95% Rated transferability as important or very important Rated transferability as important or very important

51 How much does transferability drive… Ave. % Region Most Region Least Course Content 87% Southern 92% Northeast 78% Textbook Selection 64% Southern 68% Central States 57% Assessment67% Southern Southwest 70% Northeast 58%

52 How happy are we with our “C” student’s progress… Ave. % Region Most satisfied Region Least Satisfied First Year56% Pacific Northwes t 79% Southern 52% Second Year 57% Pacific Northwes t 74% Southern 48%

53 Faculty Survey Staffing & Institutional Support



56 55% Are satisfied or very satisfied with the institutional support At their college Are satisfied or very satisfied with the institutional support At their college

57 The most common types of institutional support are... Conference travel funds (64%) Technology funds (44%) Conference travel funds (64%) Technology funds (44%)

58 However However …... Northeast Conference the Northeast Conference leads the pack in inclusion of a foreign language in the general education requirements! Northeast Conference the Northeast Conference leads the pack in inclusion of a foreign language in the general education requirements!

59 Faculty Survey Placement & Assessment

60 Almost 50% of our colleges…. rely on our students to self-place. rely on our students to self-place.

61 How we determine placement NortheastSouthern Central States Pacific Northwest Southwest Students Self-Place 55%48%55%77%40% Interview with instructor 31%33%41%62%40% Institutional placement test 27%24%27%21%38% Seat-time in high school courses 29%32%22%38%26% National placement test 4%17%16%21%13%

62 Satisfaction with placement system


64 66% Do not have any system other than common final exams to assess passage through sequential courses

65 33% Do not use common final exams Do not use common final exams

66 Most frequent languages for common finals:  Spanish (53%)  French (24%)  German (18%)  Italian and Chinese (10%)  Spanish (53%)  French (24%)  German (18%)  Italian and Chinese (10%)

67 45% Have a system to check for linguistic competence at the end of the Elementary or Intermediate levels Have a system to check for linguistic competence at the end of the Elementary or Intermediate levels

68 Faculty Survey Textbook Issues

69 49% Use a first year textbook through 3 semesters Use a first year textbook through 3 semesters

70 92% Reported that using a textbook through three semesters has caused no problems with Transferability Reported that using a textbook through three semesters has caused no problems with Transferability

71 72% Have noted no difference in student performance or mastery of objectives as a result of using a first year textbook through three semesters Have noted no difference in student performance or mastery of objectives as a result of using a first year textbook through three semesters

72 Follow-up Survey Facilities:  Classrooms  Language Lab  Technology

73 78% rate dedicated classrooms As Important or Very Important rate dedicated classrooms As Important or Very Important

74 But only 40% of us have dedicated classrooms Green = dedicated classrooms Pink = no dedicated classrooms





79 68% ave. availability

80 83% Believe resources available through the internet Are important or very important to their teaching Believe resources available through the internet Are important or very important to their teaching

81 56% Have a dedicated language lab Have a dedicated language lab

82 65% Think that a language lab is important or very important Think that a language lab is important or very important

83 Language Lab Features Existing 1.Computer;Head- sets/Speakers 2.DVD 3.Internet access 4.VCR 5.Cassette players Existing 1.Computer;Head- sets/Speakers 2.DVD 3.Internet access 4.VCR 5.Cassette players Ideal 1.DVD;Computer 2.Speakers/Head- sets 3.Internet access 4.TV 5.VCR

84 Follow-up Survey On-line Instruction

85 Faculty Currently Teaching an On-line Course

86 Regions where On-line courses are taught most to least

87 The Five Most Common Problems Experienced in On-line Courses  Late assignments  Technology  Attrition  Student mastery of objectives  Access to diacritical marks

88 Most Used Course Management System  Blackboard  Angel  Desire2Learn  WebCT 4.0 However, about 1/3 do not use one; of the 2/3 who use one, almost 70% reported to be Very satisfied or Satisfied with their CMS

89 Follow-up Survey Diversity

90 Percentage of FL Departments that Target Particular Populations (e.g., heritage speakers, non-traditional students, retirees)

91  Region that MOST targets particular populations is SWC  Region that LEAST targets specific populations is CSC

92 Want to keep the dialogue going? To get more information or collaborate on other projects, visit the ACTFL CCSIG website or contact Luz María Álvarez or Lynne Overesch-Maister

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