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1 Representation and Management of Data on the Web Client Side Programming.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Representation and Management of Data on the Web Client Side Programming."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Representation and Management of Data on the Web Client Side Programming

2 2 Client-Server Architecture In a client-server architecture, computation is done either in the client or in the server There are cases where we can choose whether to perform the computation in the client or in the server –For example, transforming an XML document using XSL There are cases where we cannot choose where to perform the computation –For example, accessing a database

3 3 Strengths and Weaknesses of Server-Side Computation Strengths –allows access to server files and databases –makes no assumptions about client computer capabilities, puts little burden on it –easier to manage and control on server –more secure for client Weaknesses –puts most of processing load on server –requires round-trip for every submission, using valuable bandwidth –cannot provide instantaneous response expected with GUI –less secure for server

4 4 Form Validation Consider the case where a user is required submit her name to a server application Where, for example, should we check that the inserted value is not an empty string? –In the client (i.e., the Web browser)? –In the server?

5 5 Client Side Technologies Javascript –Developed by Netscape –Supported by all browsers (although not all support the standard) –Very light (no graphics) and good interaction with HTML VBScript –Developed by Microsoft –Supported only by Microsoft Internet Explorer –A light version of Microsoft Visual Basic Java Applets –Developed by Sun –In the past it was supported by all browsers, but not any more –Capable of doing almost anything that Java allows

6 6 About Applets An Applet is a Java application, embedded in a Web page When a browser loads the Web page, the applet byte-code is downloaded to the client box and executed by the browser Commonly used for: games, graphics, etc.

7 7

8 8 Applets Limitations Security Restrictions: Applets cannot access files in the client computer nor files (or databases) behind a firewall The Bandwidth Problem: Applets are usually large in comparison to HTML files, thus, the download time becomes unacceptable Compatibility: –Client must have a compatible browser –Thin clients may not support the whole Java API

9 9 Javascript

10 10 Overview A "scripting" language for HTML pages The code is embed in HTML pages The browser interprets and executes the script (it is not compiled) Do not declare data types for variables (loose typing) Dynamic binding – object references checked at runtime

11 11 Overview (cont.) Scripts can manipulate "browser objects:" –HTML form elements –Images –Frames –etc. For security – cannot write to disk (when run on a client)

12 12 Abilities Generating HTML content dynamically Monitoring and responding to user events Validate forms before submission Manipulate HTTP cookies Interact with the frames and windows of the browser Customize pages to suit users

13 13 It is not Java Java : –compilation required (not a script) –can create “stand alone” application –object-oriented Why is it called Javascript then?

14 Web browser HTML Page: …code..… Desktop access Internet HTML/HTTP TCP/IP HTML/HTTP TCP/IP Web (HTTP) Server HTML pages w/ embedded script Remote host built-in JavaScript interpreter Web Architecture for JavaScript "CLIENT""SERVER"

15 15 Example An Hello World Example document.write(" "); document.writeln("Hello World! "); document.writeln("What a boring example ") Why do we need if we used writeln?

16 16

17 17 Example An Hello World Example document.write(" "); document.writeln("Hello World! "); document.writeln("What a boring example ") My Hello World Example

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19 19 Example An Hello World Example document.write(" "); document.writeln("Hello World! "); My Hello World Example document.writeln("What a boring example") What will happen?

20 20 Some of Javascript Reserved Keywords break case continue delete do else false for function if in new null return switch this true typeof var void while with

21 21 Non Used Reserved Words catch class const debugger default enum export extends finally import super try

22 22 Javascript Variables Untyped! Can be declared with var keyword: var foo; Can be created automatically by assigning a value: val = 1; val = “ Thank for all the fish"; val has changed from an int to a String!

23 23 Variables Names A variable name can be any valid identifier The identifier is a series of characters –Consisting of letters (lower and upper case), digits, and underscores (_) –Does not begin with a digit –Does not contain any space Javascript is case sensitive (foo and FOO are different)

24 24 Variables Local variable is available only in the function where it is declared Global variable is available all over the document A variable declaration –Inside a function creates a local variable –Outside a function creates a global variable Local variables must be declared with var

25 25 Literals The typical bunch: –Numbers 17 123.45 –Strings“ Let it be ” –Boolean: true false –Arrays: [1, “ ab ba ”,17.234] –null –undefined Arrays can hold anything! You can use typeof(A) to get the type of A: number, string, object..

26 26 Operators Arithmetic, comparison, assignment, bit wise, Boolean (pretty much just like Java) + - * / % ++ -- == != > = <= && || ! & | > += -= *= /= %=

27 27 The Special Plus Command Which of the following two is correct? What is the ‘type’ of the answer? x = “The answer is” + 42 y = 42 + “is the answer”

28 28 Which is correct? Which of the following two is correct? What is the ‘type’ of the answer? x = "37" + 7 y = "37" - 7

29 29 Types of Equality The equals == checks if both operands are equal after performing type conversion The equals === checks if both operands are of the same type and equal Example: –Is 3 == "3" (true or false?) –Is 3 === "3" (true or false?)

30 30 Types of Inequality The equals != checks if both operands are unequal after performing type conversion The equals !== checks if both operands are not of the same type and or not equal Example: –Is 3 != "3" (true or false?) –Is 3 !== "3" (true or false?)

31 Conditional Operators equals if (a == b) {…} not equals if (a != b) {…} greater than or equal to if (a >= b) {...} less than or equal to if (a <= b) {...}

32 Boolean Operators and if (true && true) {…} or if (true || false) {…} not if (! false) {...}

33 33 Using Variables var firstNumber = 11, secondNumber = 23, sum; sum = firstNumber + secondNumber; document.write(" The sum of " + firstNumber + " and " + secondNumber + " is "); document.write(" " + sum + " ");

34 34

35 35 Control Structures Some just like Java: if if-else ?: switch for while do-while And a few not like in Java for (var in object) with (object)

36 JavaScript Constructs sequence (block) –executes with no conditions –semicolons optional using one statement per line, but not a bad thing to use all the time var metushelahAge = 130; var yourAverageAge yourAverageAge = metushelahAge - 98 var myObject = new Object("initial value") more statements here.. …..

37 JavaScript Constructs condition (selection) if (condition) {statements if true} else {statements if false} if (metushelahAge < yourAverageAge) { document.write (" its true that Metushelah is younger than most of you,") document.write (" computers never lie! ") }

38 JavaScript Constructs loop (iteration): both for and while loops are available for (var i=0; i < inputAge.length; i++) { var oneChar = inputAge.substring (i, i+1) if (oneChar "9") { alert("Please enter a valid number “ + oneChar + " is not valid.") } }

39 39 Loops Example for (var counter = 1 ; counter <= 8 ; ++counter) { document.write( “ Now with font size " + counter + " “ ); }

40 40

41 41 JavaScript Functions Functions are first class citizens The keyword function used to define a function (subroutine): function add(x,y) { return(x+y); }

42 42 Function Input and Outout Numbers and Boolean values always passed to functions using call-by-value For objects, a call-by-reference is used to pass them to the functions Numbers and Boolean values are always returned by value Objects returned by reference

43 43 Example The next example uses functions to computing the Fibonacci numbers Note the use of recursion Be careful, some browsers may not deal well with very big numbers in the input (i.e., too many recursive calls)

44 44

45 45 Functions Example function fibonacciValue() { var value = parseInt(document.fibonacciForm.number.value ); window.status = "Calculating Fibonacci number for " + value; document.fibonacciForm.result.value = fibonacci(value); window.status = "Done Calculating Fibonacci number"; } function fibonacci( n ) { if (n == 0 || n == 1) return n; else return fibonacci( n - 1 ) + fibonacci( n - 2 ); }

46 46 Enter a number <INPUT TYPE = "button" VALUE = "Calculate" ONCLICK = "fibonacciValue()" Fibonacci Value

47 47 Function Arguments Within a function, its arguments can be accessed with arguments[i]. The number of arguments is arguments.length A function can be created that takes any number of arguments

48 48 Example function myConcat(separator) { result="" // initialize list // iterate through arguments for (var i=1; i<arguments.length; i++) { result += arguments[i] + separator } return result } //What does this return? myConcat(", ","red","orange","blue")

49 49 Global Functions Javascript include several predefined functions that you can use For example, –eval(code-string) – gets a string of JavaScript code, evaluates it and executes it It allows dynamic code execution –parseInt(string) – takes a string argument and converts its beginning to an integer number (or return NaN)

50 50 Objects Objects have attributes and methods There are pre-defined objects and user- defined object types Using objects has similarity to the syntax of C/Java: objectName.attributeName objectName.methodName() objectName.attributeName objectName.methodName()

51 51 Objects Are Like Arrays myCar.make = "Ford" myCar.model = "Mustang" myCar.year = 66; myCar[“make”] = "Ford" myCar[“model”] = "Mustang" myCar[“year”] = 66;

52 52 function show_props(obj, obj_name) { var result = "" for (var i in obj) result += obj_name + "." + i + " = " + obj[i] + "\n" return result } myCar.make = Ford myCar.model = Mustang myCar.year = 66 So, the function call show_props(myCar, "myCar") would return the following:

53 53 Creating a New Object There are two ways to create new objects: Object Initializer: –objectName={prop1:val1, …, propN:valN} Constructor Function: –define a constructor function –create the new object using new

54 54 Example function car(make, model, year) { this.make = make this.model = model this.year = year } theMazda = new car(“Mazda", “323", 1991) theHonda = {make:”Honda”, year:1992, color:"red",wheels:4, engine:{cylinders:4,size:2.2}}

55 55 Creating a Method A method of an object is a function that has been assigned to the object: object.methodName = functionName

56 56 Example function displayCar() { var result = "A Beautiful " + this.year + " " + this.make + " " + this.model; document.writeln(result) } function car(make, model, year) { this.make = make this.model = model this.year = year this.displayCar = displayCar } Setting the method

57 57 Eval Example function stone(str) { eval("this."+str) this.y=43 this["z"] = 44 } flint = new stone("x=42") document.write(" flint.x is " + flint.x) document.write(" flint.y is " + flint.y) document.write(" flint.z is " + flint.z)

58 58 Deleting an Object To delete an object just set the object reference to null When are objects that are not set to null being removed?

59 59 Array Objects Arrays are supported as objects Attribute length Methods include: concat, join, pop, push, reverse, sort

60 60 Creating a New Array var a = [“red”, “blue”, “green”] –Allocates an array of 3 cells and initializes the values var b = new Array(5) –Allocates an array of 5 cells without initializing values var c = new Array() –Creates a new empty array

61 61 Array Example Code var a = [8,7,6,5]; for (i=0;i<a.length;i++) a[i] += 2; b = a.reverse();

62 62 Understanding Arrays Array literals: –arr1 = ["hello", 1, 33] Accessing arrays: (what is the result of) –document.writeln(arr1.length) –document.writeln(arr1[0]) –document.writeln(arr1["abc"]) –arr1[10]=66 –document.writeln(arr1.length)

63 63 Passing Arrays to Functions Arrays can be passed to functions as arguments The array is passed by call-by-reference The name of the array is given to the function

64 64 Arrays Example function start() { var colors = ["red", "blue", "green"] printArray(colors); } function printArray( arr) { for (var i in arr) { document.writeln(" " + arr[i] + " "); arr[i] = "gray"; }

65 65

66 66 Multidimentional Arrays var matrix = [ [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; var myArray = [[1, 2, 3], [1], [1, 2]]; Going over the array for (var i in myArray ) { for (var j in myArray[i]) document.write(myArray[i][j]);

67 67 Other Object Types String: manipulation methods Math: trig, log, random numbers Date: date conversions RegExp: regular expressions Number: limits, conversion to string

68 68 Math Common Methods abs(x) round(x) ceil(x) floor(x) max(x, y) min(x, y) cos(x) sin(x) tan(x) exp(x) pow(x, y) sqrt(x) log(x) Math Also includes constants such as: Math.E, Math.PI

69 69 String Common Methods charAt (index) charCodeAt(index) concat(string) fromCharCode(value1, value2, …) indexOf(substring, index) lastIndexOf(substring, index) slice(start, end) split(string) substr(start, length) substring(start, end) toLowerCase() toUpperCase() toString() valueOf()

70 70 Date Common Methods getDate(), getFullYear(), getMonth(), getDay getTime(), getHours(), getMinutes(), getSeconds(), getMilliseconds()

71 71 Time Example function getTimes() { var current = new Date(); var out = "Day: " + current.getDay()+"\n"; out = out.concat("Month: " + current.getMonth() + "\n"); out = out.concat("Year: " + current.getFullYear() + "\n"); out = out.concat("GMT Time: " + current.toUTCString() + "\n"); out = out.concat("Time: " + current.toString() + "\n"); document.timesForm.output.value = out; }

72 72

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74 74 Predefined Objects In JavaScript the following objects are automatically created for you (always available) –document –navigator –screen –window

75 75 The document Object Many attributes of the current document are available via the document object: titlecookie URLimages formslinks (fg/bg)Colorforms and more …

76 76 Objects Hierarchy JavaScript objects include object hierarchy + (property or method) –window.document.lastModified –window.document.clear() need not be fully qualified –document.lastModified proceeds from most to least general –window.document.forms[0].inputText1.value all names are case sensitive

77 77 Objects  Object Oriented Objects – complex data types or “containers” that have both data and code Methods – code or “functions” that work on an object’s properties Properties – data that are stored and retrieved via object references This is not true "OO" because the object hierarchy is not extensible, you can create new objects, but cannot extend existing ones

78 78 The with Statement Establishes the default object for a set of statements Within the set of statements, any property references that do not specify an object are assumed to be for the default object

79 79 Example of with var a, x, y var r=10 with (Math) { a = PI * r * r x = r * cos(PI) y = r * sin(PI/2) }

80 80 Dynamic HTML HTML CSS Java Script HTML Dynamic HTML HTML CSS Java Script

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