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1 Cascade School District Survey Results November 1, 2010 1.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Cascade School District Survey Results November 1, 2010 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Cascade School District Survey Results November 1, 2010 1

2 2 Goals of Survey 1)To gauge community’s knowledge of District facility needs 2) To determine support for improvements to District facilities including a possible tax increase to pay for those improvements

3 3 Who was surveyed? 43.5% Male 56.5% Female 98% Registered Voters 91.5% Home Owners

4 4 More about respondents.. How many people were interviewed? –200 people were interviewed from a sample of 628 What was their age? –64% over age 55 (35% over 65) Where do they live? –61% in Leavenworth –16% in Peshastin –13% in Plain –5% in Dryden –5% in other locations (Lake Wenatchee, Winton) Over 75% of all respondents do not have any direct connection to the District

5 5 Do you support the Facilities Committee’s recommendation to replace aging school facilities?

6 6 What is the level of support for placing a bond proposal before voters in February, 2011?

7 7 Are you likely to support a proposed tax increase to address the district’s facilities deficiencies?

8 8 What is the largest tax increase you would be willing to support per month?

9 9 How does home value affect voters willingness to incur a tax increase? Amount of Tax Increase$250,000 home$250,000-$350,000 home $350,000 + home $30/month or less 43.1%45.2%38.2% $40-$90/month 8%23.8%33.8% Not Willing to support an increase 21%31%27.9%

10 10

11 11 If there was only elementary school in the District and was located on an existing site, where should it be located? 53.5% in Leavenworth 22% in Peshastin 22% Unsure 2.5% Refuse

12 12 If we could only rebuild one school to control costs, which one would it be?

13 13 What is your level of support for the construction of a Performing Arts Auditorium?

14 14 What is your level of support for improving the athletic fields at Peshastin-Dryden?

15 15 “Levies are for Learning” Do you support the proposed levy that would increase taxes $.12/year?

16 16 What is the best way for you to receive information about the school district’s plans?

17 17 Respondent Feedback On a positive note -Community feels good about Cascade School District -Many understand the need for addressing building deficiencies -People recognize the importance of quality education and role of good facilities Areas of concern –People still being affected by poor economy –Many respondents on a fixed income –Residents feeling uninformed regarding District’s plan

18 18 Overall impressions Great need for detailed information Lots of “unsure” responses that could be swayed with additional information High number of respondents with no direct connection to the schools There is a cost threshold for tax increase Current economic situation continues to have an effect on voters Lots of good data for CFAC to use in determining costs and scope of work

19 19 Where do we go from here?

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