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A roman centurion would wear his sword on the left and his dagger on the right. And he would hold his spear in his left hand. He would be in charge.

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3 A roman centurion would wear his sword on the left and his dagger on the right. And he would hold his spear in his left hand. He would be in charge of 80 men there would not be any women in the army, you would not be aloud to join the army known as the legion if you had a wife or children. When you left the army,you would get a bag of gold and a certificate to prove you had joined the army you would not be aloud to keep any armour or weapons because they would need that for the next crew. The Romans came to Britain because they believed it had lot’s of gold, iron and silver. The Romans planned to take over the whole world but it ended up they were too greedy and they couldn't keep all of their jewellery. Have you ever heard of the story of Julius Ceaser well if you haven't I will just tell you a quick version of it his friend Brutus decided he was too powerful so he planned a plot. THE END

4 Here is a picture Of The Romans and the Celts fighting celts Here is a picture Of The Romans and the Celts fighting celts Here is a picture Of The Romans and the Celts fighting Here is A Picture of the Romans And the Celts fighting Celts Romans

5 Organisation Of The Army The army were organised in a very simple way: 5000 Legionaries (Roman Citizens Who were in the army) Would form a legion. The Legion would be split Into centuries (80 men) Controlled by a Centurion.

6 The Romans needed more people to join the army so they tried to persuade the Celts to join the army and after years of battle the Celts decided to, the Celts had more people than the Romans but the Romans still won because they had more power. The Celts brought their friends and family's too watch in carts the Celts tried too escape but the carts were in the way.

7 Boudicca was a Celtic queen who was against the Romans she protected her country but one day she thought “wait a minute if I live I will see all of my people die so she poisoned herself well at least that’s what we think but there's no proof this is what she looked like. Boudicca of the Iceni was a true warrior queen. In AD 60-61, she inspired and led the largest revolt against Roman rule in Britain.


9 Here is an interactive quiz to test your knowledge on the Romans. Good luck

10 A roman emperor A roman emperors wife A god A Celtic queen

11 A roman emperor A roman emperors wife A god A Celtic queen next

12 A roman emperor A roman emperors wife A god A Celtic queen Try again skip

13 A roman emperor A roman emperors wife A god A Celtic queen Try again skip

14 A roman emperor A roman emperors wife A god A Celtic queen Try again skip

15 All of itHalf of it 1 quarter 3 quarters

16 next All of itHalf of it 1 quarter 3 quarters

17 Try again skip All of itHalf of it 1 quarter 3 quarters

18 skip All of itHalf of it 1 quarter 3 quarters Try again

19 skip All of itHalf of it 1 quarter 3 quarters Try again

20 Century/legionField full gathering gang

21 next Century/legionField full gathering gang

22 Try again skip Century/legionField full gathering gang

23 skip Century/legionField full gathering gang Try again

24 skip Century/legionField full gathering gang Try again

25 They thought they could build a healthy empire there Because they wanted to They thought more people would join the army They believed it had lots of valuable metals

26 next They thought they could build a healthy empire there Because they wanted to They thought more people would join the army They believed it had lots of valuable metals

27 skip They thought they could build a healthy empire there Because they wanted to They thought more people would join the army They believed it had lots of valuable metals Try again

28 skip They thought they could build a healthy empire there Because they wanted to They thought more people would join the army They believed it had lots of valuable metals Try again

29 skip Try again They thought they could build a healthy empire there Because they wanted to They thought more people would join the army They believed it had lots of valuable metals

30 From thickets Watching from carts Watching it live on YouTube From planes

31 END OF QUIZ From thickets Watching from carts Watching it live on YouTube From planes

32 Try againEND OF QUIZ From thickets Watching from carts Watching it live on YouTube From planes

33 END OF QUIZTry again From thickets Watching from carts Watching it live on YouTube From planes

34 END OF QUIZTry again From thickets Watching from carts Watching it live on YouTube From planes


36 Click here to learn more about the Romanshere

37 then go on children and type in Romans

38 On his left On his right behindfront

39 On his left On his right behind front next

40 skip Try again

41 To separate the Scots To keep out the wolves Because they had lot’s of stone they didn’t need To hide the damage

42 next

43 skip Try again


45 next

46 skip Try Again

47 Because they couldn’t keep it They got burgled They lost it in battle They sold it to make money

48 next Because they couldn’t keep it They got burgled They lost it in battle They sold it to make money

49 skipTry Again

50 A bag of gold & a certificate A pack of armour A cat A Centurions helmet

51 next A cat A pack of armour A Centurions helmet A bag of gold & a certificate A bag of gold & a certificate

52 Try Again skip

53 His left His right

54 His left His right End of quiz

55 Try again

56 I hope you liked my power point clip I will see you next on my next slide see you.

57 Maker of First quiz: Luke Jarrald Maker of Second quiz: Jonah Jarrald Questions: Jonah Jarrald Director: Jonah Jarrald Editor: Jonah & Luke Jarrald Speaker: Jonah Jarrald Special effects: Jonah Jarrald with special thanks to Luke Jarrald

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