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BASF Badische Analin und Soda-Fabrik

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1 BASF Badische Analin und Soda-Fabrik
The largest chemical company in the world Based in Germany

2 Brief History 1865 – founded in order to produce dyes
1867 – They discovered how to synthetically produce indigo dye so jeans became affordable work clothes

3 World War I 1916 – Started producing explosives for the German war effort 1921 – Large explosion in the Oppau factory killing 565 people – this was the largest catastrophe in German industry.

4 Nazi Regime BASF co-operated with the Nazi regime which meant they were guaranteed demand and prices for their chemicals. BASF used the prisoners as labourers They were the producers of Zyklon-B – the lethal gas used in extermination camps. The BASF Headquarters was totally destroyed in WWII

5 Post-War 1952 – BASF re-founded and expanded quickly during the Wirtschaftswunder of the 1950’s. Involved in production of: Plastics, Solvents, Resins, Glues, Oil and Gas In the 1990’s they abandoned their consumer product lines so now receive little public attention.

6 Strategy BASF : ‘ base our activities on the principles of sustainable development. For us sustainable enterprise means combining economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility, thus contributing to a future worth living for coming generations.’

7 Environmental Principles
BASF: Encourage a high level of awareness of safety, health and environmental issues Produce products that are safe to manufacture, use, recycle or dispose. Support customers and suppliers in their efforts of safe and environmentally sound handling of the products Minimise the impact on mankind and the environment during production, storage, transportation, sale, use and disposal of their products.

8 How do they achieve this?
BASF produced 1.93 million metric tons of waste in 2007. 43% of their waste is recycled or subject to thermal recovery. 589,000 metric tons of the waste disposed of was classified as hazardous. 509,000 metric tons as non-hazardous

9 How do they achieve this?
BASF set aside about a third of their R&D budget (€400 million a year) on resource conservation, energy efficiency, climate protection and renewable raw materials. Formed a partnership with Colombia University to further research “environmentally benign and sustainable energy sources” Feedback waste resources e.g. steam, sulphuric acid, carbon monoxide. Installed catalytic converters to reduce the emission of hydrocarbons by 90%.

10 How do they achieve this?
Spend about 10% of budget for new factories on making them energy efficient. Have been praised for their efforts in problems with climate change and greenhouse gases. They have set up Environmental Competitions for school children. Every environmental accident free month, BASF spends £250 on a local social service chosen by employees. Also have regular meetings with local groups such as local farmers and schools.

11 How do they achieve this?
Reduction of specific greenhouse gas emissions   From 1990 to 2002, BASF reduced emissions of greenhouse gases by 38%.

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