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(di-)leptons & heavy flavors in heavy ion collisions at the LHC (di-)leptons & heavy flavors: what is different at the LHC The LHC heavy ion program Selected.

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Presentation on theme: "(di-)leptons & heavy flavors in heavy ion collisions at the LHC (di-)leptons & heavy flavors: what is different at the LHC The LHC heavy ion program Selected."— Presentation transcript:

1 (di-)leptons & heavy flavors in heavy ion collisions at the LHC (di-)leptons & heavy flavors: what is different at the LHC The LHC heavy ion program Selected physics channels quarkonia open heavy flavors low mass dileptons some more exotic channels

2 Recent activities in the field ALICE col. J. Phys. G 30 (2004) 1517; CMS col., CMS NOTE 2000-060; ATLAS col., CERN/LHCC/2004-009 Hard probes in heavy ion collisions at the LHC 4 working groups (PDF, shadowing and pA; Photons; Heavy quarks and quarkonia; Jet physics) 3 workshops 1 CERN Yellow Report: CERN-2004-009 (493 pages, 308 figures) Heavy quarkonium working group 6 working groups (Spectroscopy; Production; Quarkonium in media; Decays; Standard Model measurements; Future opportunities) 3 workshops 1 CERN Yellow Report: hep-ph/0412158 (521 pages, 260 figures) HERA and the LHC 5 working groups (Parton density functions; Multi-jet final states and energy flow; Heavy quarks (charm and beauty); Diffraction; MC tools) 5 workshops written document in preparation

3 Heavy flavors: what is different @ the LHC large primary production melting of  (1S) by color screening none of the primary J/  survives the (PbPb)QGP large secondary production of charmonia kinetic recombination, statistical hadronization, DD annihilation, b-hadron decay central AA RHIC LHC hard gluon induced quarkonium breakup hep-ph/0311048

4 dimuons in ALICE, p  t > 2 GeV/c unlike-sign total unlike-sign from bottom unlike-sign from charm like-sign from bottom S.Grigoryan (di-)leptons: what is different @ the LHC dileptons from b decay dominate the spectrum below  & J/  large yield of secondary J/  from b decay dileptons from b decay have different origin at low & high mass sizeable yield of like-sign correlated dileptons from b decay charm pure NLO

5 Charm(onium) production, suppression, regeneration & in-medium modification interplay between different processes @ different time scales charm(onium) carries much more physics than anticipated systematic studies are a must time dropping mass, flow hadronic comovers kinetic recombination nuclear absorption color screening momentum fluctuations statistical hadronization quenching parton-(pre)resonance breakup p t broadening increased polarization parton cascade DD annihilation hard scattering, shadowing b decay

6 How well is the heavy flavor production x-section known @ the LHC ? N. Carrer and A. Dainese, hep-ph/0311225 theoretical uncertainties on absolute values: a factor 2-3 theoretical uncertainties on the  (5.5 TeV)/  (14 TeV) ratio: few %  measuring  (ccbar, bbbar) in pp collisions @ 14 TeV is top priority

7 On the relevance of measuring  (b) in pp collisions in the first days  (b) in pp is mandatory for understanding  (b) in pA & AA (shadowing, quenching)  (b) in pp is mandatory for understanding  (  ) in pp, pA & AA (production, absorption, suppression)  (b) in pp is mandatory for understanding  (J/  ) in pp (& pA, AA) (N(b  J/  )/N(direct J/  ) ~ 30% in 4  w/o feed-down) open heavy flavor statistics is much larger than quarkonium statistics   (b) = day-one physics in pp collisions @ the LHC

8 Heavy ion (ALICE) data taking scenario one LHC year = 7 months pp (10 7 s) + few weeks AA (10 6 s), starts in 2007 5 first years: regular pp runs at 14 TeV: commissioning, reference, dedicated pp physics first PbPb run at low luminosity: global observables, large x-sections 2 PbPb runs at high luminosity (L int = 0.5nb -1 /year): small x-sections 1 pA run: structure functions, hadronic reference 1 light ion run: energy density dependence later (different options depending on the first results) : pp (or pp-like) at 5.5 TeV other light or intermediate-mass systems other systems p-likeA PbPb at low energy PbPb at 5.5 TeV & high luminosity ALICE collaboration, J. Phys. G 30 (2004) 1517

9 Heavy flavor physics program @ LHC (channels investigated so far) charmonia & bottomonia versus centrality transverse momentum system-size reaction plane open bottom (inclusive) cross-section from 2 nd J/ , single leptons & dileptons b quark energy loss open charm (exclusive D’s) transverse momentum distribution c quark energy loss electron-muon coincidences

10 ATLAS: heavy ion LOI (2004) Heavy ions @ the LHC CMS: strong heavy ion program ALICE: the dedicated heavy ion experiment


12 Heavy flavors with ALICE (di-)muons: J/ ,  ’, ,  ’,  ’’, open charm, open bottom (di-)electrons: J/ ,  ’, ,  ’,  ’’, open charm, open bottom hadrons: exclusive D 0 electron-muon coincidences: open charm & bottom

13 Heavy flavors with CMS muon spectrometer & silicon tracker in central barrel & end-caps large acceptance, excellent resolution J/ ,  ’, ,  ’,  ’’, open charm, open bottom

14 Heavy flavors with ATLAS muon spectrometer & silicon tracker in central barrel & end-caps large acceptance studies limited to  reconstruction & b-jet tagging so far

15 Acceptance for heavy flavor measurements nice complementarity between the 3 experiments ATLAS & CMS acceptance is large in  & limited to high p t ALICE combines hadrons, electrons, muons & covers low p t & high  ATLAS, CMS & ALICE-electrons/hadrons have inner tracking

16 Quarkonium measurements in ATLAS  &  ’ can be well separated  ’ &  ’’ separation is difficult J/  studies underway barrel (|  |<1) |  |<1|  |<2.5 accep. + efficiency4.9 %14.3% resolution (MeV)126152 CERN/LHCC/2004-009, L. Rosselet@Vienna04

17 Quarkonium measurements in CMS  M(dimuon) ~ 60 MeV @ M = 10 GeV in central barrel background mainly coming from uncorrelated muon-pairs J/  reconstruction limited to high p t G. Baur et al., CMS NOTE 2000-060

18 Quarkonium measurements in ALICE background level 1 = 2 HIJING evts with dN ch /d  = 6000 @  = 0 each  mass resolution acceptance dielectrons dimuons J/  measurement down to p t = 0 (unique @ the LHC) resolution allows to separate the 3  states note: no need for J/  trigger (at least in central PbPb collisions) p t > 3 GeV/c trigger p t > 1 GeV/c trigger p t > 2 GeV/c trigger

19 cross-sections from R. Vogt in hep-ph/0311048, assumes neither suppression nor enhancement J/  : large stat., good sign. (allows much narrower centrality bins)  ’: small S/B  : good stat., S/B > 1, good sign.  ’: good stat., S/B > 1, good sign.  ’’: low statistics similar rates for  in the dielectron channel Centrality dependence of quarkonium yields in ALICE-muon S. Grigoryan (updated Dec.’04)

20  ’/  ratio versus p t E. Dumonteil, PhD Thesis (2004) E. Dumonteil & P. Crochet, ALICE-INT-2005-002 Melting depends on resonance formation time, dissociation temp. & p t QGP temp., lifetime & size Ratio is flat in pp (CDF) Any deviation from the pp (pA) value is a clear evidence for the QGP (nuclear effects cancel-out) The p t dependence of the ratio is sensitive to the characteristics of the QGP J.P. Blaizot & J.Y. Ollitrault, Phys. Lett. B 199(1987)499; F. Karsch & H. Satz, Z. Phys. C 51(1991)209; J.F. Gunion & R. Vogt, Nucl. Phys. B 492(1997)301 full & realistic simulation error bars = 1 month of central PbPb (10%)

21 b-hadron cross-section from single muons & unlike-sign dimuons in PbPb 1) get N b  from fits with fixed shapes (PYTHIA) & b yield as the only free parameter # R. Guernane et al., (2004) *C. Albajar et al., PLB 213 (1988) 405; PLB 256 (1991) 121 p t (GeV/c)1.5-33-66-99-30 N  from b 5360350  14391659150  445143444  3830368  8 Mass (GeV/c 2 )0-55-20 N  from bb 41461  7936983  130 UA1 MC method* used by CDF & D0, applied here # to central PbPb (5%)

22 b-hadron cross-section from single muons & unlike-sign dimuons in PbPb 2) for each  sample, correct N b  for eff. & N evt, then convert to hadron cross-section total number of b  from the fit integrated luminosity  global detection efficiency R. Guernane et al., (2004), C. Albajar et al., PLB 213 (1988) 405; PLB 256 (1991) 121

23 b-hadron cross-section from single muons & unlike-sign dimuons in PbPb 3) the b-hadron inclusive differential cross-section distribution R. Guernane et al., (2004) input distribution well reconstructed agreement between the 3 channels statistics is (very) large systematic uncertainties underway “measured data points” input distribution “a nice illustration that one can use Tevatron- like analyzes in PbPb collisions @ the LHC”

24 Bottom from single electrons with displaced vertices PbPb central (5%) B  e  in ITS/TPC/TRD p t > 2 GeV/c, 200 < d0 < 600  m 40000 e  from B, S/(S+B) = 90% d0 < d0cut: improve S/B for resonances d0 > d0cut: measure electrons from D & B CERN/LHCC 99-13, R. Turrisi, CERN HIF, 04/13/05

25 b-hadron inclusive differential cross-section from single electrons R. Turrisi CERN HIF, 04/13/05 E- loss calculations: N. Amesto, A. Dainese, C.A. Salgado, U.A. Wiedemann, Phys. Rev. D 71 (2005) 054027 same method as the one used with (di-)muons plus scenario for b-quark energy loss electrons with 2 < p t < 16 GeV/c  b-hadrons with 2 < p t min < 23 GeV/c clear sensitivity to energy loss will be further used to get R AA b-hadrons R AA h, R AA D0 & R AA b-hadrons can be measured simultaneously A. Dainese, nucl-ex/0312005, nucl-ex/0405008

26 From NA50’s (J/  )/DY to ALICE’s  /bbbar (assuming no quenching on b quarks) w/o  nuclear absorption with  nuclear absorption statistics: one month PbPb statistics of the reference is in 5<M<20GeV ~5 times larger than that of the probe errors dominated by uncertainties on  nuclear absorption (~20%) systematic errors underway R. Guernane & S. Grigoryan (2004) EPJC 39 (2005) 335

27 The Z 0 as a normalisation to bottomonium suppression most natural normalization to  is b (assuming quenching is under control!) Z 0 : “clean” signal for normalisation (alternative to Drell-Yan which is out of reach) not an universal normalisation (different shadowing for quarks & gluons) CMS/NOTE 2001/008 Z 0 in CMS: b-hadron decays dominate the dimuon imass 2 weeks PbPb @ L = 10 27 cm -2 s -1 : 11000 Z 0   +  - in |  | < 2.5

28 Secondary J/  from B decay ALICE: CERN/LHCC 99-13, CMS: CMS/NOTE 2001/008 disentangle primary & secondary J/  measure inclusive b cross-section probe b quark in-medium energy loss B  J/  (1S) anything: 1.16  0.10% (PDG) N(direct J/  ) in central (5%) PbPb @ 5.5 TeV: 0.31 N(bbbar pairs) in central (5%) PbPb @ 5.5 TeV: 4.56  N(b  J/  ) / N(direct J/  ) = 34% in 4 

29 b-hadron cross-section from secondary J/  in ppbar @  s = 1960 GeV (CDF results) D. Dacosta et al., Phys. Rev. D 71 (2005) 032001

30 Using secondary J/  from B decay to probe b quark energy loss energy loss is modeled in 2 extreme cases: collisional energy loss (minimum) collisional + radiative energy loss (maximum) with energy loss: yield reduced by a factor ~ 4  distribution gets significantly narrower secondary J/  from B decay in CMS, p t  > 5 GeV/c I.P. Lokhtin & A.M. Snigirev, Eur. Phys. J. C 21(2001)155 interest to combine this study with dimuons from b-hadrons

31 Low mass dilepton measurements CERN/LHCC 99-13, B. Rapp, PhD thesis feasible in pp collisions (with p t l > 0.5 GeV/c & with Dalitz rejection in e + e - ) challenging in PbPb collisions (min p t l threshold = 1 GeV/c, trigger & bgd) acceptance limited to high p t excluded in ATLAS & CMS ALICE dielectrons, central PbPb, p t > 1 GeV/c ALICE dimuons, proton-proton, p t > 0.5 GeV/c ALICE dimuons, central PbPb, p t > 1 GeV/c

32 Some more exotic channels Secondary J/  from tri-muon events in pp w/o 2 nd vertex b measurements from like-sign dileptons electron-muon coincidences Z  measurements

33 dimuon events: 85% of direct J/  15% of J/  from b decay tri-muon events: 15% of direct J/  85% of J/  from b decay Secondary J/  from tri-muon events in pp w/o 2 nd vertex reconstruction dimuon evts in pp, p  t > 1GeV/c b-chain S/B = 3 S/√S+B = 80 tri-muon evts in pp, p  t > 1GeV/c correlated muons correlated muons from b uncorrelated muons A. Morsch (2004) doable in pp & pA, very difficult in central ArAr

34 b measurements from like-sign dileptons 2 sources of like-sign correlated dileptons: like-sign correlated b ~ unlike-sign correlated c B 0 oscillations ~ 30% of total like-sign correlated clean signal (D mesons do not oscillate) signal measurable via (like-sign)-(event-mixing) P. Crochet & P. Braun-Munzinger, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 484(2002)564

35 Electron-muon coincidences clean signal covers intermediate rapidities measurement done in pp @ ISR (1979!) challenging in heavy ion collisions ALICE-INT-2000-01

36 Z  measurements with the ALICE muon spectrometer Z. Conesa del Valle, DIMUONnet’05 pp @ 14 TeV: accep ~ 14 %  71000   /run PbPb @ 5.5TeV: accep ~ 10.8 %  13000   /run background studies underway asymmetries in production & decay due to valence quarks acceptance PbPb

37 (di-)leptons & heavy flavors in heavy ion collisions at the LHC new environment, large statistics, new observables, new analyzes  rich physics program further possibilities with dileptons B +  J/  K +, B 0  J/  K 0 s, B 0 s  J/  ,  b  J/   à la CDF & D0 quarkonium & open heavy flavor flow quarkonium polarization dilepton correlations first data in April 2007... stay tuned

38 Recent results from CDF

39 B measurements à la CDF A.Dainese, nucl-ex/0311004, 0312005

40 Low mass resonances: acceptance    w/o p t cut p t  1 GeV/c p t  0.5 GeV/c


42 xxx


44 Tracking & Vertexing D mesons c  ~ 100–300  m, B mesons c  ~ 500  m Secondary vertex capabilities!  Impact param. resolution! acceptance: p t > 1 GeV/c r  2.5 GeV/c  p t /p t < 2% up to 100 GeV/c acceptance: p t > 0.2 GeV/c r  1.5 GeV/c  p t /p t < 2% up to 10 GeV/c < 9% up to 100 GeV/c B = 0.5 T B = 4 T A.Dainese, SQM04

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