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October 14-17, 2006 Integrating Evidence-Based Medicine with the Medical School Curriculum Russell Smith, Educational Support Librarian.

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Presentation on theme: "October 14-17, 2006 Integrating Evidence-Based Medicine with the Medical School Curriculum Russell Smith, Educational Support Librarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 14-17, 2006 Integrating Evidence-Based Medicine with the Medical School Curriculum Russell Smith, Educational Support Librarian Norris Medical Library University of Southern California

2 Integrating EBM - Abstract  TITLE: Integrating Evidence-Based Medicine in the Medical School Curriculum  OBJECTIVE: To describe an evidence-based educational module for second-year medical students.  METHODS: Second-year medical students received one- hour instruction on basic principles of evidence-based medicine as well as searching techniques for selected evidence-based medicine resources. After instruction, worksheets were distributed to the students. Students were required to describe a patient encountered during clinical rounds, formulate a PICO-based question and then look for answers in designated resources. The worksheet also contained a checklist of resources and boxes for the students to record the number of hits in each resource. Worksheets were evaluated by librarians and individual feedback was given to the students.

3 Abstract (continued)  Results: Based on student evaluation, the majority of workshop attendees found EBM instruction to be a positive experience. Of the resources presented, students found UpToDate to be the most helpful. Interestingly MEDLINE ranked second among students in terms of usefulness.  Conclusion: Medical students can benefit from library instruction on searching evidence-based medical resources. Additionally, integrating EBM instruction with the curriculum of medical students effectively promotes the library as an active partner in learning with the School of Medicine.

4 Background & Setting  USC – Keck School of Medicine  Approximately 160 students per class  New curriculum introduced in Fall 2001 Case-based, self-directed learning  First year students MEDLINE search project Already familiar with information retrieval

5 EBM Workshop & Assignment  Introduced in Fall 2004  Second year medical students  One hour workshop (hands-on) Basic EBM principles Walk through resources  Online tutorial

6 Evidence Pyramid SUNY Downstate Medical Center© 2006. All rights reserved

7 Online Tutorial

8 Example question:  Is advice to stay active more effective than bed rest in the treatment of chronic low-back pain?

9 Resources covered  National Guideline Clearinghouse  Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews  Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effect (DARE)  Best Evidence – ACP Journal Club

10 Resources covered  MEDLINE Randomized controlled trials Meta-analyses  Clinical Evidence (BMJ)  UpToDate



13 Final Questions  Which of the above resources were the most useful?  Did you find any answers to your question? If so, where?  State the answer, if found. Conflicting evidence?

14 Which resource did you find most useful? *  UpToDate (23.5%)  MEDLINE – rcts (20.8%)  N.G.C. (15.3%)  C.D.S.R. (10.6%) *Most students listed more than one resource. Four students did not state a preference. Data was collected Spring 2006.

15 Inferences  Ranking of MEDLINE over knowledge bases (such as Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews) seems to indicate: High comfort-level for searching Benefit of first year literature search project Confidence in analytical abilities Value-added resources may be too limited in scope

16 Conclusions  Students are learning how to search  Project has enhanced library’s status  Student evaluations of project Very positive  Worksheet adopted by other programs

17 Student Evaluations *  Instructor taught effectively 4.62  Information presented was clear & concise 4.67  I learned something useful 4.32 *5 =strongly agree, 4=agree, 3=neutral, 2=disagree, 1=strongly disagree

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