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CRYSTAL 98 1.0 February 26, 1999 V.R Saunder, R. Dovesi, C. Roetti, M. Causa, N.M. Harrison, R. Orlando, C. M. Zicovish-Wilson Oleg Sychev.

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Presentation on theme: "CRYSTAL 98 1.0 February 26, 1999 V.R Saunder, R. Dovesi, C. Roetti, M. Causa, N.M. Harrison, R. Orlando, C. M. Zicovish-Wilson Oleg Sychev."— Presentation transcript:


2 CRYSTAL 98 1.0 February 26, 1999 V.R Saunder, R. Dovesi, C. Roetti, M. Causa, N.M. Harrison, R. Orlando, C. M. Zicovish-Wilson Oleg Sychev

3 Crystal 982 Properties of interest&Methods Properties of interest Equilibrium structure Phonons Relaxation around defects Energy dispersion Density of states Spatial charge density Chemical bonding Magnetic interactions Dinamical simulations Phase boundaries Methods All-electrons Total-energy methods (DFT): FLAPW, FP-LMTO, Gaussian pseudopotencial Methods using simplifying assumptions for the crystal potencial: LMTO-ASA, ASW Semiempirical methods Classical molecular dynamics; model Hamiltonians

4 Crystal 983 Theory Stationary Shrodinger equation:

5 Crystal 984 Theory Hartree-Fock method

6 Crystal 985 Theory Density functional theory

7 Crystal 986 Installation Installation size is 173Mb on CD WWW Sites:  crystal.html crystal.html 

8 Crystal 987 Installation CRYSTAL98 use: Unix Linux systems(all versions) Windows NT

9 Crystal 988 Introduction The CRYSTAL package performs ab initio calculations of the ground state energy, elec-tronic wave function and properties of periodic systems. Hartree-Fock or Kohn-Sham Hamiltonians (that adopt an Exchange- Correlation potential following the postulates of Density-Functional theory) can be used. Systems periodic in 0 (molecules, 0D), 1(polymers, 1D), 2 (slabs, 2D), and 3 dimensions (crystals, 3D) are treated on an equal footing. In each case the fundamental approximation made is the expansion of the single particle wave functions ('Crystalline Orbital', CO) as a linear combination of Bloch functions (BF) defined in terms of local functions (hereafter indicated as ‘Atomic Orbitals’, AOs).

10 Crystal 989 Structure The local functions are, in turn, linear combinations of Gaussian type functions (GTF) whose exponents and coefficients are defined by input. Functions of s, p(in the order 2z 2 -x 2 -y 2 ; xz; yz; x 2 -y 2 ; xy) symmetry can be used. Also available are sp shells (s and p shells, sharing the same set of exponents).The use of sp shells can give rise to considerable savings in CPU time.

11 Crystal 9810 Structure The program can automatically handle space symmetry: 230 space groups, 80 layer groups, 99 rod groups, 45 point groups are available (Appendix A). In the case of polymers it cannot treat helical structures (translation followed by a rotation around the periodic axis). However, when commensurate rotations are involved, a suitably large unit cell can be adopted. Point symmetries compatible with translation symmetry are provided for molecules. Input tools allow the generation of slabs (2D system) or clusters (0D system) from a 3D crystalline structure, the elastic distortion of the lattice, the creation of a supercell with a defect and a large variety of structure editing.

12 Crystal 9811 Functionality The basic functionality of the code is outlined below. The single particle potential  Restricted Hartree Fock Theory  Unrestricted and Restricted Open Shell Hartree Fock Theory  Density Functional Theory for Exchange and Correlation  Effective Core Pseudopotentials

13 Crystal 9812 Functionality Algorithms  Parallel processing (replicated data)  Traditional SCF  Direct SCF

14 Crystal 9813 Functionality Structural Editing  Use of space, layer, rod and point group symmetry  Removal, insertion deletion and substitution of atoms  Displacement of atoms  Rotation of groups of atoms  Extraction of surface models from 3D crystal structure  Cluster generation from 3D crystals  Cluster of molecules from molecular crystals

15 Crystal 9814 Functionality Properties  Band structure  Density of states  Electronic charge density maps  Electronic charge density on a 3D grid  Mulliken population analysis  Spherical harmonic atom and shell multipoles  X-ray structure factors  Electron momentum distributions  Compton profiles  Electrostatic potential, field and field gradients  Spin polarised generalisation of properties  Hyperfine electron-nuclear spin tensor  A posteriori Density Functional correlation energy

16 Crystal 9815 Wave function analysis and properties Total energy Hartree-Fock wave function Hartree-Fock wave-function+DF a posteriori correction for correlation DF SCF wave function Band structure Density of states Band projected DOSS AO projected DOSS All Electron Charge Density - Spin Density Density maps Mulliken population analysis Density analytical derivatives

17 Crystal 9816 Wave function analysis and properties Atomic multipoles Electrostatic potential  Electrostatic potential maps  Point charge electrostatic potential maps Electric field Electric field gradient Structure factors Compton profiles Electron Momentum Density Fermi contact



20 Crystal 9819 The functionality of the various programs and their links are as follows: integrals definition of geometry and BS calculation of symmetry information classification, selection, computation of one-and two- electron integrals fortran files: geometry,BS, symmetry information one- and two-electron integrals scf iterative solution of SCF equations ground state wave function unformatted properties ground state properties scfdir definition of geometry and BS calculation of symmetry information classification, selection of one- and two- electron integrals computation of one- electron integrals iterative solution of SCF equation and calculation of two- electron integrals formatted convert conversion ascii/binary

21 Crystal 9820 Compilation Crystal98 is written in FORTRAN 77 and is therefore easily compiled on architectures for which executibles are not provided. You may also wish to compile the code to alter the dimensions of internal arrays or to select compilation and linkage options to increase the performance of the code.

22 Crystal 9821 Testing the Installation It is very important that the installation of the code is checked by running the validation suite which is contained on the CD

23 Crystal 9822 The parallel Implementation CRISTAL98 supports parallel execution on modestly parallel hardware on computers (nodes) linked by relatively low perfomance networks (eg: Ethenet).CPU and DISK resources are shared efficiently while the memory usage is replicated on each node. One node is chosen as the master.The master spawns the program onto other nodes (slaves) and operates dynamical load balancing of the task execution via a shared atomic counter. During integral generation a task is defined as the calculation of a block of integrals.Thus each node computes a number of integrals which are stored to its local disk.

24 Crystal 9823 Basic problems of CRYSTAL98 Optimization basis for concrete physical tasks Value Energy Fermi is either overestimated(DFT method) or underestimated(HF-method) Time of calculation depends from computer sizes memory (as HDD size, so Extended memory size)

25 Crystal 9824 CRYSTAL 98 1.0 February 26, 1999 V.R Saunder, R. Dovesi, C. Roetti, M. Causa, N.M. Harrison, R. Orlando, C. M. Zicovish-Wilson  stal.html stal.html 

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