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Jack is our presidential candidate and the future president of America Born and raised by Uncle Sam himself and Lady Liberty, he’s learned right from.

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3 Jack is our presidential candidate and the future president of America Born and raised by Uncle Sam himself and Lady Liberty, he’s learned right from wrong and ready to take his destined position as president of this great land He’s interested in fixing the problems that this country has and making its weak points its strengths Jack strikes fear in criminals cause if you break the law, you’ll feel the wrath of his mighty bat

4 Mr. Bigglesworth is the leader behind The Administration and makes the plans and operations of the political party. Mr. Bigglesworth first met Jack F. Kabat one day when he was being attacked by evil bad naughty criminals, luckily Jack was there to protect him and beat the bad guys senseless with his large steel bat. Mr. Bigglesworth vowed to spend the rest of his life to doing the hero’s needs and helping achieve his goal of becoming president.

5 Jet is the human relations part of the Administration and knows exactly what people want He works hard to find what the citizens need and makes sure to deliver this information to Jack where they are then brought to life and the kingdom can be in peace and live happily ever after Jet met Jack one day when he was taking a survey to see how the people were living and what could be improved. Jack instantly realized his talent and did his signature “I Want You Stance” the rest is history

6 Brian “The Asian” Kung has super brain power and gives the Administration the intelligence it needs to know absolutely everything He has extreme wit and has actually graduated from Harvard with a total of 26 master and doctorate degrees, including: law, pharmaceuticals, world studies, marketing, and baking cookies Brian is also our super translator for foreign affairs since he knows every language spoken and written by man, excluding Wingdings The brains behind the operations can be seen behind the American flag

7 Death Penalty- provide better lawyers for the defendants to prevent wrongful convictions and executions. On the other hand we believe that those on death row should have the choice of the types of execution: lethal injection, firing squad, electrocution.

8 Gun Control - It’s not the guns that kill people in the United States. The violence in our nation is the major influence. We propose to provide strict background checks for everyone, gun safety classes to help ensure safety.

9 Welfare - increased welfare for people over 55, what we have today is not enough to provide for food and prescription drugs. **Also we believe in increased funding to the families who have or take care of persons with disabilities.

10 Immigration - We need more heavily guarded border controls, and stricter codes for immigration (background checks). Provide basic education classes to new incoming immigrants, and help them become situated into understanding of society

11 Animal Rights- practice kosher rituals for more properly prepared food; we as a party believe that this can lead to a healthier nation for our future. But in all honesty animals are just another thing we can shoot (except dogs and cats we like them).

12 Possession/Use of illegal drugs- Keep funding anti drug programs, rates have dropped over the last 1.5 decades, why not keep it going. We will begin donating higher amounts to anti drug school groups, such as D.A.R.E.

13 Environmental protection - The Government and Automakers need to work together to find ways to build more environmentally sound vehicles. Vehicles are the root of the pollution and they are the most important factor in hurting our environment. Ways of devising public transportation like trains for cross country travel and within cities will be created. Cities that make changes to electric/hybrid busses and taxies will be rewarded with tax cuts.


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