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This presentation contains the following: -the availability and need menu options -the add option Mark Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "This presentation contains the following: -the availability and need menu options -the add option Mark Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 This presentation contains the following: -the availability and need menu options -the add option Mark Smith

2 UI Prototype: Using the Availability and Needs Edit menu options

3 The Availability option under the Edit menu allows users to changes the availabilities of employees. Clicking Availability begins the availability editing process Availability

4 After pressing the Availability option a new window will appear Editing availability simply requires the user to click on a table cell. The cell will then change color. This means that the employee can work that hour. To change what day is being looked at, click on the day button corresponding to your desired view choice. Once the user is done editing clicking the OK button saves the changes. Cancel exit the window without saving anything.

5 Needs: The Needs option under the Edit menu allows users to change what positions are needed during a working day. Clicking on Needs begins the needs editing process

6 To change what day is being looked at, click on the day button corresponding to your desired view choice. Editing needs simply requires the user to click on a table cell.The cell will then change color. This means that position is needed at the highlighted time After pressing the Needs option a new window will appear Once the user is done editing clicking the OK button saves the changes. Cancel exit the window without saving anything.

7 UI Prototype: Using the Add menu option

8 Adding an employee or position to a schedule is a simple and straight forward process... To begin the user must select the Edit menu and press the Add menu Option

9 A window will appear with two bubble-in options to select. For now we will be selecting Employee Pressing OK will continue the addition process Add Employee

10 A window will now appear containing all the information fields needed to create an employee. Employee personal information, including name and phone number is filled in here In this section the positions the new employee can work in are selected The new employee's availability is entered here. Highlighted boxes mean the new employee can work those hours. Pressing Accept creates the new employee

11 If we go to select Position at this point in the process the Add Position window will appear. Position is simply composed of a name. Pressing Accept creates the new position. Add Position

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