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Selection, part 2 OS352 HRM Fisher Oct. 12, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Selection, part 2 OS352 HRM Fisher Oct. 12, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selection, part 2 OS352 HRM Fisher Oct. 12, 2004

2 2 Agenda Review validity Benefits and drawbacks of different selection tools Interviews – Structured vs. unstructured – Writing interview questions Start preparing for interviewing workshop on Thursday

3 3 Validity Are we measuring the right thing? – Not a characteristic of a test, but how the test is used Content validity – Based on results of thorough job analysis – Relies on judgment Criterion-related validity – Demonstrate that the test predicts performance – Uses statistical techniques Face validity – test taker perceptions of relevance

4 4 Typical Selection Tools Application blanks Interviews Written tests – Cognitive ability – Personality – Integrity Job samples/simulations References and background checks

5 5 Using multiple methods Gathering information in more than one way Can increase validity of entire process Multiple hurdles vs. compensatory decision making

6 6 Interviews Unstructured interviews show poor reliability and validity Structured interviews show better results Experience based v. hypothetical questions Ways to structure interviews – Set list of questions, follow up questions – Multiple interviewers, interviewer training – Scoring guidelines – Decision making rules

7 7 Illegal Interview Questions Any questions addressing protected class status For example: – What religious holidays do you observe? – Do you have any children? – How old are you? – Do you have any disabilities? If the information is needed (business necessity), find legal ways to ask the question – Are you willing to work on major holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas?

8 8 Interviewing Workshop On Thursday, we will practice conducting structured interviews Divide into seven groups. Each group will interview 3 candidates for a Customer Service Supervisor position – Use information in position descriptions to develop questions – Note which KSAOs you are measuring with your interview questions After the three interviews, each group will then make a hiring recommendation

9 9 For next class Finish preparing structured interview protocols for Thursday – Will hand in one copy per team Exercise 2 due on Thursday at the beginning of class – Must be word processed! – Point values are noted on the assignment. Please explain your conclusions and recommendations clearly. Penski presentation summary due (if relevant)

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