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1 Medical Terminology Musculoskeletal System Chapter 11.

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1 1 Medical Terminology Musculoskeletal System Chapter 11

2 2 Functions F support and protect internal organs –bones F body movements –joints and muscles F blood forming function (hematopoiesis) –bone marrow F mineral storage

3 3 Long Bones F diaphysis, epiphysis F compact bone, medullary cavity F spongy bone, erythropoiesis and leukopoiesis F periosteum, osteoblasts

4 4 Other Bones F Short - cancellous bone F Irregular F Flat

5 5 Skeleton 206 bones F Axial Skeleton –80 bones F skull, spinal column, ribs, sternum F protects major organs of nervous, respiratory, and circulatory systems

6 6 Skeleton F Appendicular 126 bones F upper extremities and shoulder girdle F protects organs of digestion, excretion, reproduction

7 7 Vertebral Column F vertebrae - 26 F cervical - 7 F thoracic - 12 F lumbar - 5 F sacrum - 1 F coccyx - 1 F intervertebral disks

8 8 Ribs and Sternum F 12 pairs of ribs, costals (cost/o) F sternum, breast bone F xiphoid process F thoracic cavity

9 9 Shoulders F pectoral or shoulder girdle F clavicle or collarbone F scapula

10 10 F Humerus F Radius F Ulna Arms Radius Ulna

11 11 F carpals F metacarpals F phalanges Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges

12 12 Pelvic (Hip) Girdle F ilium - upper, blade shaped F ischium - lower and posterior F acetabulum - hip socket F symphysis pubis - anterior portion F sacrum F coccyx

13 13 Joints (articulations) F Diarthroses, amphiarthroses, synarthroses F ligaments bones to bones F tendons muscles to bones F synovial membrane and fluid

14 14 Functions of Muscles F hold the body erect F make movements possible F move food, fluids and other body structures through ducts –propulsion of blood –contraction of bladder F muscle movement produces about 85% of heat generation

15 15 Attachments F fleshy attachments –muscle fibers arise from bone F fibrous attachments –connective tissue (epimysium, perimysium, endomysium) to form a tendon –aponeurosis - large area of fibrous attachment

16 16 Types of Muscles Three types of muscle tissue - described according to their function. F striated, voluntary F smooth, unstriated, involuntary, visceral F cardiac, involuntary – –Striated in appearance, smooth in action

17 17 Pathology - Bones F osteomyelitis –bone infection –hematoma, ankylosis, necrosis F Paget’s disease (osteitis deformans) –chronic inflammation of bones

18 18 Fractures F closed or simple F open or compound F complicated F comminuted F impacted F incomplete F greenstick

19 19 Osteoporosis F Decrease on bone density –bone pain, commonly in the back

20 20 Spinal Disorders F scoliosis F kyphosis F lordosis F spina bifida –spina bifida occulta –spina bifida cystica F spondylitis

21 21 Joints F arthritis –rheumatoid –osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) –gouty arthritis

22 22 Muscles F Myasthenia gravis –acetylcholine (neurotransmitter) F Muscular dystrophy –genetic, atrophy

23 23 Oncology F Osteomas F sarcoma –fibrosarcoma –lymphosarcoma –chondrosarcoma –Ewing’s sarcoma

24 24 End of Lesson

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