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Dogs in Office Why Let The Dogs In? Dogs send stress levels plummeting Dogs in office bring better productivity and encourage teamwork.

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Presentation on theme: "Dogs in Office Why Let The Dogs In? Dogs send stress levels plummeting Dogs in office bring better productivity and encourage teamwork."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dogs in Office

3 Why Let The Dogs In? Dogs send stress levels plummeting Dogs in office bring better productivity and encourage teamwork.

4 Why Let Dogs In? Having a dog sit at the door and greet arrivals,helps to set a harmonious tone. Discussion go generally smoother.

5 Effect on Client Relations Dogs can work wonder as Icebreaker. Individuals are more willing to open up

6 Mental Therapists say…. Petting a dog releases endorphins( 腦內啡 ) Blood pressure drops, frayed nerves are made whole again.

7 Some breeds are inappropriate.. Hyperactive yappy dogs Those too aggressive

8 Thank You

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